1/2024 |
AN ACADEMIC JOURNAL ON THE HISTORY OF SLOVAKIA AND CENTRAL EUROPE PUBLISHED BY INSTITUTE OF HISTORY OF SAS ISSN 0018-2575 (print) ISSN 2585-9099 (online) EV 3084/09 Všetky obsahy sú čitateľom voľne dostupné podľa licencie Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Indexing & Abstracting: Web of Science Core Collection: Arts & Humanities Citation Index Additional Web of Science Indexes: Current Contents Arts & Humanities Scopus CEEOL CEJSH EBSCO Historical Abstracts ESF (HUM) |
CURRENT ISSUE | EDITORIAL STAFF | GUIDELINES FOR CONTRIBUTORS | ARCHIVE | ORDERS | ABOUT THE JOURNAL | PUBLICATION ETHICS | CALLS FOR PAPERS The Historical Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal oriented towards Central European history with an emphasis on the Slovak and Czecho-Slovak context. It is managed by a domestic and international editorial board. It is open to all views, orientations, schools and thematic fields as long as they rely on serious research, and are processed in accordance with the basic principles of historical science. There is no systematic preference for any period or theme of history, and support is given to inter-disciplinary works involving sociology, political science, history of art, literature and music or philosophy of history. The Historical Journal is published by the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. It comes out five times a year. At least one issue is monothematic, and the fifth issue of the year is produced in the English language. The journal publishes studies, commented archival documents, reviews, discussions and various texts with an informative character. The emphasis is placed on original contributions based on primary research. The journal publishes articles in the Slovak, Czech and English languages. The Historical Journal comes out in printed and
electronic form. It is an open access periodical according to the BOAI
definition of open access. Articles published in the Historical Journal are
licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
(CC BY 4.0):
which enables sharing and adaptation of licenced materials in any medium or
format for other persons with the condition that the original work is correctly
cited, all changes are correctly indicated and the licence is properly connected. The aim of the journal is to make the results of historical research available to the wider academic community, and to foster scholarly discussion. It is a journal for all historians concerned with Slovak history and all Slovak historians researching Slovak or Central European history. It has been published since 1953. Periodicity: 5 times a year with the fifth issue in English Languages: Slovak, Czech, English ISSN: 0018-2575 (print) Publisher: Historický ústav SAV, v. v. i. Printing: VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV Chief Editor:
Adam Hudek Contact:
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