


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 51, 1/2003


Š t ú d i e

M ú c s k a, Vincent: O prvých uhorských biskupstvách ... 3
V r á b l o v á, Zdenka: Poľnohospodárska výroba na zičiovských panstvách v Komárňanskej stolici v 18. a na začiatku 19. storočia ... 23
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Spolok svätého Vojtecha na prvom období svojho pôsobenia (1870-1918) ... 41
K r a j č o v i č o v á, Natália: Mikulášski Stodolovci - k zrodu modernej slovenskej zámožnej strednej vrstvy ... 63
L a c k o, Martin: Partizánska brigáda podplukovníka Anatolija Snežinského a jej činnosť v oblasti Považského Inovca (1944 - 1945) ... 83

M a t e r i á l y

B a b e j o v á, Eleonóra: Obraz Bratislavy v diskusii uhorského parlamentu o elektrickej dráhe do Viedne ... 101
C h y t k a, Stanislav V.: Ferdinand Čatloš v meziválečném období Československé republiky ... 113

R e c e n z i e

H a n u s, L.: Spomienky na Ferka Skyčáka (F. Čechová) ... 125
Banská Bystrica - v znamení kalicha. História Zboru ev. a. v. cirkvi a evanjelického školstva v Banskej Bystrici do roku 1918 (E. Kowalská) ... 128
Š a n t a, V.: Enigma Rusini-Rusnaci-Ruteni. Dožica, rozdumuvaňa i prešvečeňa o etičnym identitetu juhoslavianskich Rusnacoch (O. R. Halaga) ... 130
Sovetskij faktor v Vostočnoj Jevrope 1944 - 1953. T. 2, 1949 - 1953 (M. Barnovský) ... 134
D r ä g a n, I.: Nobilimea Româneascä din Transilvania îíntre ani 1440 - 1514 (R. Marza) ... 138

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i e l e s

M ú c s k a, Vincent: On the first Hungarian bishoprics ... 3
V r á b l o v á, Zdenka: Agricultural production of the Zichy estates in Komárno county in the 18th and at the beginning of the 19th century ... 23
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Saint Adalberťs society in the first period of its existence (1870 - 1918) ... 41
K r a j č o v i č o v á, Natália: The Stodolas - on the origin of the modern Slovak middle class ... 63
L a c k o, Martin: Leutenant-colonel Anatolij Snežinsky's guerrila brigáde and its activities in the territory of Považský Inovec in the years 1944 - 1945 ... 83

M a t e r i a l s

B a b e j o v á, Eleonóra: The image of Bratislava in the discussion of Hungarian parliament held on the electric railway line to Vienna ... 101
C h y t k a, Stanislav V.: Ferdinand Čatloš in the inter-war and the Czechoslovak Republic ... 113

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

M ú c s k a, Vincent: Über die ersten ungarischen Bistümer ... 3
V r á b l o v á, Zdenka: Die Landwirtschaftliche Produktion auf den Herrengüter des Hauses Zichy im Komarnoer Komitat im 18. Jahrhundert und am Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts ... 23
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Der Verein des Heiligen Adalberts in der Zeit seines Wirkens (1870-1918) ... 41
K r a j č o v i č o v á, Natália: Das Haus Stodola von St. Nicolaus - zur Entstehung der modernen slowakischen wohlhabenenden Mittelschicht ... 63
L a c k o, Martin: Die Partisanenbrigade des Oberstleutnants Anatolij Snežinskij und seine Tätigkeit in der Region von Považský Inovec (1944 - 1945) ... 83

M a t e r i a l i en

B a b e j o v á, Eleonóra: Das Bild von Bratislava in der Diskussion des ungarischen Parlaments uber die elektrischen Bahn nach Wien ... 101
C h y t k a, Stanislav V.: Ferdinand Čatloš und die Zwischenkriegszeit der Tschechoslowakischen Republík ... 113

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

MÚCSKA, V.: On the first Hungarian bishoprics.

Historický časopis, 51, 1, 2003, pp. 3–22, Bratislava.

Speaking about the origin of bishoprics in the reign of Stephen I. the Saint, we should consider at least three phases. The base of Hungarian religious provinces were formed by the four oldest bishoprics: Veszprém, Esztergom, Kalocsa and Vác. During the second phase of country’s organization into dioceses Györ, Pécs (separeted from the large Veszprém diocese), Eger and Bihar were established in the year 1009. In the same year the new Hungarian religious organization was confirmed by the papal legate. (The Transylvanian bishopric was established before the year 1009). Csanád bishopric, established in the year 1030, was the last Hungarian bishopric the origin of which dates in the reign of Stephen I. the Saint. After this bishopric had been established, Kalocsa became archbishopric as it already had three dioceses. Such a development of Hungarian diocesan organization corresponded with the procedures applied in other newly Christianized areas and it also respected the norms of modern canon law.

History. Hungary. Medieval religious history. The origin of the first Hungarian bishoprics.

VRÁBLOVÁ, Z.: Agricultural production of the Zichy estates in Komárno county in the 18th and at the beginning of the 19th century.

Historický časopis, 51, 1, 2003, pp. 23–40, Bratislava.

Komárno see was one of the largest producers and exporters of crops in Hungary in the years 1787–1816. It became the centre of transit trade with crops on the river Danube. The Zichys owned Čičov, Szöny, St. Peter and Almássy estates. From the beginning of the 60s of the 18th century cultivation of grain represented the key role in plant production of those estates and in the second half of the 80s the crop production was fully aimed at the market which stated its price. At the beginning of the 19th century cultivation of grain was the best branch of economy. The Zichys transported the crops to Vienna by ships, or they hired pilots from Komárno and surrounding villages. At the end of the 80s of the 18th century they established breeding of Merine sheep and Swiss cattle (Bern stock).

History. Hungary. Zichy estates and agricultural production in the 18th and at the beginning of the 19th century.

KATUNINEC, M.: St. Adalbert’s Society in the first period of its existence (1870 – 1918).

Historický časopis, 51, 1, 2003, pp. 41–62, Bratislava.

In the years 1870 – 1918 St. Adalbert’s society played a significant role in the Slovak national life. Its activities covered not only religious, but also national, educational and instructional roles. Andrej Radlinský, the Catholic priest, initiated the establishment of the Society in the year 1857. The first general assembly of the Society took place on the 14 September 1870 in Trnava, where the seat of the society was established. After Matica slovenská was abolished in the year 1875, the Society overtook the role of a national institution. Intensive oppressive national policy of the Hungarian ruling class had its effect on the Society as well. In spite of various attacks the Society performed various religious, moral, educational activities for the school children and for the public as well. The Slovak textbooks for schools published by the Society were used in Evangelic schools. The publication of books and magazines in the Slovak language was the key activity of the Society. This continued thanks to the work of Society’s representatives.

History. Hungary. St. Adalbert’s Society in the first period of its existence 1870 – 1918.

KRAJČOVIČOVÁ, N.: The Stodolas – on the origin of modern Slovak middle class.

Historický časopis, 51, 1, 2003, pp. 63–82, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the Stodolas – a tanner family with a long tradition who under favourable conditions of technical development, social situation in Liptovský Mikuláš and their personal qualities became members of rich middle class in the second half of the 19th century. They established tanner factory and represented the power of continuity, tradition and the use of not only material, but also so called social and cultural capital. The author has been successful in joining the historiographic production, published memoirs and other secondary sources with her own archive research. The study presents the Stodola family’s dynamic- process development from its social status of a rich middle class family through the achievement of significant social position of its members up to certain social leveling out as the result of political and ideological changes which stopped such a promising development.

History. Slovakia. The Stodolas – on the origin of modern Slovak middle class.

LACKO, M.: Leutenant-colonel Anatolij Snežinsky’s guerrilla brigade and its activities in the territory of Považský Inovec in the years 1944 – 1945.

Historický časopis, 51, 1, 2003, pp. 83–100, Bratislava.

Leutenant-colonel Anatolij Snežinsky’s guerrilla brigade’s antifascist activities in Slovakia during the years 1944–1945 have not been investigated sufficiently. With regard to its incorrect approaches it always considered a dangerous unit. That was true about it during all the time it was active in the Slovak territory. Exaggerated strictness or even cruelty ot its commanders towards the their subordinates and the local inhabitants was well known. This was the reason for all the evil done on the individuals and whole families. Many innocent people were executed which has sontibuted to the dark sides of guerrilla movement in Slovakia.

History. Slovakia. The activities of the guerrilla brigade in the territory of Považský Inovec in the years 1944–1945.

BABEJOVÁ, E.: The image of Bratislava in the discussion of Hungarian parliament held on the electric railway line to Vienna.

Historický časopis, 51, 1, 2003, pp. 101–112, Bratislava.

Using one event the study illustrates the attitudes of Hungarian ruling circles to the formation of national state according to their ideas. The conflict about the railway line showed various opinions upon the national policy, upon the role of economy and culture in “social engineering“ in the liquidation of Bratislava’s multicultural character. This study focuses on one problem within a larger context in order to show a wide range of opinions, attitudes and policies. Individual opinions point to a certain “inballance“ of Bratislava’s identity where strict ethnic measures could hardly be used; it was quite a hard struggle which was far from ideal. The study uses only parliamentary materials and statistic data.

History. Hungary. Bratislava in the discussion of Hungarian parliament on the electric railway to Vienna

CHYTKA, S. V.: Ferdinand Čatloš in the inter-war Czechoslovak Republic.

Historický časopis, 51, 1, 2003, pp. 113–124, Bratislava.

Ferdinand Čatloš (the Minister of defence of independent Slovakia in the years 1939–1944) returned to Czechoslovakia as a legionnaire officer in the year 1920. He dediced to become a soldier after his unpleasant experience when he tried to get back into civilized world. He felt to be ingnored and underestimated irrespective the fact that in his military carrer and studies he achieved better results than majority of other Slovak officers. Except various posts at headquarters, he was also a military correspondent. His IQ was above average, but he was not able to create stable base of opinions. In his memoirs, which he started writing as an old man, he tried to defend his life and his views.

History. Czechoslovakia. Ferdinand Čatloš in the inter-war Czechoslovak Republic.


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