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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 54, 1/2006

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M e t o d o l ó g i a - h i s t o r i o g r a f i a

Holec, Roman: "Neviditeľná ruka" trhu alebo "všadeprítomné ruky" manažmentu (k novým diskusiám a metódam na poli hospodárskych dejín) ... 3

Š t ú d i e

Holotová-Szinek, Juliana: Prvá stepná ríša a jej význam v dejinách Eurázie ... 25
Fundárková, Anna: Spor palatína Pavla Pálffyho s ostrihomským arcibiskupom Jurajom Lippayom ... 45
Holák, Martin: Hlinkova slovenská ľudová strana a snahy o vytvorenie katolíckeho bloku v prvej polovici 30. rokov 20. storočia ... 63
Londák, Miroslav: Pohľady slovenských ekonómov na hospodárske postavenie Slovenska na prelome rokov 1967/1968 ... 89

R o z h ľ a d y

Bednárová, Marcela: Slovanský kontext v spoločensko-politických postojoch Ľudovíta Štúra ... 105

D i s k u s i a

Dvořáková, Daniela: K niektorým problémom slovenskej historiografie II ... 121
Segeš, Vladimír: Ex factis nosce rem ... 123
Kováč, Dušan: K diskusii Dvořáková - Segeš ... 125

R e c e n z i e

Kovács, B. István: Gömörország. Egy tájhaza arcvonásai tényekben, képekben és gondolatokban (Július Alberty) ... 126
Listy Jána Francisciho, 1, 2. (Vladimír Matula) ... 132
Slovensko v Československu 1918 - 1939 (Róbert Arpáš) ... 135
Šmigeľ, M. - Kruško, Š., Opcia. Proces opcie a presídlenia občanov Československa do ZSSR na základe československo-sovietskej dohody z 10. júla 1946 (Miroslav Kmeť) ... 137

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


M e t h o d o l o g y - H i s t o r i o g r a p h y

Holec, Roman: "The invisible hand" of the market or "the ever-present Hand" of management (On new discussions and methods in the field of economic history) ... 3

A r t i c l e s

Holotová-Szinek, Juliana: The first steppe empire and its importance in the history of Eurasia ... 25
Fundárková, Anna: Palatine Paul Pálffy´s conflict with Archbishop George Lippay of Esztergom ... 45
Holák, Martin: Hlinka's Slovak People's Party and efforts to create a catholic bloc in the first half of the 1930s ... 63
Londák, Miroslav: The views of Slovak economists on the economic position of Slovakia at the turn of the years 1967/1968 ... 89

H o r i z o n s

Bednárová, Marcela: The Slavonic context in the socio-political views of Ľudovít Štúr ... 105

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


M e t h o d o l o g i e - H i s t o r i o g r a p h i e

Holec, Roman: "Die unsichtbare Hand" des Marktes oder "die allgegenwärtigen Hände" des Managements (zu neuen Diskussionen und Methoden auf dem Feld der Wirtschaftsgeschichte ... 3

S t u d i e n

Holotová-Szinek, Juliana: Das erste Steppenreich und seine Bedeutung in der Geschichte Eurasiens ... 25
Fundárková, Anna: Der Konflikt zwischen dem Palatin Paul Pálffy und dem Graner Erzbischof Georg Lippay ... 45
Holák, Martin: Hlinkas Slowakische Volkspartei und die Bemühungen um die Bildung eines katholischen Blocks in der ersten Hälfte der 30er Jahre ... 63
Londák, Miroslav: Ansichten slowakischen Ökonomen zur Wirtschaftslage der Slowakei um die Jahreswende 1967/1968 ... 89

R u n d s c h a u

Bednárová, Marcela: Der slawische Kontext in den gesellschaftspolitischen Haltungen Ľudovít Štúrs ... 105

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

HOLEC, R.: “The invisible hand” of the market or “the ever-present hand” of management (On new discussions and methods in the field of economic history).

Historický časopis, 54, 1, 2006, pp. 3 – 24, Bratislava.

Two independent camps have developed in the framework of economic history in recent decades. The so-called new economic history arose on the basis of neo-classical economic theory. It attributes a self-regulating role to the market and likes to work with quantitative approaches, so-called cliometry. The other current in economic history is called “business theory” and developed on the basis of neo-institutional economics. Its basic units of analysis are the company, the individual businessman or the management of a company. According to this view, not the market, but the internal organization of the company and the “visible hand” of the management are the main movers of economic growth. The study is concerned with the reflection of the two currents in Central European historiography, research into business elites and companies in Slovakia and the methodological challenges of some Hungarian works also concerned with Slovakia.

History. Methodology. Historiography. “The invisible hand”of the market or “the ever-present hand” of management (On new discussions and methods in the field of economic history)

HOLOTOVÁ-SZINEK, J.: The first steppe empire and its importance in the history of Eurasia.

Historický časopis, 54, 1, 2006, pp. 25 – 44.

At the end of the 3rd century BC, the semi-nomadic tribal union of the Siung-nu, formerly also called the Eastern Huns, formed the first steppe empire. Numerous cemeteries and fortresses in the territories of modern Mongolia, Russia and China are evidence of the vast territorial extent of this great power and its well-developed foreign relations. Special chapters of various Chinese historical sources are devoted to the Siung-nu as a feared enemy or strong ally of the Han Empire. On the basis of accessible information, I have attempted to describe the history of the first steppe empire and uncover the causes of its origin and its sudden disintegration. The economic basis of this tribal union was nomadic pastoralism, but hunting, agriculture and metal-working were also significant. Trade also had special importance, because the commercial network of the Siung-nu extended from China through the whole of Central Asia. The mature social organization of the empire also developed from this way of life. The oldest steppe empire was a model for the Huns and other tribal unions, which influenced the history of Central Europe as bearers of this unique culture.

History. General history. The first steppe empire and its importance in the history of Eurasia.

FUNDÁRKOVÁ, A.: Palatine Paul Pálffy´s conflict with Archbishop George Lippay of Esztergom.

Historický časopis, 54, 1, 2006, pp. 45 – 62.

The present study deals with Palatine P. Pálffy´s conflict with the Archbishop of Esztergom George Lippay in the years 1646 – 1653. The author used archive materials from the Trautmansdorf family archive and a memorandum written by P. Pálffy to the Emperor Ferdinand III. in the year 1650. As there are no archive documents, G. Lippay´s attitude to P. Pálffy is not known. P. Pálffy and G. Lippay were leaders of political groups which were against each other and their conflicts took place in the Hungarian parliament and at gatherings of the Hungarian nobility. The Vienna court was a significant place where the two representatives had their quarrels. The conflict had a negative influence on 17th century Hungary. Because of Rákóczi´s expeditions and Turkish attacks, Hungary faced an economic crisis, which required a unified approach from the Hungarian representatives, but the situation was different.

History. Hungary. Palatine Paul Pálffy´s conflict with Archbishop George Lippay of Esztergom.

HOLÁK, M.: Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party and efforts to create a catholic bloc in the first half of the 1930s.

Historický časopis, 54, 1, 2006, pp. 63 – 88, Bratislava.

The author is concerned with the effort of the two strongest Catholic parties in Czechoslovakia – Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party and the Czechoslovak People’s Party to create a common political platform. In the period 1930–1934, both political parties had trouble with the development of their political line and with internal party conflicts, so they sought reliable partners to support their demands. The study maps the various talks between the participating parties and the views of the political elites in Czechoslovakia with and emphasis on their activity and contacts in this period. In spite of interest from the ecclesiastical hierarchy and the Vatican, the joint catholic bloc was not successfully created in the end, and this significantly marked Czechoslovak politics in the following years.

History. Czechoslovakia. Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party and efforts to create a catholic bloc in the first half of the 1930s.

LONDÁK, M.: The views of Slovak economists on the economic position of Slovakia at the turn of the years 1967/1968.

Historický časopis, 54, 1, 2006, pp. 89 – 104.

The author concerned himself with the views of Slovak economics at the end of 1967 and in the first half of 1968 on the problem of the position of the Slovak economy in the economic unit of the whole state. The freer political atmosphere enabled criticism of the course of economic reforms up to then and pointed to various problems accompanyingthe development of the Slovak economy during the era of “building socialism”. In the course of spring 1968 this problem acquired importance in connection with the overall solution of the Slovak national question in this period, and came into the foreground especially in connection with the preparations to federalize the state. The study also points to the variety of views of Slovak and Czech economists on the problem of the economiccontent of the federation. The quantity of new ideas from Slovak economists produced during the spring of 1968 also shows their preparedness to solve problems on a new level.

History. Czechoslovakia. The views of Slovak economists on the economic position of Slovakia at the turn of the years 1967/1968.

BEDNÁROVÁ, M.: The Slavonic context in the socio-political views of Ľudovít Štúr.

Historický časopis, 54, 1, 2006, pp. 105 – 120.

The study is concerned with the views of Ľudovít Štúr and his followers on the Slavonic problem. It starts from the turning point period around the end of the 1830s and beginning of the 1840s, when Štúr and his followers formulated a new conception for solving the problem of relations between the Slavonic peoples. The first part of the study considers the reasons, which led Štúr and his followers to change their position on Slavonic questions, until then theoretically solved mainly in accordance with the four-tribe Slavonic conception of Ján Kollár. The need to overcome the division of the Slovaks into two linguistic and religious groups formed the basis for the new Slavonic theory, based on the free and multi-lateral development of individual Slavonic nations, which would lead to the gradual, non-violent integration of all the Slavs.The second part of the study devotes attention to an effort to apply these modified views on Slavdom, especially in the period of the revolutionary spring of 1848, when the possibility of change in the socio-political situation and a more promising solution of the Slavonic question was outlined in the framework of the Slavonic Congress.The conclusion is devoted to the years after the revolution, during which Ľudovít Štúr, especially in the work “Slavdom and the world of the future”, expressed more specific views on some aspects of the social life of the Slavs and directed their attention to consciousness of their future role in world history. The study is oriented towards the core of Štúr’s Slavonic conception, which derived from the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel and J.G. Herder.

History. The Slavonic context in the socio-political views of Ľudovít Štúr.

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