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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 55, 1/2007

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Ú v o d

XIII. zjazd Slovenskej historickej spoločnosti pri SAV ... 3
Čičaj, Viliam:Úvodné slovo predsedu Slovenskej historickej spoločnosti ... 4

Šesťdesiat rokov slovenskej historickej spoločnosti

Klačka, Jozef: Šesťdesiate výročie vzniku SHS ... 9
Havrila, Marek: K niektorým problémom vývinu slovenskej historiografie a SHS pri SAV v 50. a 60. rokoch 20. storočia ... 20
Bartl, Július: Historiografia na Slovensku po roku 1989 - splnené očakávania? ... 35

K hodnoteniu jednotlivých chronologických a tematických oblastí

Frimmová, Eva: Historiografia obdobia renesancie a humanizmu na Slovensku po roku 1989 ... 56
Kohútová, Mária: Šesťdesiat rokov slovenskej profesionálnej historiografie. Výskum novovekých dejín ... 69
Holec, Roman: "Krátke" dejiny "dlhého" storočia ... 75
Pekár, Martin: Niekoľko poznámok k stavu a aktuálnym problémom výskumu regionálnych dejín ... 96
Tajták, Ladislav: K niektorým otázkam regionálnych dejín na Slovensku ... 104
Grexa, Ján: Problémy dejín športu na Slovensku ... 107
Konečný, Stanislav: Rusínska a ukrajinská menšina v slovenskej historiografii po roku 1989 ... 112
Ježek, Václav: Idealizmus v byzantologických štúdiách ... 125
Zavacká, Marína: "Nemám čas to čítať, musím sa učiť." K stavu vysokoškolskej výučby histórie na Slovensku ... 133
Sokolovský, Leon: Pomocné vedy historické na Filozofickej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave za ostatných 60 rokov ... 146
Domová, Miroslava: Projekt a ciele budovania databázy: Bibliografia dejín knižnej kultúry na Slovensku ... 153
Saktorová, Helena: Generálny katalóg tlačí 16. storočia zachovaných na území Slovenska. ... 157
Sedliaková, Alžbeta: Bibliografia slovenskej historiografie po roku 1989 ... 164
Škorvanková, Gabriela: Zákon o kronikách a obecná kronika ... 166

Z činnosti Slovenskej historickej spoločnosti

Správy o činnosti sekcií SHS ... 168

D i s k u s i a

Kamenec, Ivan: Kde sú hranice polemických diskusií a elementárnej slušnosti? ... 201


Sorby, K.: Arabský východ (1945 -1958). (Pavol Petruf) ... 207
Kelly, C.: Comrade Pavlik. The Rise and Fall of a Soviet Boy Hero (Marína Zavacká) ... 210

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A



Thirteenth Congress of the Slovak Historical Society at the SAS ... 3
Čičaj, Viliam:Introductory talk by the Chairman of the SHS ... 4

Sixty Years of the Slovak Historical Society

Klačka, Jozef: The sixtieth anniversary of the origin of the SHS ... 9
Havrila, Marek: On some problems in the development of Slovak historiography and the SHS at the SAS in the 1950s and 1960s ... 20
Bartl, Július: Historiography in Slovakia after 1989 - fulfilled expectations? ... 35

Evalution of the individual chronological and thematic fields

Frimmová, Eva: Historiography of the Renaissance period and humanism in Slovakia after 1989 ... 56
Kohútová, Mária: Sixty years of professional Slovak historiography. Research into modern history ... 69
Holec, Roman: A "short" history of a "long" century ... 75
Pekár, Martin: Some comments on the state and current problems of research into regional history ... 96
Tajták, Ladislav: Some questions on the history of regions of Slovakia ... 104
Grexa, Ján: Problems in the history of Slovak sport. ... 107
Konečný, Stanislav: The Ruthenian and Ukrainian minority in Slovak historiography after 1989 ... 112
Ježek, Václav: Idealism in Byzantine Studies ... 125
Zavacká, Marína: "No time to read books, now have to learn." On state of university teaching of history in Slovakia ... 133
Sokolovský, Leon: Sixty years of the auxiliary historical sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava ... 146
Domová, Miroslava: The project and aims of building up the database: Bibliography of the History of Book Culture in Slovakia ... 153
Saktorová, Helena: The general catalogue of 16th century printed items preserved in the territory of Slovakia ... 157
Sedliaková, Alžbeta: The bibliography of Slovak historiography after 1989 ... 164
Škorvanková, Gabriela: Act on Chronicles and Local Community Chronicles ... 166

From the activities of the Slovak historical society ... 168

D i s c u s s i o n

Kamenec, Ivan: Where is the frontier between polemical discussion and elementary decency? ... 201

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E



XIII. Kongress der Slowakischen Historischen Gesellschaft bei der Slowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ... 3
Čičaj, Viliam:Geleitwort des Vorsitzenden der Slowakischen Historischen Gesellschaft ... 4

Sechzig Jahre Slowakische Historische Gesellschaft

Klačka, Jozef: Der sechzigste Jahrestag der Entstehung der Slowakischen Historischen Gesellschaft (SHS) ... 9
Havrila, Marek: Zu einigen Problemen der Entwicklung der slowakischen Historiographie und der SHS bei der Slowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in den 50er und 60er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts ... 20
Bartl, Július: Die Historiographie in der Slowakei nach 1989 - erfüllte Erwartungen? ... 35
Zur Bewertung der einzelnen chronologischen und thematischen Gebiette Frimmová, Eva: Die Historiographie der Epoche der Renaissance und des Humanismus in der Slowakei nach 1989 ... 56
Kohútová, Mária: 60 Jahre slowakische professionelle Historiographie. Erforschung der Neuzeitgeschichte ... 69
Holec, Roman: "Kurze" Geschichte eines "langen" Jahrhunderts ... 75
Pekár, Martin: Einige Bemerkungen zum Stand und aktuellen Problemen der Regionalgeschichtsforschung ... 96
Tajták, Ladislav: Zu einigen Fragen der Regionalgeschichte in der Slowakei ... 104
Grexa, Ján: Probleme der Geschichte des Sports in der Slowakei ... 107
Konečný, Stanislav: Die ruthenische und ukrainische Minderheit in der slowakischen Historiographie nach 1989 ... 112
Ježek, Václav: Idealismus in byzantinologischen Studien ... 125
Zavacká, Marína: "Ich habe keine Zeit das zu lesen, ich muss lernen". Zum Stand des Geschichtsunterrichts an Hochschulen in der Slowakei. ... 133
Sokolovský, Leon: Historische hilfswissenschaften an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Komenský-universität (UK) in Bratislava in den zurückliegenden 60 Jahren ... 146
Domová, Miroslava: Projekt und Ziele des Aufbaus der Datenbank: "Bibliographie der Geschichte der Buchkultur in der Slowakei" ... 153
Saktorová, Helena: Generalkatalog auf dem Gebiet der Slowakei erhaltener Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts. ... 157
Sedliaková, Alžbeta: Bibliographie der slowakischen Historiographie ... 164
Škorvanková, Gabriela: Gesetz über Chroniken und die Gemeindechronik ... 166

Aus der Tätigkeit der Slowakischen historischen Gesellschaft ... 168

D i s k u s s i o n

Kamenec, Ivan: Wo sind die Grenzen polemischer Diskussionen und elementaren Anstands? ... 201

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E

KLAČKA, Jozef. The sixtieth anniversary of the origin of the Slovak Historical Society.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 9-19, Bratislava.

The origin of the Slovak Historical Society was closely connected with the initiatives of the leadership of the Czechoslovak Historical Society in the period immediatelyafter the end of the Second World War. The founding general meeting on 14th April 1946 elected Daniel Rapant Professor of History at the Slovak University (now Comenius University) as head of the society. Problems in relations between the Czechoslovak and Slovak academic communities and especially the political development in the state after February 1948 led to a complete change in the leading functionaries, disorientation in the expert mission of the society, organizational indifference of the leadership and lack of interest among the members. The result was the practical disappearance of the society in March 1951.

Czechoslovak Historical Society. Slovak Historical Society. Founding general meeting of the Slovak Historical Society. Association of History Students. D. Rapant. B. Varsík. Fr. Bokes. L. Novomeský.

HAVRILA, Marek. On some problems in the development of Slovak historiography and the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the 1950s and 1960s.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 20-34, Bratislava.

The aim of this study is to approach selected problems in the development of Slovak historiography and the development of the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the 1950s and 1960s. The author emphasizes the efforts to revive the activity of the Czechoslovak Historical Society at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences from the mid 1950s, within which the activity of the Slovak Historical Society was revived at the SAS. The paper points to the activity of this professional association of historians, its membership, organizational efforts, conferences, the international context of its activity and the actual contribution of the Slovak Historical Society to the development of history writing in Slovakia. The second part presents basic features of the decisive factors in the formation of Slovak historiography, in which the Marxist interpretation of history prevailed.

Historiography. Slovakia. Slovak Historical Society.

BARTL, Július. Historiography in Slovakia after 1989 – fulfilled expectations?

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 35-55, Bratislava.

The paper devotes attention to the conferences of the Slovak Historical Society in Bratislava (1991), Trenčín (1996) and Smolenice (2001), and to other especially important conferences and events at home an abroad. In spite of the preceding discussions, the question of the conception of Slovak history remained open and will be the subject of further research. Views on some problems in the history of the 20th century are divided in Slovak historiography. The activity of bilateral international commissions of historians has recently been renewed. Various academic research institutions were established outside the Slovak Academy of Sciences. New universities have been founded or departments of history have been added. New or tabooized themes such as Church history, gender studies, history of the Jewish community, regional research and biographies of important people, have appeared in research. The publication of sources, school textbooks and collective historical works has continued.

Slovakia. Historiography. Slovak Historical Society.

FRIMMOVÁ, Eva. Historiography of the Renaissance period and humanism in Slovakia after 1989.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 56-68, Bratislava.

Research into the period of the Renaissance and humanism has been approached differently in different periods in Slovakia. The latest research by Slovak scholars in this area can be compared with preceding periods since the origin of the Czechoslovak Republic. Although information about source and bibliographic material can now be obtained more easily thanks to new trends in the area of computer technology, a large number of important humanist authors and their works remain unresearched, as do various events of this period. Slovakia lacks a comprehensive evaluation of historical stages, comparable to those produced in the neighbouring countries. What are the causes of this situation, what are the present possibilities and problems in research, and especially, what results have been achieved since 1989?

Historiography. Humanism. Renaissance. Research after 1989.

KOHÚTOVÁ, Mária. Sixty years of professional Slovak historiography. Research into modern history.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 69-74, Bratislava.

The previous congresses of the Slovak Historical Society were either monothematic or balanced. The majority of congresses were mainly concerned with the history of the 20th century. In the field of modern history, formerly preferred themes are no longer receiving attention, for example, we no longer have researchers on the history of Ottoman expansion. Attention also needs to be directed to further themes such as the place of our royal boroughs and other towns subordinate to feudal lords in the economy of the Kingdom of Hungary, the role of the lower nobility in the anti-Turkish struggle and in the administration of the counties, the relationship of the counties to the monarch and the government, the role of Slovakia in the Thirty Years War or the participation of the Hungarian army in campaigns abroad for the Habsburgs, childhood, the work of children and old age.

Slovak Historical Society. Congresses. Modern history. Themes.

HOLEC, Roman. A „short“ history of a „long“ century.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 75-95, Bratislava.

The article is concerned with the views on the „long“ 19th century (1780-1918) in Slovak historiography during the last 15 years. It notes a whole series of methodological, terminological and linguistic problems connected with this period, but most attention is devoted to the shocking state of ignorance of the latest material and methodological contribution of foreign literature, among which Hungarian expert texts dominate. Without claiming to be complete, the paper gives basic bibliographic information on the foreign literature devoted to themes from the territory of Slovakia or about the Slovaks. It indicates directions for further research and points to various still not fully used sources, such as artistic literature and less known memoirs.

Slovakia. Historiography. 19th century.

PEKÁR, Martin. Some comments on the state and current problems of research into regional history.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 96-103, Bratislava.

In recent years, ever more attention has been devoted to regional history, which represents a specialization in the field of historiography from the point of view of its spatial division. The main reason is the growth of social demand, but also the natural development of Slovak historiography. This paper is a contribution to a discussion arising from a lecture given at a session of the Czecho – Slovak Commission of Historians in November 2005. It briefly analyses the state of research into regional history, maps the institutions and associations, which devote attention to it, and opens various questions, concerning not only the place and importance of regional history for Slovak historiography, but also questions of methodology, terminology and the practical use of the results of research. The main task for the Slovak historical community should be to raise the expert level of the research or create an organizational basis to connect it with society.

Slovak historiography, regional history, methodology.

TAJTÁK, Ladislav. Some questions on the history of regions of Slovakia.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 104-106, Bratislava.

The paper points to the importance and contribution of regional history in research on national history in the 19th and 20th centuries and its influence on the historical consciousness of the Slovaks. Research into regional history has reached a higher level thanks to it being included in the field of study of departments of history in university faculties. Conferences, seminars and regular publications of volumes of good quality papers are contributing to this.

Slovakia. Regional history. National history.

GREXA, Ján. Problems in the history of Slovak sport.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 107-111, Bratislava.

In Slovakia Sports history (formerly the history of physical education and sport, or history of physical culture), as an applied scientific discipline of general history, is traditional school subject in the preparation of sports teachers and experts. The pioneers of the Slovak sports historiography originated from the groups of “non-historians” The first Slovak sports history was written by the sports theorist Prof. RNDr. Karol Stranai, DrSc., in cooperation with J. Perutka. The result was a two-part text (1952). Prof. PhDr. Jaromir Perutka, DrSc. went in for sports history in the territory of Slovakia and he educated a few disciples. In the field of sports history there is a minimal number of researchers; the result is a low quantity of scientific works, which insufficiently enrich our general history with this important area of social life. One of possibilities to resolve this non-favorable situation of the sports history in Slovakia could be the doctoral study not only at the faculties preparing sports experts, but at the relevant faculties also. Otherwise the sports history stays only a topic of enthusiasm of individuals and it lose its scientific basis.

Sports history. Applied scientific discipline. Sports historiography.

KONEČNÝ, Stanislav. The Ruthenian and Ukrainian minority in Slovak historio-graphy after 1989.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 112-124, Bratislava.

Interest in research on the history of the Ruthenians and Ukrainians in Slovakia and in Central Europe has been evoked not only by various “blank spaces” in their study up to 1989, but also by the revival of the movements of ethnic minorities in the period of social transformation. The research institutes of the Slovak Acade-my of Sciences and the university departments are endeavouring to remove many deformations and give a more objective view of the ethnogenesis of the minority from earliest times to the recent period. The publications and statements of some researchers and especially of activists from the minorities on historical themes are marked to some degree by the division into supporters of the Ruthenian and Ukrainian national cultural orientations.

Historiography. Slovakia. Ruthenians. Ukrainians.

JEŽEK, Václav. Idealism in Byzantine Studies.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 125-132, Bratislava.

The present contribution asseses some historical dimensions ofthe field of Byzantine studies. It discusses various socio-cultural theories in relation to the study of this area. It shows, that Byzantine studies are anexample of idealism and idealistic approaches, which were current especially in the last two centuries, with a particular emphasis on the territory of Central Europe. It also asks the question, what were the reasons, that especially Byzantine studies were so marked by historical idealisms? The contribution maps some further possibilities in the study of Byzantium, devoid of negative historical approaches, and suggests possible avenues for a more meaningful study of this fascinating area. It also ask the question, whether one can avoid idealisms in any historical study whatsoever and if not, what are the reasonable criteria, for integrating them in historical studies.

Byzantine studies. Idealism. Central Europe.

ZAVACKÁ, Marína. „No time to read books, now have to learn.“ On the state of university teaching of history in Slovakia.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 133-145, Bratislava.

The paper reflects on an almost missing discussion of the topic at the Congress of the Society of Slovak Historians 2006. Combining the student and lecturer perspectives, the author considers prevailing teachers’ and department-management strategies and analyses those leading to preservation of rigid curricula and obsolete course contents, not able to fully absorb and evaluate individual activity of the student. Its main argument concentrates on driving student from gathering knowledge of data ‘about the past’ to acquiring skills for ‘doing history’ herself/himself.

History teaching. Slovakia. Curricular reform. ECTS.

SOKOLOVSKÝ, Leon. Sixty years of the auxiliary historical sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 146-152, Bratislava.

In the second half of the 1940s, A. Húščava was the only academic educational expert on auxiliary historical sciences in Slovakia. He was responsible for establishing the study of archive work in the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University. The auxiliary historical sciences formed the greater part of courses in this branch of study. Further internal teachers – J. Novák and D. Lehotská were added in the mid 1950s. In the 1960s and 1970s, the number of students grew. Academic studies and monographs concerned with the auxiliary historical sciences also increased and were used as textbooks. The number of teachers again increased: M. Tischlerová, L. Sokolovský. The 1980s were also relatively successful from the academic research and publishing points of view. There was a gradual generational change and a further increase in the number of teachers: J. Roháč, Z. Nemcová, J. Šedivý. We analysed the period of the 1990s at the 12th congress of the Slovak Historical Society. The year 2000 was important because of the establishment of a separate Department of Archive Work and the Auxiliary Historical Sciences. New teachers came later: F. Federmayer and P. Tišliar.

Auxiliary historical sciences. Slovakia. Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University.

DOMOVÁ, Miroslava. The project and aims of building up the database: Bibliography of the History of Book Culture in Slovakia.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 153-156, Bratislava.

The cooperation between the national libraries of Europe in the 21st century is also expressed in the laying of the foundations of the European Virtual Library. Central Europe has become a region of international research cooperation in the area of the history of book culture. This research also has supra-national and international aspects, especially in countries where the nations formerly lived in common state formations. Since 2004, the Slovak National Library in Martin has been building up the database: Bibliography of the History of Book Culture in Slovakia. The prepared database can play an important role in summarizing knowledge about the national cultural heritage. The interest of other national libraries in Central Europe in the comprehensive bibliographic processing of the accumulated data on the given theme of the history of book culture, is obviously expected. The database will serve as a source for further research into book culture, as a basis for the writing of synthesizing works on individual areas of book culture including studies, monographs and dictionaries. It will enable experts to obtain information about more inaccessible works, works produced in small numbers, unpublished studies, manuscript documents, conceptions and so on. The database will be searchable according to the criteria of author, title, subject, name of source, publisher and so on. All documents will also be accessible in the form of the full text.

European digital library. Research into the history of book culture. Digitalization of documents. Database of the History of Book Culture in Slovakia. Full texts.

SAKTOROVÁ, Helena. The general catalogue of 16th century printed items preserved in the territory of Slovakia.

Historický časopis, 2007. 55, 1, pp. 157-163, Bratislava.

The general catalogue of 16th century printed items preserved in the territory of Slovakia represents part of a more broadly conceived research project into the history of book culture in Slovakia. This programme was initiated by the Slovak National Library of Matica slovenská in Martin, now the Slovak National Library. The main aim of the project was also to devote increased attention to the questions of book culture and care for collections of rare books in harmony with the basic functions of the Slovak National Library in the field of care for the national heritage of books. The main aim of the general catalogue of printed items from the 16th century preserved in the territory of Slovakia is to register, study and publish records of printed items from the 16th century found in all types of libraries, museums, galleries, archives and other cultural institutions in Slovakia. According to the original project, the general catalogue of printed items from the 16th century in the territory of Slovakia will consist of about 15 volumes and include approximately 27,000 printed items from the 16th century preserved in the library collections in the territory of Slovakia. The printed items from the 16th century will be processed in the individual volumes according to a standardized methodological approach accepting the generally valid Slovak and international norms for dealing with printed items from the 16th century.

Research into the history of book culture in Slovakia. Research into printed items from the 16th century. Catalogues.

SEDLIAKOVÁ, Alžbeta. The bibliography of Slovak historiography after 1989.

Historický časopis, 2007, 55, 1, pp. 164-165, Bratislava.

The paper is devoted to the bibliographic activity in the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences after 1989. It progressed from a joint bibliography published in book form by the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences to an independent book published every five years by the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. A bibliography section is also included in the Historický časopis, always in the fourth issue of the year. Slovakia has begun to contribute to international expert bibliographies. An innovation is bibliographic databases on the Internet, which contain about 40,000 bibliographic records (http://www.dejiny.sk/)

Slovakia. Historiography. Bibliography. Databases. Internet.

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