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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis (ročník 68), 2020, č. 1


Š t ú d i e

Bystrický, Peter: Heruli – od nepriateľov k spojencom Rímskej ríše ... 3
Krähling, János – Danielisz, Dóra: Sacred buildings out of necessity. Articular churches in historic Western Hungary (1681–1781) ... 37
Kušniráková, Ingrid: Štátna koncepcia ústavnej starostlivosti o osirelé deti v Uhorsku v 18. storočí ... 55
Olexák, Peter: Obvinenie z korupcie: nástroj politického boja v rámci slovenského národného hnutia začiatkom 20. storočia ... 85
Londák, Miroslav: O česko-slovenských vzťahoch na prahu roka 1968 – na pozadí niektorých novoobjavených archívnych dokumentov ... 105

M a t e r i á l y

Jesenský, Miloš – Hronček, Pavel: Rozbor topografie v spise Alchidemia magistri Friderici ae de ferrea porta z roku 1573 ... 125

R o z h ľ a d y

Rybár, Lukáš: Islam v slovenských učebniciach dejepisu ... 137

R e c e n z i e

Miljan, Goran: Croatia and the Rise of Fascism. The Youth Movement and the Ustasha during WWII (Jakub Drábik) ... 153
Sorby, Karol R.: Arabský východ po druhej svetovej vojne 1945 – 1970. II. diel (1959 – 1970) (Pavol Petruf) ... 157
Spáčilová, Libuše – Spáčil, Vladimír: Nejstarší matrika Olomoucké university z let (1576) 1590–1651 / Die älteste Matrikel der Olmützer Universität aus den Jahren (1576) 1590–1651 (Mária Papsonová) ... 160
Duchoňová, Diana – Lengyelová, Tünde a kol.: Historik na cestách. Jubileum Viliama Čičaja (Július Bartl) ... 163
Hruboň, Anton: Alexander Mach. Radikál z povolania (Marián Ambrozy) ... 165
Šimečka, Martin Milan – Posch, Martin – Bohuš, Michal: Všetko malo byť inak. Slovensko po roku 1945 (Stanislav Sikora) ... 169

G l o s y ... 175

K r o n i k a ... 181


A r t i c l e s

Bystrický, Peter: The Heruli (Herules) – from enemies to allies of the Roman Empire ... 3
Krähling, János – Danielisz, Dóra: Sacred buildings out of necessity. Articular churches in historic Western Hungary (1681–1781) ... 37
Kušniráková, Ingrid: The state conception of institutional care for orphaned children in 18th century Hungary ... 55
Olexák, Peter: Corruption Accusations: a Means of Political Warfare within the Slovak National Movement at the Beginning of the 20th Century ... 85
Londák, Miroslav: On Czech – Slovak relations on the threshold of 1968 against the background of some newly discovered archive documents  ... 105

M a t e r i a l s

Jesenský, Miloš – Hronček, Pavel: An analysis of the topography in the text Alchidemia magistri Friderici ae de ferrea porta from 1573 ... 125

H o r i z o n s

Rybár, Lukáš: Islam in the Slovak history curriculum textbooks ... 137

R E V I E W – A N N O T A T I O N S – B I B L I O G R A P H Y – C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Bystrický, Peter: Die Heruler – aus den Feinden die Alliierten des römischen Reiches ... 3
Krähling, János – Danielisz, Dóra: Sakralbauten aus der Not - Artikular-kirchen im historischen Westungarn (1681–1781) ... 37
Kušniráková, Ingrid: Staatliche Konzeption der institutionellen Betreuung von Waisenkindern in Ungarn im 18. Jahrhundert ... 55
Olexák, Peter: Korruptionsverdacht: ein politisches Kampfmittel innerhalb der Slowakischen Nationabewegung zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts ... 85
Londák, Miroslav: Die tschechoslowakischen Beziehungen an der Schwelle des Jahres 1968 – im Hintergrund einiger neu entdeckter Archivunterlagen ... 105

M a t e r i a l i e n

Jesenský, Miloš – Hronček, Pavel: Analyse der Topografie im Schriftstück von Alchidemia magistri Friderici ae de ferrea aus dem Jahr 1573 ... 125

H o r i z o n s

Rybár, Lukáš: Der Islam in slowakischen Geschichtslehrbüchern ... 137

K R I T I K – G L O S S E N – B I B L I O G R A P H I E – C H R O N I K

BYSTRICKÝ, Peter. The Heruli (Herules) – from enemies to allies of the Roman Empire.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 1, pp. 3-35, Bratislava.

The Heruli, originally perhaps a union of Germanic, Sarmatian and other warriors, entered history in 268 when they invaded Greece and twenty years later also Gaul. They disappeared after 565, when, as Roman allies living in Roman territory, they gave up their identity, stopped calling themselves Heruli, and merged with the Romans. On the basis of statements by Jordanes and Procopius, the Heruli are thought to have come from Scandinavia, but we have no real written or archaeological proof of their Scandinavian origin. In older literature, the Heruli were divided into western and eastern, suggesting two ethnically and linguistically different groups with the same or similar name. However, the existence of the Western Heruli on the Lower Rhine is doubtful.

Key words: Heruli. Germanic peoples. Middle Danube. Roman Empire. Pannonia. Justinian.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.1.1

KRÄHLING, János – DANIELISZ, Dóra. Sacred Buildings out of Necessity. Articular Chuches in Historic Western Hungary (1681–1781).

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 1, pp. 37-53, Bratislava.

The articular churches of Protestantism represent a particular group of monuments in East Central Europe, particularly in historic Hungary. In our paper we present our researches and analyses of these churches in historic Western Hungary, a specific historic region between Austria, Hungary and Slovakia. By summarizing the architectural heritage of this building type, we may sketch the possibilities and tendencies of spatial formation, and put them into the context of European Protestant church architecture. The holistic outline of the church type includes the characteristics of the articular churches of the former Vas, Sopron and Pozsony/Prešporok Counties, while also exploring the Hussite connections of the oratory of Réca.

Keywords: Articular Churches. Protestant Churches. Hussite Prayer House. Historic Western Hungary.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.1.2

KUŠNIRÁKOVÁ, Ingrid. The state conception of institutional care for orphaned children in 18th century Hungary.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 1, pp. 55-83, Bratislava.

The aim of the study is to analyse and interpret how the ideas of the Vienna court about the form and aims of institutional care for orphaned children developed in the course of the 18th century under the influence of the theoretical conceptions of the time, and to what degree these ideas were successfully put into practice. At first Maria Theresia preferred the training of orphaned children for manual work, but from the 1770s she began to emphasize their education and military training. Joseph II did not see orphanages as educational, but only as care institutions, and the majority of their inmates were placed with foster parents in return for small payments.

Key words: Habsburg Monarchy/Kingdom of Hungary/Slovakia. Early Modern. Care for orphans. Orphanages.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.1.3

OLEXÁK, Peter. Corruption Accusations: a Means of Political Warfare within the Slovak National Movement at the Beginning of the 20th Century.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 1, pp. 85-104, Bratislava.

Corruption in any possible manifestation is a phenomenon that seems to be inherent in the development of human societies. That applies also to the nascent Slovak political Catholicism that was confronted with the vice of corruption even in its early days. The study highlights the corruption affair of 1911 and the entanglement of Florián Tománek, Catholic priest and editor of the newspaper “Slovenské ľudové noviny” (Slovak People’s News) and one of the closest allies of Andrej Hlinka. New findings that are based on a detailed analysis of the press at that time and which are supplemented by fundamental research in archives will cast light on local corruption before the First World War and will highlight its mechanisms that were part of the power struggle in Slovakia.

Key words: Corruption. Florián Tománek. Slovenské ľudové noviny. Political parties in Slovakia.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.1.4.

LONDÁK, Miroslav. On Czech – Slovak relations on the threshold of 1968 against the background of some newly discovered archive documents.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 1, pp. 105-123, Bratislava.

The study is concerned with the problem of Czech – Slovak relations mainly in the period directly preceding 1968, immediately before spring (1963 – 1967). Weakening of the regime from the political and economic points of view enabled some degree of liberalization, which allowed some criticism of social relations. In Slovakia this owed something to the activity of A. Dubček, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Slovakia. Dubček even created space for criticism. Thus, conditions emerged for gradual change in the field of Czech – Slovak relations. This is also clear from some hitherto little-known documents that are analysed in the study. They bring a change of view of various relevant facts, such as those concerning the method of measuring the socio-economic levelling up of Slovakia to the level of the Czech Lands and evaluation of the economic growth of the Slovak economy. This gradually prepared the ground for the important changes to Czech – Slovak relations in 1968.

Key words: Czech – Slovak relations. A. Dubček. Action Programme of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.1.5

JESENSKÝ, Miloš – HRONČEK, Pavel. An analysis of the topography in the text Alchidemia magistri Friderici ae de ferrea porta from 1573.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 1, pp. 125-135, Bratislava.

The study analyses the historical topography given in the text Alchidemia magistri Friderici ae de ferrea porta by Joannes Sobieslavensis from 1573. This unique 123 page historical document is kept in the State Scientific Library in Prešov in the collection coming from the historic Szirmay Library of the Evangelical College. The first part of the manuscript gives alchemistic recipes of the period, but the second provides a detailed description of localities, where it is possible to obtain particular natural raw materials for alchemistic experiments, and their accessibility. The text presents in detail the historic place names in connection with the wider geographical context of the region of the Vysoké Tatry, Belianske Tatry, Liptov, Pieniny, Spiš mountains, Nízke Tatry and Malá Fatra, as well as part of the territory of Poland around Babá and Barná Góra. From the point of view of historical value, it is one of the oldest surviving texts giving exact geographical descriptions of mountain ranges, area names, water courses, lakes and settlements in the territory of Slovakia. The uniqueness of the document lies in the fact that the individual place names are almost all given in their “Slovak” linguistic form.

Key words: Toponyms. Geonyms. Historical geography. Alchemy. Manuscript. 16th century.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.1.6

RYBÁR, Lukáš. Islam in the Slovak history curriculum textbooks.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 1, pp. 137-152, Bratislava.

A recent research study based on didactic-methodological scope has analysed the image of Islam in the history curriculum textbooks in Slovakia (from 1993 until the very recent publications). The introductory part examines both the initial questions and methods of the respective research. Firstly, I attempt to introduce the current definition of history textbook, and, at the same time, both its desired qualitative as well as quantitative content. Furthermore, the curriculum concerning Islam in both the elementary and high school history textbooks has been scrutinized. Moreover, as a conclusion, the paper suggests re-examination of some of the historical terms and events, such as Jihad, Battle of Poitiers and Crusades, which have been incorrectly interpreted.

Keywords: Islam. History. Curriculum textbooks. Slovakia. Didactics.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.1.7


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