


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 50, 2/2002


Š t ú d i e

B a r t l, Július: Problém integrácie a dezintegrácie v stredoeurópskom priestore pred vznikom habsburskej monarchie roku 1526 ... 209
K u š n i r á k o v á, Ingrid: Arcibratstvo svätého Štefana v Bratislave a jeho činnost' ... 225
V y v í j a l o v á, Mária: Juraj Lesák pri vzniku Prešpurských novín ... 237
H e r t e l, Maroš: Činnosť profesora Vojtecha Tuku pred jeho vstupom do Slovenskej ľudovej strany roku 1922 ... 257
P e š e k, Jan: Československo-vatikánske rokovania:od prelomu rokov 1977-1978 do pádu komunistického režimu ... 280

M a t e r i á l y

K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Združenie slovenských odborových organizácií (1923-1938) ... 307

A r c h í v

R y c h l í k, Jan: Vývoj na Slovensku po druhej svetovej vojne v správach bulharského konzulátu v Bratislave ... 323

R e c e n z i e

B a r t l, J. - D v o ř á k o v á, D. - L u k a č k a, J.: Prvý cisár na uhorskom tróne. Slovensko v čase polstoročnej vlády uhorského, českého, lombardského a nemeckého kráľa a rímskeho cisára Žigmunda Luxemburského, syna Karola IV. (E. Frimmová) ... 345
P r o k š, P.: Československo a Západ 1945-1948 (Vztahy Československa se Spojenými státy, Velkou Británií a Francií 1945-1948) (P. Petruf) ... 348
B a k k e, E: Doomed to Failure? The Czechoslovak Nation Project and the Slovak Autonomist Reaction 1918-1938 (M. Zemko) ... 350
C l a r k, C.: The Soviet Novel. History as Ritul (M. Zavacká) ... 355

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

B a r t l, Július: The Problem of Integration and Desintegration in the Central European Region before the Habsburg Monarchy has been Established in 1526 ... 209
K u š n i r á k o v á, Ingríd: Archbrotherhood of Saint Stephen in Bratislava and its Activities ... 225
V y v í j a l o v á, Mária: Juraj Lesák at the Origin of Pressburg newspaper ... 237
H e r t e l, Maroš: Vojtech Tuka's Activities before being the Member of the Slovak National Party in the year 1922 ... 257
P e š e k, Jan: Czechoslovak - Vatican Negotiations: from the Turn of 1977-1978 up to the Fall of Communist Regime ... 280

M a t e r i a l s

K a t u n i n e c, Milan: The Association of Slovak Trade Union Organisations (1923 - 1938) ... 307

A r c h i v c s

R y c h l i k, Jan: The Development of Slovakia after the World War II in the Reports of Bulgarian Consulate in Bratislava ... 323

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

B a r t l, Július: Das Problem der Integration und Desintegration im mitteleuropäischen Raum vor der Entstehung der Habsburgcr Monarchie im Jahre 1526 ... 209
K u š n i r á k o v á, Ingrid: Die Erzbruderschaft des heiligen Stephans in Bratislava und ihre Tätigkeit ... 225
V y v í j a l o v á, Mária: Die Rolle Juraj Lesáks bei der Entstehung der Pressburger Zeitung ... 237
HI e r t e l, Maroš: Die Tätigkeít Vojtech Tukas vor seinem Eintritt in die Slowakische Volkspartei im Jahre 1922 ... 257
P e š e k, Jan: Die tschechoslowakisch-vatikanischen Verhandlungen: von der Wende der Jahren 1977-1978 bis zum Fall des kommunistischen Regimes ... 280

M a t e r i a l i e n

K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Vereinigung des slowakischen Gewerkschaftsorganisationen (1923-1938) ... 307

A r c h í v

R y c h l í k, Jan: Entwicklung in der Slowakei nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in den Berichten des bulgarischen Konsulats in Bratislava ... 323

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

BARTL, J.: The Problem of Integration and Deintegration in the Central European Region before the Habsburg Monarchy has been Established in 1526.

Historický časopis, 50, 2, 2002, pp. 209–224, Bratislava.

In the 11th century Hungarian ruling class was able to intergrate a great variety of ethnic groups into the newly established state. Not only nobility, but also nonprivilaged inhabitants were very xenophobic in the Middle Ages. The Hungarian nobility was very difficult in accepting the changes of dynasties. They were usually followed by longitudinal struggles between the representatives of various parties. Deintegrating tendencies of the nobility were much more dangerous for the country than the efforts of marginal regions for separation. The clergy’s activities were not deintegrative at all. The citizens did not have great influence on the political life in the country. National and social discrepancies occurred inside the municipal communities. Political integration was not as intensive in the Middle Ages as it was in Modern Times.

History. Slovakia. The Origin of Habsburg Monarchy.

KUŠNIRÁKOVÁ, I.: Archbrotherhood of Saint Stephen in Bratislava and its activities.

Historický časopis, 50, 2, 2002, pp. 225–236, Bratislava.

The Saint Stephen’s archbrotherhood was established in 1749 as a church institution the goal of which was to help the Queen- interest’s promotion by means of religious and charitable activities. Because of the absolutist rule of Mary Theresa, this, originally independent institution, found itself under the state control, but this had no effect on the existence or aims of the religious brotherhood. The brotherhood’s existence was closed after Joseph II abolished all religious brotherhoods. In the year 1792 the Governor’s Council established Saint Stephen’s Foundation. It overtook Saint Stephen’s property, as well as his key idea of supporting the poor converts. Bratislava Chapter was responsible for running the foundation. However, Bratislava Chapter did not have any rights in decision making and so it should respect all decission and orders of the Governor’s Council.

History. Slovakia. Archbrotherhood of the Saint Stephen in Bratislava and its Activities.

VYVÍJALOVÁ, M.: Juraj Lesák at the origin of Presburg newspaper.

Historický časopis, 50, 2, 2002, pp. 237–256, Bratislava.

The authoress has devoted attention to the question of establishment of Presburg newspaper. In the year 1783 Joseph II granted the newspaper his prominent permition which had been very occasional in the history of Slovak journalism. The authoress analyses social background and positive circumstances which made the idea to publish newspaper for Slovak nationality possible. She investigates the language of the newspaper, especially the process of its development from biblical Czech into the Slovak language. She also deals with the editor’s personality. It was Juraj Lesák who developed national awareness and language self-confidence among his readers.

History. Slovakia. The origin of Presburg newspaper in Bratislava in the year 1783.

HERTEL, M.: Vojtech Tuka’s Activities before being the Member of the Slovak National Party in the year 1922. Historický časopis, 50, 2, 2002, pp. 257–279, Bratislava.

Vojtech Tuka belongs probably amongthe most controversial personalities of the first Czechoslovak Republic. The present study offerts many facts from his life which have not been known either to general public, or to the professionals in the field. The author presents his university studies in detail, as welt as his career and activities after the year 1918. His activities at the university were only to cover his activities within Hungarian irredentism. V. Tuka’s original aim was not to join the Slovak National Party, but to influence the formation of the Slovak autonomous movement by help of Hungarian minority parties, i. e. to join Slovakia and Hungary,

History. Slovakia. Vojtech Tuka’s Activities before being the Member of the Slovak National Party in the year 1922

PEŠEK, J.: Czechoslovak – Vatican Negotiations: from the Turn of 1977–1978 up to the Fall of Communist Regime. Historický časopis, 50, 2, 2002, pp. 280–306, Bratislava.

Czechoslovak – Vatican negotiations began at the beginning of the 60s of the 20th century. They were interrupted several times and started again. At the end of the year 1977 there were some partial results achieved. Paul VI, the Pope, established a separate Slovak reli¬gious province with its seat in Trnava. At the same time the changes in church borders of in¬di¬vidual dioceses were made in order not to exceed state borders of then Czechoslovak Re¬¬public. František Tomášek, the Cardinal, became Prague archbishop. That was but all and the negotiations came to the stand still. After John Paul II, the present Pope, overtook his post in the year 1978, Vatican started its pressure for more religious freedom in ČSR.

History. Czechoslovakia.Vatican negotiations on the turn of the years 1977–1978 till the fall of the Communist regime.

KATUNINEC, M.: The Association of Slovak Trade Union Organisations (1923–1938).

Historický časopis, 50, 2, 2002, pp. 307–322, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the activities of the trade union headquarters which was active in the first Czechoslovak Republic and which was then under the influence of the Slovak National Party. In spite of its various efforts, that association was not successful either in the number of organisations, or in the number of its members. The focus of its trade union activities was in the activities of individual organisations which belonget to the Association. During its existence it remained only a formal institution.

History. Czechoslovakia. The Association of Slovak Trade Union Organisations (1923–1938).

RYCHLÍK, J.: The Development of Slovakia after the World War II in the Reports of Bulgarian Consulate in Bratislava.

Historický časopis, 50, 2, 2002, pp. 323–344, Bratislava.

Before the World War II there was a Bulgarian Honorary Consulate in Bratislava. During the war Bulgaria and Slovakia manitained diplomatic relations. On the other hand, Bulgaria did not recognize the Czechoslovak government in exile. After the war Bulgaria was interested in quick re¬ establishment of diplomatic relations with Czechoslovakia. The government in Sofia also planned to establish the Consulate in Bratislava. S. Gečev, who served as the press attaché at Bulgarian mission during the war, was appointed the unofficial representative in Bratislava on 15th September 1945. On 5th December 1946 D. Karakostov was appointed the regular consular representative at the newly opened Bulgarian Consulate in Bratislava. The present article offerts Slovak translation of Gečev and Karakostov’s diplomatic reports about the situation in Slovakia in the years 1945–1948.

History. Czechoslovakia. The Development of Slovakia after the World II in the Reports of Bulgarian Consulate in Bratislava.


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