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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis (ročník 65), 2017, č. 2

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Štefánik, Martin: „Rame di Pollana" Spišsko-gemerská meď vo Flámsku a v Benátkach v prvej tretine 14. storočia ... 193
Chvojka, Michal: Barón Miklós Wesselényi v kúpeľoch Frývaldov a Gräfenberg v rokoch 1839 - 1843 ... 217
Macho, Peter: Návšteva Štúrovcov u Jána Hollého na Dobrej Vode ... 239
Petruf, Pavol: Vývoj v Československu v prvej polovici roka 1968 na stránkach publikovaných francúzskych diplomatických dokumentov v korelácii s vývinom československo-francúzskych vzťahov od vzniku ČSR do prelomu rokov 1967/1968 ... 265


Lukáč, Eduard: Podiel Františka Karšaia na rozvoji komeniológie a dejín školstva na Slovensku ... 295


Vozár, Jozef: Začiatky pestovania právnej vedy na Slovensku: Sté výročie založenia Právneho obzoru a prvé osobnosti slovenskej právnej vedy ... 321
Pehr, Michal: Slovenský diplomat Hja Rath v Československých službách u Svätého stolce ... 335

R e c e n z i e

Macho, Peter - Kodajová. Daniela a kol.: Ľudovít Štúr na hranici dvoch vekov (Peter Svorc) ... 353
Londák, Miroslav - Sikora, Stanislav - Londáková, Elena: Od predjaria k normalizácii (Jakub Drábik) ... 356

Glosy ... 361

Kronika ... 373

Obhájené práce ... 379



A r t i c l e s

Štefánik, Martin: "Ramc di Pollana". Spiš-Gemer copper in Flanders and Veniec in the first third of the 14th century ... 193
Chvojka, Michal: Baron Miklós Wesselényi at the Frývaldov and Gräfenberg spas in 1839-1843 ... 217
Macho, Peter: The visit of Štúr's group to Ján Hollý at Dobrá Voda ... 239
Petruf, Pavol: Developments in Czechoslovakia in the first half of 1968 on the pages of published French diplomatic documents against the background of the development of Czechoslovak French relations from the origin of Czechoslovakia to the beginning of 1968 ... 265


Lukáč, Eduard: The contribution of František Karšai to the development of Comeniology and the history of education in Slovakia ... 295


Vozár, Jozef: The beginnings of cultivation of legal science in Slovakia: The centenary of the establishment of the Právny obzor and the first personalities in Slovak legal science ... 321
Pehr, Michal: The Slovak diplomat Hja Rath in the Czechoslovak service with the Holy See ... 335



S t u d i e n

Štefánik, Martin: „Rame di Pollana" Das aus Zips-Gemer Region ausgeführte Kupfer in Flandern und in Venedig im ersten drittel des 14. Jahrhundert ... 193
Chvojka, Michal: Freiherr Miklós Wessclényi im Kurort Freiwaldau und Gräfenberg in den Jahren 1839-1843 ... 217
Macho, Peter: Besuch der Anhänger Štúrs bei Ján Mollý in Dobrá Voda ... 239
Petruf, Pavol: Entwicklung in der Tschechoslowakei in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 1968 auf den Seiten der publizierten französischen diplomatischen Dokumente in Korrelation mit der Entwicklung der tschechoslowakisch-französischen Beziehungen von dem Entstehen der Tschechoslowakischen sozialistischen Republik bis zum Jahreswechsel 1967-1968 ... 265

H o r i z o n s

Lukáč, Eduard: Der Beitrag von František Karsai an der Entwicklung der Comeniologie und der Geschichte des Schulwesens in der Slowakei ... 295


Vozár, Jozef: Beginn der Kultur der Rechtswissenschaften in der Slowakei: das Einhundert-Jubiläum der Gründung der Zeitschrift Právny obzor und die ersten Persönlichkeiten der slowakischen Rechtswissenschaft ... 321
Pehr, Michal: Der slowakische Diplomat Hja Rath in den tschechoslowakischen Diensten des Heiligen Stuhls ... 335


ŠTEFÁNIK, Martin. "Rame di Pollana". Spiš-Gemer copper in Flanders and Venice in the first third of the 14th century.

Historický časopis, 2017, 65, 2, pp. 193-216, Bratislava.

Exporting of copper from eastern Slovakia through Poland and the Hanseatic ports on the Baltic coast to Flanders is documented from the 1320s and 1330s at a time when convoys of galleys operated between Venice and Flanders. As a result of its transit through Poland, it was called "Polish copper* (Rame de Pollana). It represented one of the important types of copper on the market at Bruges, from where it was transported in the form of rectangular plates to Venice. According to documents preserved in Venice from the papers of the copper merchant N. Paolini, he sold 108 centnars (= c. 5.15 tonnes) of Rame de Pollana in 1324. In the Venetian foundries, it is mentioned in 1334 as one of the five basic types imported to the city. These records show that this trade was profitable in spite of the long voyage around Europe.

Key words: Eastern Slovak copper. Spiš copper. Middle Ages. Trade. Venice. Flanders. Hanse towns.

CHVOJKA, Michal. "The opposition, subversives and other members of the revolutionary class..." Baron Miklós Wesselényi at the Frývaldov and Gräfenberg spas in 1839-1843.

Historický časopis, 2017,65,2, pp. 217-237, Bratislava.

In this study, the author is concerned with the institutionalization of secret political monitoring at the Habsburg spas of Frývaldov and Gräfenberg in Austrian Silesia around the year 1840. He gives a detailed analysis of the motives, methods, aims and limits of state monitoring of the persons targeted among the visitors to Priessnitz's famous water therapy institution using the example of the case of the Transylvanian Baron Miklós Wesselényi.

Key words: Habsburg Monarchy. Moravia-Silesia. Jesenik. Social and Political Control. Spa Inspection.

MACHO, Peter. The visit of Stúrs group to Ján Hollý at Dobrá Voda. A historical micro-narrative in the context of the formation of the collective memory and identity of the Slovaks.

Historický časopis, 2017, 65, 2, pp. 239-264, Bratislava.

The study analyses the structural elements of the story of three members of Štúr's group to the poet Ján Hollý. The meeting of representatives of the Protestant and Catholic intelligentsia in 1843 is one of the key moments in the Slovak national historical narrative. It symbolizes national unity overcoming confessional limitations. The author investigates this story as part of nationalist propaganda, pointing to its use for the needs of national ideology.

Key words: History of Slovakia in the 19th and 20th centuries. Slovak nationalism. National story. Standard written language. Ján Hollý. Ľudovít Štúr.

PETRUF, Pavol. Developments in Czechoslovakia in the first half of 1968 on the pages of published French diplomatic documents against the background of the development of Czechoslovak - French relations from the origin of Czechoslovakia to the beginning of 1968.

Historický časopis. 2017,65, 2, pp. 265-293, Bratislava.

The study is materially based mainly on the published French diplomatic documents relating to the first half of 1968', when the renewal process known as the Czechoslovak Spring was developing in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. The first part of the study briefly mentions the main features of Czechoslovak - French relations from the origin of the Czechoslovak Republic in autumn 1918 to the beginning of the renewal process in January 1968. The brief recapitulation of the key events in Czechoslovak - French relations in this period is intended to give the reader a better understanding of the generally restrained attitude of Paris to Prague during the first six months of 1968. In brief, it is possible to say that French government circles looked with sympathy at the developing reform process in Czechoslovakia, but it was not in the centre of their attention. Paris was considering mainly the global framework of international development, in which the reduction of tension between East and West had one of the key roles. Since Moscow played a key part in this process, neglect of its interests appeared to be counter-productive. This largely decided the cautious attitude to developments in Czechoslovakia in the first half of 1968.

Key words: Czechoslovakia and France. Political relations. Bonds of alliance 1918 - 1967. France and the "Czechoslovak Spring" in the first half of 1968.

LUKÁČ, Eduard. The contribution of František Kar&ai to the development of Comeniology and the history of education in Slovakia.

Historický Časopis, 2017, 65, 2, pp. 295-320, Bratislava

Doc. PhDr. František Karšai, CSc. was one of the personalities who significantly contributed to the development of Comeniology and the history of education in Slovakia. His works contributed to knowledge of the activity of significant educators, their writings on educational theory and on the origin and activity of the Evangelical College in Prešov. His monographs, studies and articles on the problem of the study of the life and work of J.A. Comenius place him among the leading experts on Comenius not only in Slovakia, but also internationally. His leading role in organizing events concerned with Comenius in Prešov also contributed to this position. He was also the first in our country to introduce the use of internal television for the training of future teachers in the faculty of education.

Key words: František Karsai. J.A. Comenius and Slovakia. Comeniology. History of education and educational theory.

VOZÁR, Jozef. The beginnings of cultivation of legal science in Slovakia: The centenary of the establishment of the Právny obzor and the first personalities in Slovak legal science.

Historicky Časopis, 2017, 65, 2, pp. 321-333, Bratislava.

The author points to the beginnings of the cultivation of legal science in Slovakia. Consciously Slovak advocates played an important role in this process. The first expert articles written in Slovak appeared in the Slovenský Peňažnik (Slovak Financier) in 1909. However, the real development of legal science began only in 1917, when the advocate Emil Stodola established the first Slovak legal periodical Právny obzor (Legal Horizon). This year, we are marking the hundredth anniversary of its continual publication. No other academic periodical in Slovakia has such a distinguished history. The Právny obzor stood at the beginning of the formation of Slovak legal science and it also significantly contributed to the formation of legal practice. Apart from articles devoted to current legal problems such as the unification of Czechoslovak law, the Právny obzor published articles on legal history. For this paper, the author selected the articles of the outstanding First Republic period lawyer Vladimír Fajnor, who held various ministerial positions and later became the first president of the Supreme Court of the Czechoslovak Republic, in these articles he presented the lives and works of the most important nationally conscious advocates from before 1918, such as the brothers Pavol and Michal Mudroň, Štefan Fajnor and Vladimír Štefanovifi.

Key words: Beginnings of the cultivation of Slovak legal science. Centenary of the establishment of the Právny obzor. Important legal personalities: Pavol Mudroň, Michal Mudroň, MiloS ŠlefanoviČ, Emil Stodola, Vladimír Fajnor.

PEHR, Michal. The Slovak diplomat Ilja Rath in the Czechoslovak service with the Holy See.

Historický časopis, 2017, 65, 2, pp. 335-351, Bratislava.

The study approaches the problematic situation in relations between Czechoslovakia and the Holy See from February 1948, when the communists took full power into their hands until spring 1950, when our diplomatic mission to the Holy See was liquidated. The main aim is to use the archive sources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to clarify the role in this process of the Slovak diplomat Ilja Rath, who was entrusted with the leadership of this diplomatic mission in March 1949. A different picture of this diplomat to that previously presented in the expert literature is given on the basis of a series of hitherto unpublished documents.

Key words: Czechoslovakia and the Holy See 1948-1950. Czechoslovak embassy to the Holy See. Ilja Rath. Diplomatic relations.

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