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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis (ročník 68), 2020, č. 2


H i s t o r i o g r a f i a

Świątek, Adam: The 19th century history of Slovakia and the Slovaks in Polish research of the last thirty years ... 193

Š t ú d i e

Homoľa, Tomáš: S kráľom alebo proti kráľovi? Sprisahanie voči Matejovi Korvínovi v roku 1471 ... 221
Krátky, Matúš: Analýza politickej a sociálnej karikatúry v časopisoch Rarášek a Ježibaba v období rokov 1870 – 1872 ... 249
Simon, Attila: Internácie z južného Slovenska v roku 1919. Dodatok k charakteru dobového československého štátu ... 271
Balík, Stanislav – Fiala, Petr: Československé volby 1935 a dolní parlamentní komora: rozdíly mezi poslanci pročeskoslovenských a antisystémových stran? ... 291

M a t e r i á l y

Kollárová, Ivona: Popularita kantovskej filozofie na prelome 18. a 19. storočia ... 313

D i s k u s i a

Hruboň, Anton: Prečo slovenská historiografia a spoločnosť potrebujú novú paradigmu európskeho fašizmu? Poznámky (nielen) k monografii Jakuba Drábika Fašizmus ... 335

R e c e n z i e

Šedivý, Juraj: Beiträge zur mittelalterlichen deutschsprachigen Schriftkultur in der Slowakei I (Peter M. Zigman) ... 353
Gaučík, Štefan: Mestské múzeum v Prešporku v kontexte doby (1868 – 1918). In memoriam József Könyöki (Jana Laslavíková) ... 358
Kater, Michael: Culture in Nazi Germany (Jakub Drábik) ... 365
Lišková, Kateřina: Sexual Liberation, Socialist Style. Communist Czechoslovakia and the Science of Desire, 1945–1989 (Denisa Nešťáková) ... 369

G l o s y ... 373

K r o n i k a ... 381


H i s t o r i o g r a p h y

Świątek, Adam: The 19th century history of Slovakia and the Slovaks in Polish research of the last thirty years ... 193

A r t i c l e s

Homoľa, Tomáš: With the king or against the king? The conspiracy against Matthias Corvinus in 1471 ... 221
Krátky, Matúš: An analysis of the political and social caricaturesin the magazines Rarášek and Ježibaba in the period 1870–1872 ... 249
Simon, Attila: Internment of people from southern Slovakia in 1919. A supplement to the character of the ermerging Czechoslovak state ... 271
Balík, Stanislav – Fiala, Petr: The Czechoslovak elections of 1935 and the lower chamber of parliament: differences between the representatives of pro-Czechoslovak and anti-system parties ... 291

M a t e r i a l s

Kollárová, Ivona: The popularity of Kant’s philosophy around 1800 ... 313

D i s c u s s i o n

Hruboň, Anton: Why do Slovak historiography and society need a new paradigm of European fascism? Notes not only on Jakub Drábik’s monograph Fašizmus (Fascism) ... 335

R E V I E W – A N N O T A T I O N S – B I B L I O G R A P H Y – C H R O N I C L E


G e s c h i c h t s s c h r e i b u n g

Świątek, Adam: Die Geschichte der Slowakei und der Slowaken im 19. Jahrhundert in der polnischen Forschung der letzten dreißig Jahre ... 193

S t u d i e n

Homoľa, Tomáš: Mit dem König oder gegen ihn? Verschwörung gegen Matthias Corvinus im Jahre 1471 ... 221
Krátky, Matúš: Analyse der politischen und sozialen Karikatur in den Zeitschriften Rarášek und Ježibaba im Zeitraum 1870–1872 ... 249
Simon, Attila: Internierungen aus der Südslowakei im Jahre 1919. Ein Nachtrag zum Charakter des zeitgemäßen tschechoslowakischen Staates ... 271
Balík, Stanislav – Fiala, Petr: Parlamentswahl in der Tschechoslowakei 1935 und das Unterhaus: Unterschiede zwischen den Abgeordneten der pro-tschechoslowakischen und Anti-System-Parteien? ... 291

M a t e r i a l i e n

Kollárová, Ivona: Die Popularität der Kantischen Philosophie an der Wende vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert ... 313

D i s k u s s i o n

Hruboň, Anton: Warum brauchen die slowakische Historiografie und die slowakische Gesellschaft ein neues Paradigma des europäischen Faschismus? Bemerkungen (nicht nur) zur Jakub Drábiks Monografie Faschismus ... 335

K R I T I K – G L O S S E N – B I B L I O G R A P H I E – C H R O N I K

ŚWIĄTEK, Adam. The 19th century history of Slovakia and the Slovaks in Polish research of the last thirty years.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 2, pp. 193-220, Bratislava.

The history of Slovakia and the Slovaks has for many years been perceived in Polish historiography as a component of larger wholes: the history of Hungary or the history of Czechoslovakia. For this reason, Polish historians usually paid little attention to the phenomenon of the national development of the Slovaks in the 19th century. This situation began to change only from the 1990s, when numerous studies finally appeared seeking to see the history of Slovakia and the Slovaks as a separate historical issue from the histories of the Hungarians and especially the Czechs. This text is aimed at presenting the achievements of Polish scholars over the last three decades with regard to the history of Slovakia and the Slovaks in the 19th century. The article describes the most important Polish synthetic studies, collective studies, and finally monographic works on the history of Slovakia and Slovak culture. Attention was also paid to the most important scientific centres in Poland, which initiate research in the field of Slovak culture and history. Despite the growing interest in Poland’s southern neighbour in recent years, significant shortcomings in Polish historiography are still visible. The article also attempts to draw attention to the desirable perspectives for further research in Poland.

Keywords: Polish historiography. History of Slovakia. 19th century.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.2.1

HOMOĽA, Tomáš. With the king or against the king? The conspiracy against Matthias Corvinus in 1471.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 2, pp. 221-247, Bratislava.

The study is concerned with the conspiracy against King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary in 1471, probably the most serious expression of opposition from the Hungarian nobility against his rule. It is directed towards the course of the rebellion, which was closely connected with a Polish invasion of the Kingdom of Hungary. The core of the paper comprises a description and analysis of the rebellion of part of the Hungarian clergy and nobility led by John Vitéz Archbishop of Esztergom. The paper deals with the causes of the opposition and the motivation of the leading actors, which led to their open rebellion against their monarch, and participation in the subsequent Jagiellonian intervention. It is also concerned with the question of support for the conspiracy in the framework of the nobility and clergy of Hungary, as well as the fate of the representatives of the Hungarian opposition.

Key words: Matthias Corvinus. Kingdom of Hungary. 15th century. Conspiracy. John Vitéz. John Pannonius. Casimir IV Jagiello.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.2.2

KRÁTKY, Matúš. An analysis of the political and social caricatures in the magazines Rarášek and Ježibaba in the period 1870–1872.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 2, pp. 249-269, Bratislava.

Nineteenth century Slovak caricatures come from a wide range of political positions. The magazines Ježibaba supporting the Slovak New School and Rarášek belonging to the Slovak National Party were the most important representatives of political and social humour in the years 1870–1872. They had different approaches to drawing caricatures and their thematic starting points, by which both participated in shaping the political thought of the period. The intense aggressiveness of the drawings in Ježibaba may be seen as a demonstration of the political effort of the New School to establish a new political orientation. On the other hand, the artistically more conservative Rarášek opened social themes and brought systematic effort to the work of political journalism.

Key words: Caricature. Kingdom of Hungary. Ježibaba. Journalism. 19th century. Rarášek. Satire.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.2.3

SIMON, Attila. Internment of people from southern Slovakia in 1919. A supplement to the character of the ermerging Czechoslovak state.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 2, pp. 271-290, Bratislava.

The study is devoted to the hitherto little reflected theme of internment in Slovakia in 1919. In the first part, the author describes the situation in southern Slovakia at the beginning of 1919 and the events from the declaration of the state to the end of March that led to the first wave of internment. He also presents the social composition of the people interned in Ilava and the conditions of their life in the camp there. The second part concentrates on internment in May and June, when about 2600 people were taken to Terezín (Theresienstadt). The author also considers the discussions in the public life of the time about conditions in the Terezín camp and about the fact of internment itself.

Key words: Internment. 1919. Origin of Czechoslovakia.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.2.4

BALÍK, Stanislav – FIALA, Petr. The Czechoslovak elections of 1935 and the lower chamber of parliament: differences between the representatives of pro-Czechoslovak and anti-system parties.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 2, pp. 291-312, Bratislava.

The article focuses on the elections to the Czechoslovak parliament, which took place in the middle of the crisis year 1935. It tries to answer the main research question: To what extent did the political representation of the different parties differ among themselves and to what extent did the two groups – a) the pro-Czechoslovak and b) anti-system parties – differ? We assume that the pro-Czechoslovak parties (which can also be labelled as establishment parties) will have, on average, older deputies, less regionally distributed, and will come from larger towns on average. Furthermore, we believe that the difference in the representation rate of women or university graduates or the structure of the professions should not play a major role in this respect.

Key words: Czechoslovakia. Parliament. Descriptive Representation. Anti-System Parties.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.2.5

KOLLÁROVÁ, Ivona. The popularity of Kant’s philosophy around 1800.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 2, pp. 313-334, Bratislava.

The study uses a wide range of sources to uncover the spread of the ideas of Immanuel Kant outside philosophical circles in the Slovak part of the Kingdom of Hungary. The flow of philosophical ideas is shown not only by the works of Kantians in Hungary, but also by censorship records of the importing of Kantian texts in the 1790s. Critical debate in correspondence and in published texts uncovers anti-Kantian arguments. Information about the propagation and multiplication of Kant’s works give an idea of their popularity. Research into memoirs sheds light on how philosophical messages circulated in private communication networks, reaching beyond the philosophical and educational sphere, in spite of bans and repression.

Key words: Immanual Kant. 18th century. 19th century. History of Philosophy. Kingdom of Hungary. Popularity. Transfer of ideas.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.2.6

HRUBOŇ, Anton. Why do Slovak historiography and society need a new paradigm of European fascism? Notes not only on Jakub Drábik’s monograph Fašizmus (Fascism).

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 2, pp. 335-351, Bratislava.

To this day, Slovak historiography, humanities and social sciences have not sufficiently adopted newest methodological tools based on international debates on European Fascism, which enable to reflect its national varieties (including the Slovak one) from transnational and comparative perspective. This contribution attempts to steer up the discourse on Fascism in Slovakia as well as in the Central Europe on the background of remarks and critical comments to Jakub Drábik´s groundbreaking monograph Fašizmus. The paper summarizes Slovak historiography´s perception of Fascism in the last decades with emphasis on unsuccessful quests for definition of this term and conceptual framework. After that, an author portrays Drábik´s book as a possibility for a methodological turn within the comparative fascist studies in Slovakia – a subgenre, which still lacks broader audience among Slovak scholars. Last but not least, the contribution explains, why and in which way it is important for History as a discipline to work with the concept of generic fascism as defined by Roger Griffin and the New Consensus/New Wave, and why it is useful for analytical purposes in regard to modern Slovak history and contemporary social practice.

Keywords: Fascism. Nazism. Cultural History. Historiography. Slovak State. Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.2.7


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