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VYDÁVA HISTORICKÝ ÚSTAV SLOVENSKEJ AKADÉMIE VIED, V. V. I. ISSN 0018-2575 (print) ISSN 2585-9099 (online) EV 3084/09 Všetky obsahy sú čitateľom voľne dostupné podľa licencie Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Indexovanie a abstraktovanie: Web of Science Core Collection: Arts & Humanities Citation Index Additional Web of Science Indexes: Current Contents Arts & Humanities Scopus CEEOL CEJSH EBSCO Historical Abstracts ESF (HUM) ERIH plus |
AKTUÁLNE ČÍSLO | REDAKCIA | POKYNY PRE AUTOROV | ARCHÍV | PREDPLATNÉ | O ČASOPISE | PUBLIKAČNÁ ETIKA | VÝZVY Štátne a národné hymny ako zdroje konfliktov na Slovensku počas Prvej Československej republiky State and National Anthems as a Source of Conflicts in Slovakia during the First Czechoslovak Republic Historický časopis, 2024, 72, 2, pp. 307-328, Bratislava Abstract: During the First Czechoslovak Republic, the question of state and national anthems was a sensitive topic. Due to the lack of a legal codification of the Czechoslovak national anthem, the relationship between the Czech and Slovak parts of the anthem remained unclear. It was not known whether there was one anthem or two anthems, the order of which could be interchanged. At the same time, the authorities reacted very sensitively to any disrespect for the national anthem, which was considered an attack on the Czechoslovak state. During the First Czechoslovak Republic, singing and playing the Hungarian national anthem was severely punished and offenders were often sentenced to imprisonment. Initially, they were convicted under Section 172 of the Hungarian Penal Code of 1878 and, after 1923, under the Law for the Protection of the Republic, for inciting hatred against the nationals of another ethnicity or for sedition against the State. This conflict of the nation-state with its national minority stemmed from the exaggerated fear of the Czechoslovak authorities of Hungarian irredentism. In reality, those who sang the Hungarian anthem (most often under the influence of alcohol in pubs or during festive masses in churches) did not pose a real threat to the order of the state. In this matter, however, the Czechoslovak state adopted the intolerant practice of the Kingdom of Hungary. Keywords: National anthem. First Czechoslovak Republic. Hungarian minority. Judiciary. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2024.72.2.5
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Historický časopis, 1953 - 2024 / Design by Mgr. Peter Krákorník | |
ROČNÍK 72 * 2024 |