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VYDÁVA HISTORICKÝ ÚSTAV SLOVENSKEJ AKADÉMIE VIED, V. V. I. ISSN 0018-2575 (print) ISSN 2585-9099 (online) EV 3084/09 Všetky obsahy sú čitateľom voľne dostupné podľa licencie Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Indexovanie a abstraktovanie: Web of Science Core Collection: Arts & Humanities Citation Index Additional Web of Science Indexes: Current Contents Arts & Humanities Scopus CEEOL CEJSH EBSCO Historical Abstracts ESF (HUM) ERIH plus |
AKTUÁLNE ČÍSLO | REDAKCIA | POKYNY PRE AUTOROV | ARCHÍV | PREDPLATNÉ | O ČASOPISE | PUBLIKAČNÁ ETIKA | VÝZVY Možnosti interdisciplinárneho prístupu vo výskume súčasných dejín (sociálno-historická metóda vo výskume etnicity) Possibilities of an Interdisciplinary Approach in Contemporary History Research (Sociohistorical Method in Ethnicity Research) Historický časopis, 2024, 72, 2, pp. 193-222, Bratislava. Abstract: The use of a perspective on historical event and ethnicity, by means of problem-oriented sociological and socio-psychological research, has long been carried out by the research team at the Institute of Social Sciences of the SAS and its collaborators. The specific procedure of using the research of “postmodern” social sciences and humanities is called the sociohistorical method. We can predominantly observe two procedures in the case of the use of the sociohistorical method: 1. Direct research – (initial, prior to the creation of the source) carried out in cooperation with representatives of other social sciences, which forms the future source of historical research. The historian, in collaboration with a specialist from another scientific discipline, forms the future source of historical research. 2. Indirect research (follow-up research), based on the use of the already conducted social science research (interviews, questionnaires, statistics, interpretation tables, graphs and other charts, graphs, diagrams, analyses) for the purposes of historical research, without the direct intervention of the historian at the stage of the “source” preparation. The historian implements a critique of the original sources, observing and critically evaluating what methods and procedures were used to create the material. The use of the socio-historical method is documented by the authors of the study with some examples from practice (Real change of ethnic identity – research of the change of ethnic identity on a sample of re-Slovakized people and their descendants; Looking at history in the passage of time - research on intergenerational memory using the sociohistorical method; Research on ethnicity and issues of history perception). Conjunction of the possibilities of the historian’s view of the present and the past through sociology and social psychology research is illustrated in the study by comparing selected results of the conducted research from 2017 versus 2004. The presented experimental experience proves that the use of methods of sociology and social psychology as postmodern auxiliary historical sciences is a way they can be used as a source for the needs of research and interpretation of history. Keywords: Ethnicity Research. Contemporary History. Sociohistorical Method. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2024.72.2.1
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Historický časopis, 1953 - 2024 / Design by Mgr. Peter Krákorník | |
ROČNÍK 72 * 2024 |