


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 47, 3/1999


Š t ú d i e

U l i č n ý, Ferdinand: Problematika metodského kresťanstva na Slovensku ... 349
H o m z a, Martin: Pokus o interpretáciu úlohy kňažnej Adelaidy v Uhorsko-poľskej kronike ... 357
Ď u r k o v á, Mária: Podpoľanie a najstaršie dejiny Detvy ... 383
L e n g y e l o v á, Tünde: Hospodárske pomery v zemepanských mestách na Slovensku v 16.-17. storočí ... 404
S u š k o, Ladislav: Miesto autonómneho Slovenska v politike Nemeckej ríše (september 1938 - marec 1939) ... 420
M i c h á l e k, Slavomír: Rada slobodného Československa 1948-1960 ... 432
B a r n o v s k ý, Michal: Legalizácia gréckokatolíckej cirkvi v Československu roku 1968 ... 447

R o z h ľ a d y

S o r b y, Karol: Bagdadský pakt a problémy arabskej zahraničnej politiky v polovici päťdesiatych rokov ... 466

A r c h í v

A m b r o s, Peter: Rabínovo svedectvo o obliehaní Prešporka v lete 1809 ... 489

R e c e n z i e

P i c h l e r, T. : Národovci a občania: o slovenskom politickom myslení v 19. storočí (M. Podrimavský) ... 511
Listy Ľudovíta Štúra IV. (Dodatky) (J. Hučko) ... 513
M a j t á n, M.: Názvy obcí Slovenskej republiky (Vývin v rokoch 1773-1997) (P. Horváth) ... 515
V a c u l í k, J.: Dějiny volyňských Čechů I., II., (M. Zavacká) ... 521
Weg von Österreich! Das Weltkriegsexil von Masaryk und Beneš im Spiegel ihrer Briefe und Aufzeichnungen aus den Jahren 1914 bis 1918 (R. Holec) ... 524

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

U l i č n ý, Ferdinand: The Problems of Method's christianity in Slovakia ... 349
H o m z a, Martin: An attemp to interpret Princess Adelaide's role in Hungarian-Polish Chronicle ... 357
Ď u r k o v á, Mária: The territory under Poľana hill and the oldest history of Detva ... 383
L e n g y e l o v á, Tünde: Economic situation in feudal towns in Slovakia in the 16th and 17th centuries ... 404
S u š k o, Ladislav: The role of autonomous Slovakia in the policy of German Empire (September 1938 - March 1939) ... 420
M i c h á l e k, Slavomír: Council of Free Czechoslovakia 1948-1960 ... 432
B a r n o v s k ý, Michal: Legalisation of the Greek Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia in the year 1968 ... 447

H o r i z o n s

S o r b y, Karol: Baghdad pact and the problems of Arabian foreign policy in the half of the 50s ... 466

A r c h i v e s

A m b r o s, Peter: Rabbi's testimony on the siege of Pressburg in the summer 1809 ... 489

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

U l i č n ý, Ferdinand: Die Problematik des vom heiligen Method aus Byzanz eingeführten Christentums in der Slowakei ... 349
H o m z a, Martin: Der Versuch einer Interpretation der Rolle von Fürstin Adelaide in der Ungarisch-polnischen Chronik ... 357
Ď u r k o v á, Mária: Das Waldwiesengebiet und die älteste Geschichte von Detva ... 383
L e n g y e l o v á, Tünde: Die wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse in der Marktflecken der Slowakei im 16. - 17. Jahrhundert ... 404
S u š k o, Ladislav: Autonome Slowakei in der Politik des Deutschen Reiches (September 1938 - März 1939) ... 420
M i c h á l e k, Slavomír: Der Rat der freien Tschechoslowakei 1948-1960 ... 432
B a r n o v s k ý, Michal: Die Legalisation der griechisch-katholischen Kirche in der Tschechoslowakei im Jahre 1968 ... 447

R u n d s c h a u

S o r b y, Karol: Bagdader Pakt und die Probleme der arabischen Außenpolitik in der Hälfte der 50er Jahre ... 466

A r c h i v

A m b r o s, Peter: Die Zeugenschaft des Rabbiners über die Belagerung von Preßburg im Sommer 1809 ... 265

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

ULIČNÝ, F.: The problems of Method's christianity in Slovakia.

Historický časopis, 47, 3, 1999, pp. 349-356, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the solution of the question whether some elements of Method's Church, or Christianity survived in the north-east Hungary (Slovakia) in the 11th - 13th centuries. The theological elements, the content and form of masses, the language of the mass and church-administrative competence of Method, the Archbishop have been investigated. The author of the present paper states that after 885 Method's elements, prohibited by the Pope, were vanishing and finally disappeared. In the 11th - 13th centuries no method's elements could be found in Hungarian church structure.

History. Slovakia. Problems of Method's Christianity in the north-east Slovakia.

HOMZA, M.: An attempt to interpret Princess Adelaide's role in Hungarian-Polish Chronicle.

Historický časopis, 47, 3, 1999, pp. 357 - 382, Bratislava.

This study is an attempt for a complex interpretation of the role and significance of Princess Adelaide, an alleged wife of Prince Gejza and Saint Stephen's mother, in the Hungarian-Polish Chronicle. Adelaide is the only woman, the wife of an Arpad who has been mentioned twice in the chronicle by name. This is the signal of her special position which somehow corresponds with the thesis that the aim of the Chronicle was to glorify the ruling dynasty of Arpads. Therefore Adelaide cannot be excluded from the history which is the effort of some modern historians (K. Jasiński, R. Grzesik, Gy. Györffy). But it should be interpreted in the context of the Chronicle which was its author's intention. The author of the present study wants to point to the possibility of real historical existence of such a heroine. On the other hand it is an attempt to depict her in wider consequences within the Central and Eastern Europe, or Europe as such.

History. Hungary. Hungarian-Polish Chronicle and Princess Adelaide.

ĎURKOVÁ, M.: The territory under Poľana hill and the oldest history of Detva.

Historický časopis, 47, 3, 1999, pp. 383-403, Bratislava.

The territory under Poľana hill belongs to old but because of its geographic conditions a not densely populated area of Zvolen valley. The development of this territory was slower than in other regions namely because of its less density and undeveloped economic life. Medieval settlements in this territory was concentrated into lower areas, i. e. the basins of Slatina, Zolná and Očovka (Hučava). In the early Middle Ages there existed individual settlements Zvolen Slatina, Očová, and maybe Hrochoť which originated before the 13th century. They were developed in older Slavonic settlements as small communities of Zvolen woods' protectors. Detva was established by nobility's decision in the territory of Vígľaš estate through settlements of the eastern parts of Očová and Slatina vicinity.

History. Slovakia. The trritory under Poľana hill and the oldest history of Detva.

LENGYELOVÁ, T.: Economic situation in feudal towns in Slovakia in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Historický časopis, 47, 3, 1999, pp. 404-419, Bratislava.

Feudal towns in the 16th and 17th centuries became economic and trade centres in the country. But in spite of that they still kept their agricultural character which was characterized by the production of crops and wine. Cattle was mostly used as draught cattle and for meat supply. During the 15th century crafts entered the rural towns, but they did not endangered agriculture. Majority of municipal craftsmen had also land and craft developed alongside the agriculture. Feudal towns were also trade centres. They provided the exchange of goods between big trade centres and rural areas.

History. Hungary. Economic situation in feudal towns in Slovakia in the 16th and 17th centuries.

SUŠKO, L.: The role of autonomous Slovakia in the policy of German Empire (September 1938 - March 1939).

Historický časopis, 47, 3, 1999, pp. 420-431, Bratislava.

The author of the present study deals with German policy against Slovakia after the Munich 1938 till March 1939. He writes about the development of German security service's activities after the invasion to Austria on the 12th March 1938 towards getting the Sudeten and Cartpathian Germans involved and towards getting the Czechoslovak Republic destroyed from inside. The author also mentions close links between German and Hungarian policy, as well as the increasing activities of Hungary against Czechoslovakia in September 1938. The Hungarian aim was manifested in the programme of large revision of borders at the expense of Czechoslovakia. When speaking about the autonomy of Slovakia, the author states that the Munich solution of Czechoslovak crisis brought a significant power and political changes in Central Europe.

History. Slovakia. Slovakia in the policy of Germany (September 1938 - March 1939).

MICHÁLEK, S.: Council of Free Czechoslovakia 1948-1960.

Historický časopis, 47, 3, 1999, pp. 432-446, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the attitudes of the Czechoslovak political emigration in the years 1948-1960. The author points namely to the internal discrepancies in the top exile body in the USA - Board of Free Czechoslovakia. Soon after the board was established, there appeared personal discrepancies, as well as discrepancies in programme and in conception. In the year 1951 they developed into real split of the third resistance. Different viewpoints on the relation between Slovaks and Czechs in future democratic Czechoslovakia were the key issues. However, constant discords, crises, and personal hatred often moved the fight for new Czechoslovakia into background. It was the arrival of new, post-August, exile generation of the early seventies represented the return to the original fight for democratic and free Czechoslovakia.

History. Czechoslovakia. The third resistance in the years 1948-1960.

BARNOVSKÝ, M.: Legalisation of the Greek Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia in the year 1968.

Historický časopis, 47, 3, 1999, pp. 447-465, Bratislava.

The Greek Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia was severely abolished by changing in into the Orthodox Church in 1950. Its activities were revived during the democratisation in the year 1968. Using archive and published documents the author of this study analyses the establishment of government resolution of the 13th June 1968 on making the Greek Catholic Church's activities legal. He also analyses the events which were prior to this legalisation and revival. Because the democratisation process was stopped and its achievements were gradually abolished, the Greek Catholic Church was not totally rehabilitated after the 21st August 1968. Its revival resulted in discontent in the Orthodox Church in Czechoslovakia.

History. Czechoslovakia. The Greek Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia and the year 1968.

SORBY, K.: The Baghdad pact and the problems of Arabian foreign policy in the half of the 50s.

Historický časopis, 47, 3, 1999, pp. 466-488, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the significant event in the Arabian political subsystem in the half of the 50s (the period between the Autumn 1954 and Spring 1955), as well as with the struggle for the establishment of regional military configuration in the Middle East called the Baghdad pact. It was a severe struggle for including those countries into the Western military and political structures. The efforts of the West clashed with the resistance of the revolutionary Egypt, governed by military regime. Although Egypt was interested in mutual cooperation with the West, it was against joining the Baghdad pact. The Egyptian Prime Minister used all legal possibilities offered by the Charter of Arab States’ League and persuaded other Arab states not to join the Baghdad pact. In such a way the Pact lost its significance.

History. Egypt. The Baghdad pact and the problems of Arabian foreign policy in the half of the 50s.

AMBROS, P.: Rabbi’s testimony on the siege of Pressburg in the summer 1809.

Historický časopis, 47, 3, 1999, pp. 489-510, Bratislava.

In the summer 1809 Napoleon Army concentrated its activities in Central Europe on the area around Vienna and Bratislava. The Hebrew document by Rabbi Moshe Sofer (The Book on Memories) seams to be a less known source on the Napoleon’s siege. The book published in 1879 brings the records of the events which happened between July and October 1809 in Bratislava and in Saint Jur. Its author was born in 1762 in Frankfurt on Mein. He was appointed to the Rabbi’s post in Bratislava in 1806. Moshe Sofer established Rabbi’s seminar, jeshiva, which has changed Pressburg into the most famous centre of Rabbi’s preparation in those days. Rabbi’s tomb in Bratislava became a pilgrim meeting place of Jews from all over the world.

History. Slovakia. Rabbi Moshe Sofer and his testimony on Pressburg’s siege in the summer 1809.


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