


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 48, 3/2000


Š t ú d i e

Š i m e k o v á, Slávka: Židia v právnych pamiatkach za Arpádovcov ... 401
T i l k o v s z k y, Loránt: Ľudovít Žigmund Szeberényi a Slováci v Maďarsku ... 417
H a r b u ľ o v á, Ľubica: Pôsobenie ruskej porevolučnej emigrácie na Slovensku v rokoch 1920 - 1939 ... 435
Š t e f á n i k o v á, Antónia: O niektorých aspektoch zahraničného obchodu Slovenskej republiky v rokoch 1939 - 1945 ... 462
P e š e k, Jan: Štátna bezpečnosť na Slovensku v období pokusu o spoločenskú reformu a jeho likvidácie (1968 - 1970) ... 478

R o z h ľ a d y

M u š i n k a, Mikuláš: Ivan Kraskovskij - priekopník bielorusko-ukrajinských vzťahov a Slovensko ... 495

M a t e r i á l y

B o b r í k, Miroslav: Činnosť Nemeckého telocvičného a športového zväzu v období slovenského štátu (1939 - 1945) ... 505

A r c h í v

K o v á č, Dušan: Štefánikovo talianske memorandum z apríla 1916 ... 517

R e c e n z i e

Kronika 20. storočia (P. Petruf) ... 534
Priekopníci vedy a techniky na Slovensku, 3 (R. Holec) ... 536
R y c h l í k, J.: Češi a Slováci ve 20. století. Československé vztahy 1914 - 1945 (L. Suško) ... 540
Od poznania do zrozumienia. Polacy, Czesi, Słowacy w 20 wieku (J. Valenta) ... 547
Vostočnaja Jevropa v dokumentach rossijskich archivov 1944 - 1953 gg. (M. Barnovský) ... 552

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

Š i m e k o v á, Slávka: The Jews in legal documents of the Arpads’ Hungary ... 401
T i l k o v s z k y, Loránt: Ludwig Sigismund Szeberényi and the Slovaks in Hungary ... 417
H a r b u ľ o v á, Ľubica: The Influence of Russsian Post-Revolutionary Emigration in Slovakia in the years 1920 - 1939 ... 435
Š t e f á n i k o v á, Antónia: Some Aspects of Foreign Trade of the Slovak Republic in the Years 1939 - 1945 ... 462
P e š e k, Jan: The police in Slovakia when struggling for social reform and in the years 1968 - 1970 ... 478

H o r i z o n s

M u š i n k a, Mikuláš: Ivan Kraskovskij - the pioneer of Byelo-Russian-Ukrainian relations and Slovakia ... 495

M a t e r i a l s

B o b r í k, Miroslav: Deutscher Turn- und Sportverbandes (DTSV) during the Slovak State (1939 - 1945) ... 505

A r c h i v e s

K o v á č, Dušan: Štefánik’s Italian Memorandum of the April 1916 ... 517

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Š i m e k o v á, Slávka: Juden in den Rechtsdenkmälern von Ungarn in der Zeit der Herrschaft des Hauses Arpad ... 401
T i l k o v s z k y, Loránt: Ludwig Sigismund Szeberényi und die Slowaken in Ungarn ... 417
H a r b u ľ o v á, Ľubica: Das Wirken der russischen Emigration nach der Revolution in der Slowakei in den Jahren 1920 - 1939 ... 435
Š t e f á n i k o v á, Antónia: Der auswärtige Handel der Slowakischen Republik in den Jahren 1939 - 1945 ... 462
P e š e k, Jan: Die Staatssicherheit in der Slowakei in der Zeit des Versuches um eine Geselschaftsreform und ihre Liquidation (1968 - 1970) ... 478

R u n d s c h a u

M u š i n k a, Mikuláš: Iwan Kraskovskij - der Vorkämpfer der weißrussisch-ukrainischen Verhältnissen und die Slowakei ... 495

M a t e r i a l i e

B o b r í k, Miroslav: Zur Tätigkeit des Deutschen Turn- und Sportverbandes in der Zeit des slowakischen Staates (1939 - 1945) ... 505

A r c h i v

K o v á č, Dušan: Das italienische Memorandum Štefániks aus dem April 1916 ... 517

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

ŠIMEKOVÁ, S.: The Jews in legal documents of the Arpads' Hungary.

Historický časopis, 48, 3, 2000, pp. 401- 416, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the Jews from the beginning of the 11th up to the end of the 13th centuries. It is based on then legal documents, such as instruments and royal decrees which reflect the attitude of the society, and its subsequent behaviour towards the Jews, or Jewish religion, including certain affinity of the Arpads towards the Jews, which followed from their interest in Jewish financial capital. The paper has been divided into two parts. The first one deals with the Jewish question recorded in the royal decrees. Those include namely economic and religion regulations. The second part has been devoted to the instruments. Their content is somehow interwoven with the content of the royal decrees, but they also bring some new information about the Jews.

History. Hungary. The Jews in legal documents of the Arpads' Hungary.

TILKOVSZKY, L.: Ludwig Sigismund Szeberényi and the Slovaks in Hungary.

Historický časopis, 48, 3, 2000, pp. 417-434, Bratislava.

Based on written, L. S. Szeberényi (1859 - 1941) heritage, which has been preserved in Budapest, the Slovak professional literature has been enriched by interesting and important information about his life and work. L. S. Szeberényi came from a well-known Slovak Evangelic priest's family. He decided to study for a priest and became a senior in Bekesczaba. He was not successful in his application for a bishop's post for quite a large area of namely Slovak sommunities. Although officially he supported the idea of Hungarian nation, he was, however, very brave in his fight (in speech and writing) against Hungarinizational policy, for language rights of Hungarian Slovaks in Church, schools and education. But L. S. Szeberényi kept away from the revizionistic policy.

History. Slovakia. L. S. Szeberényi and the Slovaks in Hungary.

HARBUĽOVÁ, Ľ.: The Influence of Russian Post-Revolutionary Emigration in Slovakia in the years 1920-1939.

Historický časopis, 48, 3, 2000, pp. 435-461, Bratislava.

The study presents the influence of the first wave of Russian political emigration in Slovakia in the years 1920-1939. When compared with other Russian emigration centres in Europe, the Russian post-revolutionary emigration in Slovakia was a small one, but socially and nationally differentiated. The emigrants were offered dwellings, work, education in Slovak secondary schools and universities. The representatives od Russian intelligentsia found their jobs too. (E. J. Perfeckij, V. A. Pogorelov, D. Andrusov, N. M. Novikov, N. O. Losskij and others). The emigrants were spread all over Slovakia, but majority of them were in Bratislava and Košice where their clubs were very active. The war interfered with their lives very significantly which resulted in closing the activities.

History. Czechoslovakia. The influence of Russian post-revolutionary emigration in Slovakia in thr years 1929-1939.

ŠTEFÁNIKOVÁ, A.: Some Aspects of Foreign Trade of the Slovak Republic in the Years 1939-1945.

Historický časopis, 48, 3, 2000, pp. 462-477, Bratislava.

After having been established, the Slovak Republic, similar to the former Czechoslovakia, was dependent very much on the development of the foreign trade, in order to guarantee its economic progress. Therefore the Slovak government doveted it special care. Even though the Slovak government tried to preserve independence in marking trade contacts, the Nazi Germany and German capital, using various economic and political means, directed the Slovak economy according to their own ideas. The clearing trade was a serious problem because it represented non-voluntary and interest-free loan in Germany which was gradually transformed into bad debts.

History. Slovakia. Some aspects of Foreign Trade of the Slovak Republic in the years 1939-1945.

PEŠEK, J.: The police in Slovakia when struggling for social reform and in the years 1968-1970.

Historický časopis, 48, 3, 2000, pp. 478-494, Bratislava.

The Police as a political force of the Communist Regime was affected by the efforts for social reform after the January 1968. The Police became the subject of severe criticism and there were doubts about its role in society. Josef Pavel, the new Minister of Defence from April 1968, was preparing organisational and personal changes in the Police. This was, however, stopped by the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw Pact troops in August 1968. But other changes took place. They were closely connected with federalisation of by-then unitary Czechoslovakia. Since then the Police was active on both the whole-state level and on the level of individual republics. This worked only by the end of the year 1970 when the Police was shift again into the competencies of the State.

History. Czechoslovakia. Police in the years 1968-1970.

MUŠINKA, M.: Ivan Kraskovskij - the pioneer of Byelo-Russian-Ukrainian relations and Slovakia.

Historický časopis, 48, 3, 2000, pp. 495-504, Bratislava.

The name of Byelo-Russian and Ukrainian historian, politician and economist Ivan I. Kraskovskij (1880-1955) is quite unknown in modern Byelo-Russian historiography. The Ukrainian encyclopedias published in the West end up their information saying: ”He was imprisoned in 1930 and after that there is no information about his life”. I. Kraskovskij’s name appeared several times in a few historical materials, but after 1930 there are no information about his life. A two-volume miscellany of documents and materials about the first parliament of Ukrainian National Republic has been published recently. I. Kraskovskij's name has occurred in 30 documents. When speaking about his death, there is still a question mark. There is very little known that his spent his last years in Bratislava where he was buried.

History. Slovakia. General (World) History. Byelo-Russian-Ukrainian relations and Slovakia.

BOBRÍK, M.: Deutscher Turn- und Sportverbandes (DTSV) during the Slovak State (1939-1945).

Historický časopis, 48, 3, 2000, pp. 505-516, Bratislava.

The author of the present study deals with the activity of DTSV in Slovakia during the years 1939-1945. Some clubs and unions were very active in claiming their German nationality. Those joined the DTSV already in the year 1938. Others were included in to DTSV regardless the fact that majority of their members opposed that. This organization, which was active under the conditions of the totalitarian regime, was influenced very much by the policy of Deutsche Partei. Mass physical training was mostly done in Deutsche Jugend and Freiwillige Schutzstaffel organizations. Except the promotion of German race's successes in sports activities, DTSV's main role was to prepare Slovak Germans for the fight in the front. The totalitarian regime of Franz Karmasin and his Deutsche Partei's activities resulted in sending Deutsche Jugend members from the age of 16 into Heimatschtz troops.

History. Slovakia. The activities of DTSV in Slovakia in the years 1939-1945.

KOVÁČ, D.: Štefánik's Italian Memorandum of the April 1916.

Historický časopis, 48, 3, 2000, pp. 517-533, Bratislava.

Milan Rastislav Štefánik's work, which has been published for the first time, is being dealt with in this study. Memorandum first appeared in April 1916 during Štefánik's diplomatic mission in Italy as the representative of the Czechoslovak National Council. The Memorandum follows from Masaryk's memorandum Independent Bohemia (1915), but has characteristic features of Štefánik's style and his diplomatic nature.

History. Slovakia. World War I. Štefánik's Italian Memorandum of the April 1916.


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