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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 51, 3/2003


Š t ú d i e

B y s t r i c k ý, Peter: Slovanské a bulharské vpády na Balkán do roku 559 ... 385
K u š n i r á k o v á, Ingrid: Nemocnice milosrdných bratov v Uhorsku v súradniciach osvietenských reforiem Márie Terézie a Jozefa II. ... 403
K e r t é s z, Botond: Sondy do vzťahu evanjelickej cirkvi, Slovákov a uhorského štátu v rokoch 1848 - 1849 ... 417
V a r i n s k ý, Vladimír: "Biela légia" a jej pôsobenie na strednom Slovensku ... 435
P e š e k, Jan: Protestantské cirkvi na Slovensku v rokoch 1969 - 1989 ... 447

R o z h ľ a d y

S o r b y, Karol: Sýria a Libanon na ceste k nezávislosti (1941 - 1946) ... 471
M a n n o v á, Elena: Historické dimenzie kolektívnych identít v strednej Európe ... 491

A r c h í v

N e m e š, Jaroslav - Z m á t l o, Peter: Listy Andreja Hlinku biskupovi Karolovi Kmeťkovi z rokov 1919 - 1928 ... 501

R e c e n z i e

R y c h l í k, J.: Rozpad Československa. Česko-slovenské vztahy 1989-1992 (M. Katuninec) ... 528
Č i e r n a-L a n t a y o v á, D.: Pohľady na Východ (Postoje k Rusku v slovenskej politike 1939 - 1944) (P. Petruf) ... 529
Nitra v slovenských dejinách (M. Kohútová) ... 532
Š i š m i š, M. a kol.: Bánovce nad Bebravou. 1232 - 2002 (E. Frimmová) ... 535
L e n d v a i, P.: Tisíc let maďarského národa (P. Mosný) ... 537
Dzieje Podkarpacia V. Początki chrześcijaństwa w Małopolsce (R. Kožiak) ... 539

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

B y s t r i c k ý, Peter: Slavonic and Bulgarian invasions in Balkan till year 559 ... 385
K u š n i r á k o v á, Ingrid: The Hospitals of the Brothers of Charity in Hungary within the coordinates of the Enlightenment reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II. ... 403
K e r t é s z, Botond: The Probe into the Relations among Evangelical Church, the Slovaks and the Hungarian State in the years 1848 - 1849. ... 417
V a r i n s k ý, Vladimír: "The White Legion" and its activities in Central Slovakia ... 435
P e š e k, Jan: Protestant Church in Slovakia during the Years 1969 - 1989 ... 447

H o r i z o n s

S o r b y, Karol: Syria and Lebanon on the Way to Independence - 1941 - 1946 ... 471
M a n n o v á, Elena: Historical Dimensions of Collective Identities in Central Europe ... 491

A r c h i v e s

N e m e š, Jaroslav - Z m á t l o, Peter: Andrej Hlinka's letters sent to Bishop Karol Kmeťko, during the years 1919 - 1928 ... 501

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

B y s t r i c k ý, Peter: Die slawischen und bulgarischen Einfälle auf Balkan bis den Jahr 559 ... 385
K u š n i r á k o v á, Ingrid: Die Krankenhäuser der barmherzigen Brüder in Ungarn in den Koordinaten der aufklärenischen Reformen von Maria Theresia und Joseph II. ... 403
K e r t é s z, Botond: Eine Untersuchung der Beziehungen zwischen der evangelischen Kirche, den Slowaken und dem ungarischen Staat in den Jahren 1848 - 1849 ... 417
V a r i n s k ý, Vladimír: "Weiße Legion" und ihre Wirkung in der Mittelslowakei ... 435
P e š e k, Jan: Die protestantischen Kirchen in der Slowakei in den Jahren 1969 - 1989 ... 447

R u n d s c h a u

S o r b y, Karol: Syrien und Libanon auf dem Weg zur Unabhägigkeit (1941 - 1946) ... 471
M a n n o v á, Elena: Historische Dimensionen der kolektiven Identitäten in Mitteleuropa ... 491

A r c h i v

N e m e š, Jaroslav - Z m á t l o, Peter: Die Briefe von Andrej Hlinka an den Bischof Karol Kmeťko aus den Jahren 1919 - 1928 ... 501

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

BYSTRICKÝ, P. Slavonic and Bulgarian invasions in the Balkans till year 559.

Historický časopis, 51, 3, 2003, pp. 385–402, Bratislava.

The first invasions appeared at the end of the 5th century. The first known invasion of Slavs occured in the year 517. After the year 534, when the Emperor Justinian started his ambitious plan of territorial reconstruction of the former Roman Empire, the protection of borders was in the background of his interests. Hunni Bulgars, Slavs and Slavonic Anti used the long wars with Ostrogots and Persians and kept reentering the Empire’s territory. The situation in the years 548 to 552 deteriorated because of enmity of Langobards and Gepids who used these invasions and even incited them. That was the period of the most severe invasions. After the year 552 the Byzantine Empire was free from large invasions for some time. But in the years 558–559 there was a joint expedition of Bulgarian Kutrigurs and Slavs which found the Empire in deep crisis.

History. Slovakia. Slavonic and Bulgarian invasions in the Bakcans up to 559.

KUŠNIRÁKOVÁ, I.: The Hospitals of the Brothers of Charity in Hungary within the coordinates of the Enlightenment reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II.

Historický časopis, 51, 3, 2003, pp. 403–416, Bratislava.

The present study depicts the origin and development of the monasteries of the Brothers of Charity in the old Kingdom of Hungary in the 17th century, as well as the process of their transformation which resulted from the Enlightenment reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II. The hospitals of the Brothers of Charity were the first hospitals in Hungary. Their activities were aimed at medical care and nursing services. The first hospital of that kind was established in Bratislava in 1672. During the first half of the 18th century other hospitals were established in other Hungarian towns. The existence of monasteries and hospitals was impossible without sufficient financial support. The monasteries were financially supported from three sources: from foundations, from the income received from selling medicines in monastic pharmacies and from collecting donations.

History. Hungary. The Hospitals of the Brothers of Charity and of Maria Theresa and Joseph II.

KERTÉSZ, B.: The Probe into the Relations among Evangelical Church, the Slovaks and the Hungarian State in the years 1848–1849.

Historický časopis, 51, 3, 2003, pp. 417–434, Bratislava.

During the revolution of the year 1848 there were several smaller or larger conflicts within the Evangelical Church in Hungary. The Evangelical Church, which was formed by Slovaks, Germans and Hungarians, was not very unified. It was multilingual and multi-cultural. While the Hungarian and German groups supported liberal theology, the Slovak groups were more conservative and supported Luther’s orthodox theology. Hungarian liberal theologian, like the supportes of political liberalism, supported Hungarian national efforts. In the 1830s and 1840s they tried to use the Evangelical Church for Magyarization. Thanks to the realistic approach of the majority of priests and teachers, these efforts were supported only with limits. The representatives of Luther’s orthodoxy, which formed the second front in the Evangelical Church, devoted their attention to the support of Slovak national interests.

History. Hungary. The Probe into the relations of Evangelical Church, the Slovaks and Hungarian State in the years 1848–1849.

VARINSKÝ, V.: “The White Legion“ and its activities in Central Slovakia (1949–1952).

Historický časopis, 51, 3, 2003, pp. 435–446, Bratislava.

During the years 1949–1952 “White Legion“ was established in Slovakia. Its activities were aimed at anti-communist resistance and renewal of the Slovak State. It was considered by the State Police as a mass semi-military terrorist group of emigrants under the leadership of Jozef Vicen (1950–1951) and Karol Šumichrast (1952–1955). The action called “Duben“ (April) was taken by the State Police to abolish this organization. The representatives of the White Legion made broadcasts advocating non-organized resistance against the Communist regime based on individual resistance by means of passive resistance and by self-help of the inhabitants to protect human rights. In Slovakia White Legion groups were established as semi-military organization which were preparing an armed revolution. This study tries to respond to the questions: why was it so, who was in the background and whether it was a White Legion at all.

History. Czechoslovakia. “The White Legion“ and its activities in Central Slovakia.

PEŠEK, J.: Protestant Church in Slovakia during the Years 1969–1989.

Historický časopis, 51, 3, 2003, pp. 447–470, Bratislava.

In the 70s and 80s two large Protestant churches were active in Slovakia. The Slovak Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession had members of Slovak nationality. After the fall of Communism at the end of the year 1989, their number was 326 000 persons, that is 6.19 % of the population. The members of the Reformed Church were mostly of Hungarian nationality and their number was 83 000 persons, that is 1.57 % of the population. After January 1968, during the attempt at social reform, both churches tried to get away from the “supervision“ of the state power and develop their activities free from that power. The occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw Pact troops in August 1968 stopped that effort and in Spring 1969 the whole process was reversed. The so called “normalization“ started, that is everything returned to the routine before the January 1968. Both churches were significantly affected by that.

History. Czechoslovakia. Protestant Church in Slovakia during the Years 1969–1989.

SORBY, K.: Syria and Lebanon on the Way to Independence (1941–1946).

Historický časopis, 51, 3, 2003, pp. 471–490, Bratislava.

The Syrian and Lebanese political leaders who had battled for independence in the mandatory period had the satisfaction of forming the first fully soveregn Syrian republic in spring 1946 and Republic of Lebanon in autumn 1946. However, free political institutions in Syria were short-lived. The whole republican parliamentary structure collapsed within three years of independence. Nationalist feelings in Syria ran higher than in Lebanon but nationalism in Syria was not just anti-imperialist; the goal of a united Pan-Arab state was alive in Syria. In independent Lebanon, power was based on the confessional system, by which the posts in government were alloted according to religious group. Lebanon’s political system and economy interacted closely, with the government playing a small but significant role as the country grew increasingly prosperous.

History. Syria and Lebanon on the Road to Independence, 1941–1946.

MANNOVÁ, E.: Historical Dimensions of Collective Identities in Central Europe.

Historický časopis, 51, 3, 2003, pp. 491–500, Bratislava.

The present essay deals with current trends in social research into collective indentities and emphasizes the significance of history for constituting social awareness and identities. New impulses fopr the study of these phenomena were initiated by the change in the perspective of the research into nationalism, thematization of cultural and social differentiation and concentration of general attention on historical memory. Many interdisciplinary projects have dealt with multilevel identities in Central Europe, the “hybrid“ culture of which resulted from exogenetic and endogenic plurality of various referential systems. Ich such a pluralistic environment of numerous ethnic groups, religions and political-administrative traditions, modernization and national homogenization were accompanied by numerous conflicts. The formation of the ethnic identity of Romany people in Slovakia has illustrated the fluidity of collective identities.

History. Slovakia. Collective identity. Central Euurope. Romany people.

NEMEŠ, J. – ZMÁTLO, P.: Andrej Hlinka’s letters sent to Bishop Karol Kmeťko, during the years 1919–1928.

Historický časopis, 51, 3, 2003, pp. 501–527, Bratislava.

This is the collection of 27 letters written by the Slovak priest, politician and patriot A. Hlinka. The letters present the period and whole-society problems which he witnessed. They present the opinions of one of the most outstanding personalities of modern Slovak history. Not all the letters which A. Hlinka sent to Bishop K. Kmeťko of Nitra have been preserved. The surviving letters cover the period from 1919 up to 1928. That was a very important period. Those were the first years of the first Czechoslovak Republic. They reflect the fall of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the period of the origin and formation of a new state, the Czechoslovak Republic. They also reflect Hlinka’s unwilling residence in Mírov, they describe the situation in the Slovak National Party, the problems connected with the appointment of the first three Slovak bishops into their posts, the problems of Catholic policy in Slovakia, party plurality, disputes among the elite, etc.

History. Slovakia. Andrej Hlinka and his correspondence in the years 1919–1928.


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