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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 47, 4/1999


Š t ú d i e

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Vznik Uhorska a Nitrianske kniežatstvo ... 569
F r i m m o v á, Eva: Obraz Uhorska v Bartoliniho cestopise Hodoeporicon z roku 1515 ... 615
P e š e k, Jan: Slovenská evanjelická cirkev augsburského vyznania pod “dohľadom” štátu (1953 - 1970) ... 635

R o z h ľ a d y

S l o b o d n í k, Martin: Vzťahy čínskej dynastie Ming a tibetského vládnuceho roku Phag-mo-gru (1368 - 1434) ... 655

A r c h í v

U h e r, Ján: Na začiatku rehabilitácií (Výňatok z rozsiahlejších politických zápiskov a pamätí priameho účastníka takzvanej Kolderovej rehabilitačnej komisie) ... 679

R e c e n z i e

N i ž ň a n s k ý, E.: Židovská komunita na Slovensku medzi československou parlamentnou demokraciou a slovenským štátom v stredoeurópskom kontexte (P. Švorc) ... 702
C u h r a, J.: Cirkevní politika KSČ a státu v letech 1969 - 1972 (J. Pešek) ... 704
N o v o t n ý, J. - Š o u š a, J.: Banka ve znamení zeleného čtyřlístku (R. Holec) ... 706
Historiografia na Slovensku 1997 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 727

G l o s y - B i b l i o g r a f i a - K r o n i k a


A r t i c l e s

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: The Origin of Hungary and Nitra Principality ... 569
F r i m m o v á, Eva: The Picture of Hungary in Riccardo Bartolini’s Travel Book Hodoeporicon of the year 1515 ... 615
P e š e k, Jan: Slovak evangelic church of Augsburg denomination under “the supervision” of the state (1953 - 1970) ... 635

H o r i z o n s

S l o b o d n í k, Martin: Relations between the Chinese Ming Dynasty and the Tibetan ruling house Phag-mo-gru (1368 - 1434) ... 655

A r c h i v e s

U h e r, Ján: Beginning the rehabilitations (The extract from larger political notes and recordings of a direct participant of so called Kolder’s rehabilitation commission) ... 679
Historiography in Slovakia 1997 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 727

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Die Entstehung Ungarns und das Nitraer Fürstentum ... 569
F r i m m o v á, Eva: Das Bild Ungarns in der Reisebeschreibung Hodoeporicon von Riccardo Bartolini aus dem Jahre 1515 ... 615
P e š e k, Jan: Die Slowakische evangelische Kirche des Augsburger Glaubens unter der Aufsicht des Staates (1953 - 1970) ... 635

R u n d s c h a u

S l o b o d n í k, Martin: Die Beziehungen der chinesischen Ming Dynastie und des tibetischen Herrscherhauses Phag-mo-gru (1368 - 1434) ... 655

A r c h i v

U h e r, Ján: Der Anfang der Rehabilitationen (Der Auszug aus umfassenderen politischen Anmerkungen und die Memoiren der unmittelbaren Teilnehmer der sog. Kolders Rehabilitationskommission) ... 679
Die Geschichtsschreibung in der Slowakei in 1997 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 727

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

STEINHÜBEL, J.: The Origin of Hungary and Nitra Principality.

Historický časopis, 47, 4, 1999, pp. 569- 614, Bratislava.

According to the Hungarian chronicler Anonym, having crossed the Carpathians the Hungarians entered the territory of Uh principality, later comitat with castles of Uh, Mukačevo, Borža and Zemplín. Prince Arpád kept the territory among the rivers Danube, lower Tisa and Zagyva and northern territory beyond the Danube. Eastwards there were non-Arpád’s principalities of Bihar, Marosvár and Transylvania, in southern territory beyond the Danube there were Bulcsu’s principality and Lél’s region in Slovakia. Uh principality together with three Kabar tribes formed the base of four Bihar comitats: Uh, Szatmár, Szabolcs and Bihar. Till the establishment of the comitats, Nitra principality had been divided into four smaller principalities: small Nitra county, the Váh, the Hont county and Boršod county. Taš became the Hungarian Prince in Nitra.

History. Hungary. The origin of Hungary and Nitra principality.

FRIMMOVÁ, E.: The Picture of Hungary in Bartolini’s Travel Book Hodoeporicon of the year 1515.

Historický časopis, 47, 4, 1999, pp. 615-634, Bratislava.

The work Hodoeporicon by Riccardo Bartolini (Vienna 1515, 136 p.) deals with the meeting of the Emperor Maximilian I Habsburg and three Jagellons in Vienna and in Bratislava (Pressburg) in the year 1515. There was the double wedding of Emperor’s and King’successors fixed. Hodoeporicon can be considered a travel book which presented true events and precise desciption of the large territory. It touches namely the history of Hungarian and Austrian states, as well as the north-eastern European states at the dawn of Modern times. The historical background of the treaty of such an enormous political segnificance together with the description of the problems and the whole atmosphere have been presented.

History. Hungary. The congres of Emperor Maximilian and three kings in 1515 in Vienna and Bratislava (Pressburg).

PEŠEK, J.: Slovak evangelic church of Augsburg denomination under “the supervision“ of the state (1953-1970).

Historický časopis, 47, 4, 1999, pp. 635-654, Bratislava.

At the beginning of the development of totalitarian state-and-church relationships in Czechoslovakia (more or less in the years 1948-1953) even the Evangelic Church was paralysed. The Evangelic Church leadership of Augsburg denomination in Slovakia was personally rebuilt and “the reactionary“ representatives of the church were replaced by the reliable ones. The Church but continued to live and protected itself as far as the totalitarian regime made it possible. After Stalin's crimes had been discovered at the XXth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the year 1956, the Evangelic priests’activities among their believers were increased. But the Czechoslovak regime, however, overcame its crisis at the turn of the years 1956-1957 and became more strict.

History. Czechoslovakia. Slovak Evangelic Church of Augsburg denomination under “the supervision“ of the state (1953-1970).

SLOBODNÍK, M.: Relations between the Chinese Ming Dynasty and the Tibetan ruling house Phag-mo-gru (1368 - 1434).

Historický časopis, 47, 4, 1999, pp. 655-678, Bratislava.

The paper deals with the problem of available written sources for the study of the relations between the Ming Dynasty China and the Phag-mo-gru Dynasty of Central Tibet, and the specific features of this sources. This problem is dealt in the broad context of the traditional approach of Chinese and Tibetans towards their history. A number of Chinese (Ming shilu, Ming shi, Da Ming huidian, Shuyu zhouzi lu, Xianbin lu, Yisheng, Siyi guangji) and Tibetan sources (Deb-ther dmar-po, Rlangs-kyi po-ti bse-ru, Rgya-bod yig-tshang, Deb-ther sngon-po, Deb-ther dmar-po gsar-ma, Bod-kyi deb-ther dpyid-kyi rgyal-mo’i glu-dbyangs, Dpag-bsam ljon-bzang) are evaluated from the angle of their relevance for the study of the above mentioned period.

Historiography. China. Tibet. Sino-Tibetan relations. 14th-15th centuries.

UHER, J.: Beginning the rehabilitations (The extrac from larger political notes and recordings of a direct participant of so called Kolder’s rehabilitation commission).

Historický časopis, 47, 4, 1999, pp. 679- 701, Bratislava.

Being the direct participant of one of working groups, the so called Kolder’s rehabilitation commission and a close A. Dubček’s collaborator, the author describes the preparation, process, jail and later revision of the political trial against the so called bourgeois nationalists led by V. Clementis, G. Husák, L. Novomeský and others in the 50s. Having studied thousands of authentic procedural pages from the court as well as other documents, he describes the machinery of made-up political processes, as well as the atmosphere which he witnessed. He also describes the attitudes of many leading politicians, investigators and Soviet advisers.

History. Czechoslovakia. Political notes and records of a direct participant of so called Kolder's rehabilitation commission.


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