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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 49, 4/2001


Š t ú d i e

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Arpádovské Nitriansko - uhorské a slovanské ... 585
B a r t l, Július: Bratislavské vinohradníctvo a obchod s vínom v 14. a 15. storočí ... 599
M a c h o, Peter: K problémom prekladu a interpretácie Herkeľovej národnej obrany z roku 1826 ... 609
K á z m e r o v á, Ľubica - K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Žurnalistická činnosť Karola Sidora v prvej polovici dvadsiatych rokov 20. storočia ... 621
L o n d á k, Miroslav: Príprava ekonomickej reformy a Slovensko v rokoch 1963 - 1967 ... 635


H a v r i l a, Marek: Rozvíjanie historických disciplín na Filozofickej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave v rokoch 1945 - 1968 ... 655
S e d l i a k o v a, Alžbeta: Slovenská historiografia 1999 ... 727

R e c e n z i e

C am b e l, S.: Štátnik a národohospodár Milan Hodža 1878- 1944 (Ľ. Lipták) ... 683
S a l n e r, P.: Židia na Slovensku medzi tradíciou a asimiláciou (E. Mannová) ... 684
V a c u l í k, J.: Dějiny volyňských Čechů (1945 - 1948) (M. Zavacká) ... 687
T 6 t h , I. Gy.: Literary and Written Culture in Early Modern Central Europe (E. Kowalská) ... 689
S c h e u e r m a n n, M.: Minderheitenschutz contra Konfliktverhütung? Die Minderheitenpolitik des Völkerbundes in den zwanziger Jahren (B. Ferenčuhová) ... 692

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Arpád's Nitra Region - Hungarian and Slavonic ... 585
B a r t l, Július: Bratislava viniculture and trade with wine in the 14th - 15th centuries ... 599
M a c h o, Peter: On the problem of translation and interpretation of Herkeľs national defence of the year 1826 ... 609
K á z m e r o v á, Ľubica - K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Karol Sidor' journalist activities in the first half of the 20s of the 20th century ... 621
L o n d á k, Miroslav: The economic reform and Slovakia in the years 1963-1967 ... 635

H o r i z o n s

Ha v r i l a, Marek: The Development of Historical Disciplines at the Faculty of Arts Comenius University in Bratislava in the Years 1945-1968 ... 655
S e d l i a k o v a, Alžbeta: Slovak Historiography in 1999 ... 727

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Das Nitraer Fürstentum des Hauses Arpád - ungarisch und slawisch ... 585
B a r t l, Július: Der Bratislavaer Weinbau und der Handel mit Wein im 14. - 15. Jahrhundert ... 599
M a c h o, Peter: Zu den Problemen der Übersetzung und Interpretation der Nationalverteidigung von Herkeľ aus dem Jahre 1826 ... 609
K á z m e r o v á, Ľubica - K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Die journalistische Tätigkeit von Karol Sidor in der ersten Hälfte der 20er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts ... 621
L o n d á k , Miroslav: Die ökonomische Reform und die Slowakei in den Jahren 1963-1967 ... 635

R u n d s c h a u

H a v r i l a, Marek: Das Entwickeln der geschichtlichen Disziplinen an der Philophischen Fakultät der Universität von Comenius in Bratislava in den Jahren 1945-1968 ... 655
S e d l i a k o v a, Alžbeta: Die Slowakische Geschichtsschreibung 1999 ... 727

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

STEINHÜBEL, J.: Arpád’s Nitra Region – Hungarian and Slavonic.

Historický časopis, 49, 4, 2001, pp. 585-598, Bratislava.

Three Hungarian legions, who arrived to help Prince Břetislav in the August 1040, came from Nitra region. “Nitrienses“, who in August and September 1074 were ready to defend the main castle of the principality against the dethroned Hungarian king Salamon, as well as against his ally the German king Henrich IV, were the same Nitra soldiers who together with the Bihars and the Moravians defeated the king Salamon on 14 March 1074. In contrast with Piasts’, Ruriks’ and partly also family of Přemysls’ fates, the hereditary rule of the side branch of Arpád’s family who would have settled there and would have kept il far away from the royal part of Hungary.

History. Slovakia. Arpád’s Nitra Region – Hungarian and Slavonic.

BARTL, J.: Bratislava viniculture and trade with wine in the 14th – 15th centuries.

Historický časopis, 49, 4, 2001, pp. 599-608, Bratislava.

Viniculture and production of wine in Bratislava belong among the oldest branches of agriculture in western part of Slovakia. Hungarian kings granted many privileges (the first one in 1291) to Bratislava, and thanks to them Bratislava gained monopoly over the trade with wine in western Slovakia. The export of Bratislava wines was mainly done in Austria, Bohemia and Moravia. More than 50% of Bratislava inhabitants were engaged in viniculture on area the larger than the area of arable land. Trying to elicit competition from church institutions, Bratislava city rented tithes from wine paid by Esztergom archibishop and Bratislava chapter. The wine gained in such a way could be the subject of further trade. Viniculture and wine trade had a positive effect on economic position of Bratislava in the Middle Ages.

History. Slovakia. Bratislava viniculture and trade with wine in the 14th – 15th centuries.

MACHO, P.: On the problem of translation and interpretation of Herkeľ’s national defence of the year 1826.

Historický časopis, 49, 4, 2001, pp. 609-620, Bratislava.

Ján Herkeľ belonged to the number of the catholic scholars who got involved in the Slovak National Movement dated in to the first third of the 19th century. In 1826 he wrote and published an article in which he argued against the ideas of Hungarian patriot A. Thaisz. J. Herkeľ was defending the principles of linguistic and national equality and plurality within Habsburg monarchy. He tried to prove that the Slavs had the right to be called a nation. His arguments followed from Habsburg titles. He stated that within the Habsburg monarchy the Hungarians represent one kingdom only, but the Slavs six kingdoms. Herkeľ refused this thesis claiming that Hungary is Magyar national state. That conclusion followed from the text analysis and from the comparison of the Slovak translation of Herkeľ’s defence.

History. Slovakia. Slovak-Hungarian relations. National defences 19th century.

KÁZMEROVÁ, Ľ. – KATUNINEC, M.: Karol Sidor’s journalist activities in the first half of the 20s of the 20th century.

Historický časopis, 49, 4, 2001, pp. 621-634, Bratislava.

In the 20s the last century K. Sidor’s name was closely connected with the existence of Slovak, the Slovak National Party’s newspaper, published at that time in Ružomberok and since 1921 in Bratislava. Before Sidor became the editor of the newspaper Slovak, he had played his part in the establishment of literary students’ magazine Vatra in 1919. During the first half of the 20s he devoted his attention to prose writing, but mainly to political journalism in which he was more successful. Wide spectrum of Sidor’s activities in culture included also theatre criticism. He devoted his attention to newly established Slovak National Theatre and the formation of the Slovak group in the drama ensemble. Sidor’s jornalist creation of that period reflected his autonomist opinions – fully influenced by A. Hlinka, the chairman of the Slovak National Party and Sidor’s human and political model.

History. Slovakia. Karol Sidor’s journalistic activities.

LONDÁK, M.: The economic reform and Slovakia in the years 1963-1967.

Historický časopis, 49, 4, 2001, pp. 635-654, Bratislava.

The author of the present study does not investigate all the problems which occured in the process of economic reform in Czechoslovakia during the mid 60s of the 20th century. His main aim has been to look for the real role of Slovakia in the preparation of the reform. The author has also underlined the manner of its acceptance in Slovakia after the January 1965. The conclusions offered by the present study have proved that the comments from Slovak institutions were not taken into consideration by the state. This was reflected in the fact that the negative results affected Slovak industrial entreprises more severely after the reform was started. This had its effect on political development towards the Prague Spring in 1968.

History. Slovakia. Economic reform and Slovakia in years 1963-1967.

HAVRILA, M.: The Development of Historical Disciplines at the Faculty of Arts Comenius University in Bratislava in the Years 1945-1968.

Historický časopis, 49, 4, 2001, pp. 655-682, Bratislava.

The present paper is a retrospective view of the development of historiography at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava in the years 1945-1968. The author concentrates on the most significant personalities and events which charakterized Slovak historiography. He tried to map the development of related historical disciplines – archive science and auxiliary historical sciences, archeology, ethnography and history of art. Having explained the contemporary facts, as well as the organization and functions of history departements and divisions, special attention has been devoted to the role of personalities of historiography, i. e. to the historians who were active at the Faculty of Arts in the given period. The author tried to depict professional production of 50 outstanding personalities of Slovak historiography.

History. Slovakia. The development of historical disciplines.


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