


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 50, 4/2002


Š t ú d i e

Š t e f á n i k, Martin: Počiatky obchodných stykov Uhorska s Benátskou republikou za dynastie Arpádovcov ... 553
D v o ř á k o v á, Daniela: Rytierska kultúra v živote uhorskej šľachty na prelome 14. a 15. storočia ... 569
T ó t h, István György: Počiatky rekatolizácie na východnom Slovensku (Pôsobenie Jána Vanovicziho a rádu pavlínov) ... 587
H l a v a, Bohuslav: Recipročné návštevy S. V. Kaftanova a J. Siváka v kontexte slovensko-sovietskych vzťahov v rokoch 1939-1940 ... 607
R y n í k, Jozef: Cesta slovenského bankovníctva k centralizácii 1945-1950 (koncentrácia a špecializácia bánk) ... 619

R o z h ľ a d y

K i l i á n o v á, Gabriela: Mýtus hranice: Devín v kolektívnej pamäti Slovákov, Maďarov a Nemcov ... 633

A r c h í v

R y c h l í k, Jan: Udalosti okolo zjazdu slovenských novinárov roku 1963 v správach bulharského konzulátu v Bratislave ... 651
Slovenská historiografia (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 699

R e c e n z i e

Rozpravy k slovenským dejinám (M. Kohútová) ... 664
H o l e c, R.: Zabudnuté osudy. 10 životných príbehov z novodobých slovenských dejín (M. Podrimavský) ... 666
P o p, I.: Enciklopedija Podkarpatskoj Rusi (Ľ. Haraksim) ... 670
S c h ö n f e l d, R.: Slowakei. Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart (M. Zemko) ... 674

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

Š t e f á n i k, Martin: The origin of commercial links between Hungary and Venetian Republic during Arpád dynasty ... 553
D v o ř á k o v á, Daniela: Knight culture in the life of Hungarian nobility on the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries ... 569
T ó t h, István György: The beginning of recatholization in Eastern Slovakia (Ján Vanoviczi's activities and those of Paulist order) ... 587
H l a v a, Bohuslav: Reciprocal visits of S. V. Kaftanov and J. Sivák in the context of Slovak-Soviet relations in the years 1939-1940 ... 607
R y n í k, Jozef: The road of Slovak banking towards centralization in the years 1945-1950 (concentration and specialization of banks) ... 619

H o r i z o n s

K i l i á n o v á, Gabriela: The myth of a border: Devín in collective memory of the Slovaks, Hungarians and Germans ... 633

A r c h i v e s

R y c h l í k, Jan: The Actions Connected with the Congress of Slovak Journalists in 1963 in the Reports of Bulgarian Consulate in Bratislava ... 651
Slovak Historiography in 2000 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 699

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Š t e f á n i k, Martin: Die Anfänge der Handelsbeziehungen Ungarns mit der Venezianishen Republik in der Zeit des Hauses Arpád ... 553
D v o ř á k o v á, Daniela: Die Ritterkultur im Leben des ungarischen Adels um die Wende des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts ... 569
T ó t h, István György: Die Anfänge der Rekatholisierung in der Ostslowakei (Die Wirkung von Ján Vanoviczi und des Paulinerordens) ... 587
H l a v a, Bohuslav: Die gegenseitigen Besuche von S. W. Kaftanov und J. Sivák im Kontext der slowakisch-sowjetischen Beziehungen in den Jahren 1939-1940 ... 607
R y n í k, Jozef: Der Weg des slowakischen Bankwesens zur Zentralisation in den Jahren 1945-1950 (die Bankkonzentration und -spezialisierung) ... 619

R u n d s c h a u

K i l i á n o v á, Gabriela: Der Mythos der Grenze: Devín im kolektiven Bewusstsein der Slowaken, Ungarn und Deutschen ... 633

A r c h i v

R y c h l í k, Jan: Die Ereignisse um die Tagung der slowakischen Journalisten im Jahre 1963 in den Berichten des bulgarischen Konsulats in Bratislava ... 651
Die Slowakische Geschichtsschreibung 2000 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 699

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

ŠTEFÁNIK, M.: The origin of commercial links between Hungary and Venetian Republic during Arpád dynasty.

Historický časopis, 50, 4, 2002, pp. 553–568, Bratislava.

Precious metals (gold, silver) and later non-ferrous metals (copper) represented the basis in trade exchange between Hungarian Kingdom and Venice Republic. Hungary used those metals to cover the import of luxury goods from the Orient. They imported namely garments, pearls, precious stones, spices and other goods for Hungarian nobility. At the beginning of their mutual trade exchange these goods were imported by Venetian merchants. There were two trade routes by means of which this exchange took place: by sea, so called Dalmatian route (via Adriatic sea and Dalmatia into Hungarian interior) and on dry land, so called Vienna route including possible branch through Slovenia and Styria. Andrew III, the last of the Arpád family, was half Venetian of Morosini dynasty on his mother side. The Venetian influence increased during his reign. The Venetians occupied high posts in the administration of the Kingdom.

History. Hungary. The orogin of commercial links between Hungary and Venetia.

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, D.: Knight culture in the life of Hungarian nobility on the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. Historický časopis, 50, 4, 2002, pp. 569–586, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the knighthood ideals in the life of Hungarian nobility on the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries, i. e. during the reign of Sigismond of Luxemburg. This was manifested in the establishment of Drake order, as well as in the existence of many other aspects, for example the use of some first names (such as Isolda, Tristan, Lancelot, etc.), the appraisal of knight virtues in royal charters which proved surprisingly close links of Hungarian knight culture with west European culture. Knighthood included not only real fighting, but also great tournaments, ceremonial oats, pilgrimages which became inseparable from the life of Hungarian nobility. the knights in Hungary were also dubbed knights in the same way as anywhere in Europe.

History. Hungary. Knights and Hungarian nobility on the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries.

TÓTH, I. Gy.: The beginning of recatholization in Eastern Slovakia. (Ján Vanoviczi’s activities and those of Paulist order). Historický časopis, 50, 4, 2002, pp. 587–606, Bratislava.

The present study has been based on Vatican archive resources, which have not been used yet – namely Sacra Congregazione de Propaganda Fide. The author presents an analysis of the activities of an outstanding missionary in the Upper Hungarian territory and in Transylvania. Ján Vanoviczi was the first missionary of the Paulist order in Hungary and he played an extremely important role in the Catholic Reform in the territory round Košice. J. Vanoviczi studied in Trnava and in Rome and in 1642 he received missionary authorization. Being an extremely ambitious and very active figure of the Counterreformation period, J. Vanoviczi lived in Rome and in Hungary. He was a writer, preacher, a bishop and above all an intinerant missionary.

History. Hungaria. Recatholization in the East Slovakia in the 17th century and Paulist order Ján Vanoviczi.

HLAVA, B.: Reciprocal visits of S. V. Kaftanov and J. Sivák in the context of Slovak-Soviet relations in the years 1939–1940. Historický časopis, 50, 4, 2002, pp. 607–618, Bratislava.

The study deals with the recognition of the sovereignty of the Slovak Republic by the Soviet Union on the 16th September 1939, as well as with the initiation of diplomatic relations between Bratislava and Moscow which represented a short period of official Slovak-Soviet relations. Slovak political representatives thought that the intensification of mutual relations with the USSR could strengthen their international political positions. In order to fulfill that goal they tried to modify their original anti-Soviet and anti-Communist attitudes. They assumed that during possible peace talks and negotiations Moscow could have its say in the final arrangement in Central Europe. Slovak politicians underestimated the fact that the “independent“ Slovakia existed because of the defensive treaty with Germany.

History. Slovakia. Reciprocal visits in the context of Slovak-Soviet relations.

RYNIK, J.: The road of Slovak banking towards centralization in the years 1945–1950 (concentration and specialization of banks). Historický časopis, 50, 4, 2002, pp. 619–632, Bratislava.

The present study describes the process of concentration of banks in the post-war Czechoslovakia which followed after the concentration process of the years 1939–1945. From the political viewpoint it was influenced by different opinions of the two most important political parties in Slovakia – the Democratic party and Communist party, as well as by the discrepancies between the image about its application in Prague and Bratislava. But it took place under different political and economic conditions. The author describes many conception on concentration and presents the factors which influenced its development. In the year 1950 Slovak banking ended up as totally monopolized and centralized in the only State bank of Czechoslovakia.

History. Czechoslovakia. The road of Slovak banking towards centralization in the years 1945–1950.

KILIÁNOVÁ, G.: The myth of a border: Devín in collective memory of the Slovaks, Hungarians and Germans. Historický časopis, 50, 4, 2002, pp. 633–650, Bratislava.

The ruins of Devín Castle have created a picture which has been inseparable from the collective memory of the Slovaks, Hungarians and Germans/Austrians within two hundred years. Devín reflects a construction of collective entitiens in Central Europe, in multiethnic and multicultural area where the promotion of the principles of a national state was accompanied by a variety of problems. The aim of the present study is to investigate the origin of Devín idea, its development and specification. The author has been interested in the ideas and symbols which participated in the formation of collective memory, she also investigated which personalities or groups contributed to its origin. The role of institutions and instruments in its construction cannot be neglected either. The author deals with the time development of the formation and stabilization of the memorial place, as well as with the Devín’s role in the context of other symbols in the reconstruction of collective (national) identity during the two recent centuries.

History. Slovakia. Devín in collective memory.

RYCHLÍK, J.: The Actions Connected with the Congress of Slovak Journalists in 1963 in the Reports of Bulgarian Consulate in Bratislava. Historický časopis, 50, 4, 2002, pp. 651–663, Bratislava.

At the Congress of Slovak Journalists on 27 – 28 May 1963 the persecution of the so-called Slovak bourgeois nationalists in the fifties was openly criticised and the delegates required their full political rehabilitation. The criticism was directed openly against the prime minister Viliam Široký and indirectly also against Antonín Novotný, the president of the republic. Bulgarian consul V. Rusinov made extensive comment on Czech-Slovak relations in the fifties and early sixties and rightly stated that the Slovaks could not be satisfied. He informed about Slovak claims for federation. He attached the Slovak anonymous memorandum delivered to the consulates of all Communist countries in Bratislava. The text of this leaflet contained open criticism against Novotný and the Czechs in general and asked the governments the Soviet Union and other Communist countries to help the Slovaks in their struggle for federation.

History. Czechoslovakia. The Congress of Slovak Journalists in 1963 in Bratislava.


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