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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 53, 4/2005


Š t ú d i e

I v a n i č, Peter: Komunikácie na Pohroní v období stredoveku ... 617
O s l a n s k ý, František: Samuel Timon a jeho kritický prístup k dejinám Uhorského kráľovstva v stredoveku ... 633
M a t u l a, Vladimír: Ľudovít Štúr a začiatky formovania generácie mladých synov Slovenska ... 643
D u l o v i č, Erik: Realizácia štátnej politiky županov Košickej župy v rokoch 1923 - 1928 ... 659
M i c h á l e k, Slavomír: Československo verzus William Nathan Oatis ... 697

D i s k u s i a

S e g e š, Vladimír: Ad: K niektorým problémom slovenskej historiografie ... 719

Slovenská historiografia 2003 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 768

R e c e n z i e

Z e m k o, Milan - B y s t r i c k ý, Valerián (Eds.): Slovensko v Československu (1918 - 1939) (Elena Mannová) ... 724
Š k v a r n a, Dušan: Začiatky moderných slovenských symbolov. K vytváraniu národnej identity od konca 18. do polovice 19. storočia (Milan Zemko) ... 727
H. N é m e t h, István: Várospolitika és gazdaságpolitika a 16.-17. századi Magyarországon. (A felsö-magyarországi városszövetség) 1.-2. köt (= Doktori mestemunkák sorozat) (Géza Pálffy) ... 729
D a n n, O. - H r o c h, M. - K o l l, J. (Hrsg): Patriotismus und Nationenbildung am Ende des Heiligen Römischen Reiches (Peter Šoltés) ... 732

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

I v a n i č, Peter: Communication in Pohronie (Central Slovakia) in the Middle Ages ... 617
O s l a n s k ý, František: Samuel Timon and His Critical Approach to the History of the Hungarian Kingdom in the Middle Ages ... 633
M a t u l a, Vladimír: Ľudovít Štúr and the Beginnings of the Formation of a New Generation of Slovaks ... 643
D u l o v i č, Erik: The Application of State Policy by District Chiefs in Košice Province in the Years 1923-1928 ... 659
M i c h á l e k, Slavomír: Czechoslovakia Versus William Nathan Oatis ... 697

D i s c u s s i o n

S e g e š, Vladimír: Ad: On Some Problems of Slovak Historiography ... 719

Slovak Historiography in 2003 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 768

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

I v a n i č, Peter: Die Kommunikationen im Pohronie (Mittelslowakei) im Mittelalter ... 617
O s l a n s k ý, Fratišek: Samuel Timon und seine kritische Einstellung zur Geschichte der Ungarischen Königreichs im Mittelalter ... 633
M a t u l a, Vladimír: Ľudovít Štúr und die Formierungsanfänge der Generation der jungen Söhne der Slowakei ... 643
D u l o v i č, Erik: Die Staatspolitik aus der Sicht der Gauleiter des Kaschauer Gaus (1923-1928) ... 659
M i c h á l e k, Slavomír: Tschechoslowakei versus William Nathan Oatis ... 697

D i s k u s s i o n

S e g e š, Vladimír: Ad: Zu einigen Problemen der slowakischen Geschichtsschreibung ... 719

Die Slowakische Geschichtsschreibung 2003 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 768

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

IVANIČ, P.: Communication in Pohronie (Central Slovakia) in the Middle Ages.

Historický časopis, 53, 4, 2005, pp. 617–632, Bratislava.

Communication has influnced the progress in the individual regions for ages. The author of the present study has tried to reconstruct the transport (on the surface and by boat) in Pohro¬nie in the Middle Ages. He makes use of the archive documents from the early Mid¬dle Ages. Reconstructing the communication network in high and late Middle Ages the author uses the data from written documents on roads, tolls, bridges and transmits. He also get information from cartographical resources from later periods. The documents prove the exis¬tence of the main road along the river Hron which entered Pohronie in present Štúrovo to¬wards Bíňa, Želiezovce and Zvolen. There it joined the important road to Šahy through Kru¬pina, Babinná and Dobrá Niva. There was the road from Zvolen to Banská Bystrica, Brezno up to the Spiš region. Banská Bystrica, Kremnica, Starý Tekov, Zvolen with local ro¬ads became important for local transport.

History. Hungary. Communication in Pohronie in the Middle Ages.

OSLANSKÝ, F.: Samuel Timon and His Critical Approach to the History of the Hungarian Kingdom in the Middle Ages.

Historický časopis, 53, 4, 2005, pp. 633–642, Bratislava.

Samuel Timon’s history of the Hungarian Kingdom, including Slovakia, represents the first synthesis of Hungarian history in which he has not used only local documents and resources, but also those found abroad. Samuel Timon applied historical-diplomatic criticism. The publication has been revised and extended to more than two hundred years of the Middle Ages. S. Timon was convinced that history should search for truth while, rejecting flattery and distortion of reality. He was convinced that it is the truth presented in a historical work to be valued not its style.

History. Hungary. Samuel Timon and His Critical Approach to the History of the Hungarian Kingdom in the Middle Ages.

MATULA, V.: Ľudovít Štúr and the Formation of a New Generation of Slovaks.

Historický časopis, 53, 4, 2005, pp. 643–658, Bratislava.

The author of the present study gives a survey of Ľ. Štúr’s youth. Ľ. Štúr was the leading per¬so¬nality in the Slovak national liberation movement, as well as the leader in the for¬ma¬tion of the new patriotic generation in the second half of the 1830s. The author investigates the social and political atmosphere which charakterized Habsburg Monarchy at the time. It was under the strong influence of revolutionary Young Europe, Polish enthusiasm and the activities of Polish and other Slavonic associations in Vienna. The author shows how they influenced Slovak students at the Bratislava secondary school which subsequently became the centre of the Slovak national movement. At the end of the 30s these young people discussed basic problems and were looking for solutions, which took place in the following decades. Special attention has been given to the idea of Slavonic mutual cooperation within the Monarchy, which found its reflection in the Slovak national revival.

History. Hungary. Ľudovít Štúr and the Formation of New Generation of Slovaks.

DULOVIČ, E.: The Application of State Policy by District Chiefs in Košice Province in the years 1923–1928.

Historický časopis, 53, 4, 2005, pp. 659–696, Bratislava.

The district reforms in Slovakia in 1923 were used by the Czechoslovak government to find a compromise between the requirements of the public for more democratic administration and secure more political stability in the country. The district chief had a dominant position within individual district authorities. He was the chief of the district office and chair of the dis¬trict self-governing body. The present study deals with the way state policy was applied by district chiefs in Košice province towards national minorities, in the process of Slova¬ki¬za¬tion, in the support of so called state-forming parties, preservation of citizens’ freedoms and the Church. The district chiefs were dealing with political and social conflicts without breaking the law. They were active in the process of Slovakization in the economic, social and cultural life in Košice province. On the other hand they restrained the governmental po-litical parties’ requirements for more radical procedures against the Hungarian community.

History. Czechoslovakia. The Application of State Policy by District Chiefs in Košice Province in the years 1923–1928.

MICHÁLEK, S.: Czechoslovakia versus William Nathan Oatis.

Historický časopis, 53, 4, 2005, pp. 697-718 , Bratislava.

W. N. Oatis’s – American journalist’s life story in Prague of the 1950s is an integral part of Cold War history. It is a document on the non-democratic or totalitarian atmosphere in Com¬munist Czechoslovakia where the state police was very powerful. Oatis’s case fol¬lowed the traditional scenario. Oatis was first followed by the state police, then arrested and accused of espionage. In the year 1950 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. This process had two political dimensions – the internal and external. From the viewpoint of the internal context the state police proved links between some domestic political representatives and the imperialistic West; from the viewpoint of the external context this process proved that Czechoslovakia was not afraid of the USA. Oatis’s case was accompanied by intensive Czechoslovak-American diplomatic negotiations which reculted in econimic and trade limitations and losses for Czechoslovakia.

History. Czechoslovakia. Oatis’s case and the Cold War of the 50s of the 20th Century.


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