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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 54, 4/2006

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Š t ú d i e

Pichler, Tibor: Národ, národnosti, štát: o politike etnického entuziazmu ... 569
Hallon, Ľudovít:Úloha komerčných bánk v arizácii na Slovensku 1939 - 1945 ... 591
Michálek, Slavomír: Spor Československa a USA o širokopásovú valcovňu v rokoch 1951 - 1954 ... 607

M a t e r i á l y

Bartlová, Alena: HSĽS v roku 1935, bohatom na dôležité politické udalosti ... 631


Kowalská, Eva: Obnova cirkevného života evanjelikov a. v. v Uhorsku po roku 1681. Problémy a formy ich riešenia ... 653
Kruhlašov, Anatolij: Mychajlo Drahomanov a otázka slovanskej vzájomnosti v druhej polovici 19. storočia ... 665

R e c e n z i e

Pál, J.: Városfejlődés a székelyföldön 1750 - 1914 (Roman Holec) ... 681
Gebhart, J. - Kuklík, J.: Druhá republika 1938 - 1939. Svár demokracie a totality v politickém, spoločenském a kultúrním životě (Valerián Bystrický) ... 684
Jančík, D. - Kubů, E.: "Arizace" a arizátoři. Drobný a střední židovský majetek v úvěrech Kreditanstalt der Deutschen 1939 - 1945 (Ľudovít Hallon) ... 686

Slovenská historiografia 2004 (Alžbeta Sedliaková)

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

Pichler, Tibor: Nation, nationalities, state : On the politics of ethnic enthusiasm ... 569
Hallon, Ľudovít: The role of the commercial banks in Aryanization in Slovakia 1939 -1945 ... 591
Michálek, Slavomír: The dispute between Czechoslovakia and the USA about the wide-band rolling-mill in the period 1951 - 1954 ... 607

M a t e r i a l s

Bartlová, Alena: Hlinka's Slovak People's Party in 1935, a year rich in important political events ... 631


Kowalská, Eva: The renewal of the Church life of the Evangelicals of the Augsburg Confession in Hungary after 1681. Problems and ways of solving them ... 653
Kruhlašov, Anatolij: Mychajlo Drahomanov and the question of Slavonic community in the second half of the 19th century ... 665

Slovak Historiography in 2004 (Alžbeta Sedliaková)

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Pichler, Tibor: Nation, Nationalitäten, Staat: Über die Politik des ethnischen Enthusiasmus ... 569
Hallon, Ľudovít: Die Rolle der komerzbanken in der Arisierung in der Slowakei 1939 - 1945 ... 591
Michálek, Slavomír: Der Streit zwischen der Tschechoslowakei und den USA über das Breitbandwalzwerk in den Jahren 1951 - 1954 ... 607

M a t e r i a l i e n

Bartlová, Alena: Hlinkas Slowakische Volkspartei 1935 reich an wichtigenpolitischen Ereignissen ... 631


Kowalská, Eva: Erneuerung des Kirchenlebens der Evangelischen A.B in Ungarn nach 1681. Probleme und Formen ihrer Lösung ... 653
Kruhlašov, Anatolij: Mychajlo Drahomanov und die Frage der slawischen Wechselseitigkeit in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts ... 665

Slowakische Historiographie 2004 (Alžbeta Sedliaková)

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

PICHLER, Tibor. Nation, nationalities, state : On the politics of ethnic enthusiasm.

Historický časopis, 2006, 54, 4, pp. 569-590, Bratislava.

The study presents an analytical description of key factors and an analysis of basic concepts in the transformation of a society of estates into a society of citizens in the Kingdom of Hungary against the background of contradictory nationalizing processes: ethnic and political. In relation to the actors, that is the types of elites involved in this process, differing in available resources, social and political capital, it was a matter of a clash of nationalisms generated from above – from the level of the government, and from below from the level outside the political institutions. It was a clash between official political and nationality nationalisms. Nationality or ethnic nationalism, its way of thinking, construction and instrumentalization of collective identity using historical argumentation is placed in the centre of attention.

History. Revival. Reform. Nation. Nationality. Identity. Equality.

HALLON, Ľudovít. The role of the commercial banks in Aryanization in Slovakia, 1939-1945.

Historický časopis, 2006, 54, 4, pp. 591-606, Bratislava.

In the conditions of the wartime Slovak Republic, the commercial banks with Slovak management played a key role in extending the control of Slovak capital over areas of business controlled by other nationalities, especially Czechs and Jews. However, they had only a secondary position in capital expansion, because the most important businesses in Slovakia were controlled by the banks and companies of Nazi Germany. From autumn 1940, the Slovak commercial banks and other financial institutions fulfilled an entirely new role in the process of state directed Aryanization of Jewish property. They became passive mediators of the transfer of Jewish property from the hands of the Jewish community into the possession of the state. The commercial banks also became the main source of finance for further anti-Jewish actions including the deportations to extermination camps. A wave of opposition began to arise against participation in Aryanization and actions against the Jewish community.

History. Slovakia. The role of the commercial banks in Aryanization in Slovakia, 1939-1945.

MICHÁLEK, Slavomír. The dispute between Czechoslovakia and the USA about the wide-band rolling-mill in the period 1951-1954.

Historický časopis, 2006, 54, 4, pp. 607-630, Bratislava.

The problems in bi-lateral relations between the USA and the Czechoslovak Republic at the beginning of the 1950s included the question of compensation for the nationalization of American property, the political trial of the American journalist William N. Oatis in Prague, the question of Czechoslovak tripartite gold and the blocking of a wide-band rolling-mill in the USA. The origin of the problems between Czechoslovakia and the USA in connection with the rolling-mill is the subject of the present study. Czechoslovakia ordered and paid for a steel rolling-mill. Using the available legal powers and decrees, the American government blocked this product in the USA and refused to allow Czechoslovakia to take possession of it until the Czechoslovak government was willing to solve the question of compensation. The study also traces the unsuccessful activity of the Czechoslovak diplomatic circles to sell the rolling-mill and so minimize the losses. As a result of the discriminatory measures of the US government, Czechoslovakia did not succeed in gaining possession either of the rolling-mill, of the sum of 16 million USD it paid to buy this product in the USA, or of the sum of 9 million USD for which the rolling-mill was sold to Argentina in a forced auction.

History. Czechoslovakia. USA. The dispute between Czechoslovakia and the USA about the wide-band rolling-mill in the period 1951-1954.

BARTLOVÁ, Alena. Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party in 1935, a year rich in important political events.

Historický časopis, 2006, 54, 4, pp. 631-652, Bratislava.

The year 1935 was an important milestone in the inter-war period of the history of Slovakia because of several important events involving the whole state. All the political parties, political institutions, local authorities and important personalities from political and cultural life had to react to them. In 1935, there were elections to the Czechoslovak Parliament and to regional councils, and a congress in Prague of the Catholic Church, which had the most members in Czechoslovakia. At the end of the year, President T.G. Masaryk resigned and the members of parliament elected the second president of the young Czechoslovak state. The study traces the development of the largest political party in Slovakia, Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party (Hlinková slovenská ľudová strana – HSĽS) during 1935, its preparations for these important events and the views of its leading representatives on them.

Political history of Slovakia. HSĽS. Election of Dr. Edvard Beneš. Catholic congress. Parliamentary elections.

KOWALSKÁ, Eva. The renewal of the Church life of the Evangelicals of the Augsburg Confession in Hungary after 1681. Problems and ways of solving them.

Historický časopis, 2006, 54, 4, pp. 653-664, Bratislava.

The study analyses the problems of the functioning of the Lutheran Church in Hungary in one of the most complicated periods of its history: after the introduction of limited toleration of non-Catholic religions, intensive re-Catholicization, attempts to reunite the Christian churches under Catholic leadership, and disturbance of organizational structures. In the period 1681-1707, the church communities had to seek foreign authorities, in the form of German universities, able to decide on complicated internal problems connected with relatively frequent internal conflicts. Study of an example from Modra and Bratislava shows what mechanisms were chosen in a given situation to solve problems between church *synods and their clergy. The argumentation is based on the use of new, previously uninterpreted archive materials.

Lutherans, Hungary, end of 17th century, Modra, Bratislava, archive documents, German universities.

KRUHLAŠOV, Anatolij. Mychajlo Drahomanov and the question of Slavonic community in the second half of the 19th century.

Historický časopis, 2006, 54, 4, pp. 665-680, Bratislava.

The Slavonic idea played an important part in the spiritual or intellectual process of the formation of the Ukrainian intelligentsia in the 19th century. The understanding, appropriation and various interpretations of it were reflected in the formation of the political views of several generations of Ukrainian scientists, writers and public figures. Successes in the building of national institutions, progress in science and education in the neighbouring Slavonic nations were sources of hope among Ukrainians for a better future for their own nation, which belonged to the same ethnic community and had suffered a similar historical fate to the Western and Southern Slavs. The activity and creative work of M. Drahomanov (1841-1895) had an important role in the adoption and modernization of Pan-Slavism in the last third of the 19th century and in attempts to adapt it to the new conditions for the national development of Ukraine. He can be regarded as one of the most important Ukrainian representatives, who presented a distinctive political version of the idea of Slavonic community.

History. Ukraine. Mychajlo Drahomanov. Slavonic community.

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