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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 63, 4/2015


Š t ú d i e

Malečková, Jitka: Poznej své (ne)přátele: Češi o osmanských Turcích na přelomu 19. a 20. století ... 579
Benko, Juraj: Maďarská komunistická emigrácia a jej pôsobenie v rokoch 1919 – 1921 ... 605
Stanciu, Cezar: Romania’s attitude concerning CMEA specialization (1960-1962). New assessments ... 629


Ivanič, Peter – Lukáčová, Martina: Svätý Metod na misijných a diplomatických cestách (Historicko-geografické súvislosti) ... 649


Ďurková, Mária: Historiografia v Historickom ústave SAV v rokoch 2013 – 2014 ... 661


Zavacká, Katarína: K článku Jána Drga Legislatívne vymedzenie pojmu Žid v II. Česko-Slovenskej republike, I. Slovenskej republike a Protektoráte Čechy a Morava v rokoch 1938 – 1942... ... 679

R e c e n z i e

Kónya, Peter a kol. Dejiny Uhorska (1000 – 1918) (Eva Benková) ... 689
Prokš, Petr. Diplomacie a „Velká válka“ 1914 – 1918/1919 (Pavol Petruf) ... 692
Ducháček, Milan. Václav Chaloupecký (Adam Hudek) ... 697
Varinský, Vladimír. Kapitoly z dejín kolektivizácie na Slovensku (1948 – 1960) (Viera Hlavová) ... 701

Glosy 703

Kronika 709

Slovenská historiografia 2013 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 721


A r t i c l e s

Malečková, Jitka: Know your friends/foes: Czechs on the Ottoman Turks in the late 19th and early 20th centuries ... 579
Benko, Juraj:The Hungarian communist exiles and their activities, 1919-1921 ... 605
Stanciu, Cezar:Romania’s attitude concerning CMEA specialization (1960-1962). New assessments ... 629


Ivanič, Peter – Lukáčová, Martina: Saint Methodius on missionary and diplomatic journeys (The historical geographical connections) ... 649


Ďurková, Mária: Historiography in the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2013-2014 ... 661


Zavacká, Katarína: On the article by J. Drga Legislative definition of the term “Jew” in the Second Czecho – Slovak Republic, First Slovak Republic and Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, 1938 – 1942... ... 679

Slovak Historiography in 2013 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 721

R E V I E W – A N N O T A T I O N S – B I B L I O G R A P H Y – C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Malečková, Jitka: Kenne deine (Feinde) Freunde: Tschechen über die türkischen Osmanen an der Jahrhundertwende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert ... 579
Benko, Juraj:Ungarische kommunistische Emigration und ihre Auswirkungen in den Jahren 1919 – 1921 ... 605
Stanciu, Cezar:Haltung von Rumänien zur Spezialisierung des RGW (1960-1962). Neubewertungen ... 629


Ivanič, Peter – Lukáčová, Martina: Die Missionen und diplomatischen Reisen des heiligen Methods (geschichtlich-geographische Zusammenhänge) ... 649


Ďurková, Mária: Historiographie am Historischen Institut der SAW in den Jahren 2013 – 2014 ... 661


Zavacká, Katarína: Zum Artikel von J. Drga Legislative Abgrenzung des Begriffs Jude in der Tschechisch -Slowakischen Republik, I. Slowakischen Republik und im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren in den Jahren 1938 – 1942... ... 679

Slowakische Historiographie 2013 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 721

K R I T I K – G L O S S E N – B I B L I O G R A P H I E – C H R O N I K

MALEČKOVÁ, Jitka. Know your friends/foes: Czechs on the Ottoman Turks in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Historický časopis, 2015, 63, 4, pp. 579-604, Bratislava.

The article presents images of the Turks in the Czech environment and their development in the last half century of the existence of the Ottoman Empire, namely from the 1870s to 1923. It analyses works that reacted to the Balkan uprisings and Russo – Turkish War of the 1870s, travel reports and literature written after the occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and briefly outlines the view of the Turks in scholarly literature, especially the emerging Oriental or Turkish studies. Attitudes to the Turks are placed in the context of relations with other ethnic and religious groups. The article points to the stereotypes and Orientalist ideas we encounter in works with Turkish themes.

Key words: Image of the Turks. Ottoman Empire. Orientalism. Czech Turkology. Popular writing. Travel literature.

BENKO, Juraj. The Hungarian communist exiles and their activities, 1919-1921.

Historický časopis, 2015, 63, 4, pp. 605-628, Bratislava.

The study is concerned with the activities of the Hungarian communist exiles in the period immediately following the fall of the Hungarian Soviet Republic in summer 1919. The term Hungarian communist exiles designates the specific ethno-political group composed of representatives and adherents of the fallen regime, who left Hungary after their military defeat and engaged in organizing the communist movement in other countries. They became important figures in building up the communist movement in Central Europe, especially in the former territories of the Kingdom of Hungary. Study of the broad theme is limited to the transmission of the communist ideolo-gy, organizing of the communist movement and the movement and activity of members of the Hungarian communist exile group in the Central European region, Czechoslovakia and especially Slovakia in the years of the so-called revolutionary wave, namely 1919 – 1921.

Key words: Hungarian communist exiles. Communist movement. Third Communist Internationale. Communist Party of Hungary. Marxist left. Slovakia. Transfer of ideologies. Frontiers.

STANCIU, Cezar. Romania’s attitude concerning CMEA specialization (1960-1962). New assessments.

Historický časopis, 2015, 63, 4, pp. 629-647, Bratislava.

Is it worth exporting corn and fodder in exchange for toys and cosmetics? It was a question Gheorghiu-Dej of Romania asked himself, when confronted with increasing East German demands for agricultural exports. He was keen on overcoming underdevelopment through a vast program of industrialization in order to overcome the status of a predominantly agricultural country but he perceived his CMEA partners to be opposing this prospect. In the context of increasing economic difficulties in the Soviet bloc in the early 1960s, an idea was circulated that specialization would help increase efficiency so that Socialist countries could successfully compete on Western markets. But the meaning of specialization appeared different for each country: Gheorghiu-Dej thought that Romania deserved an equal status with other more developed nations of the Soviet bloc, but it soon became clear to him that they had different views. His perception was that the East Germans and Czechoslovaks wanted Romania to remain a provider of agricultural products and hold off its industrialization plans, but he could not accept that. This study argues that intra-CMEA competition between developed and less developed member countries played a major role in compromising the reforms planed by Moscow in the early 1960s.

Key words: CMEA. Specialization. Socialist integration. Reform. Industrialization. Romania. GDR. Competition.

IVANIČ, Peter – LUKÁČOVÁ, Martina. Saint Methodius on missionary and diplomatic journeys (The historical geographical connections).

Historický časopis, 2015, 63, 4, pp. 649-660, Bratislava.

Saint Methodius, a native of Thessalonica, was not only one of the leading Christian missionaries and diplomats of the 9th century, but also an active traveller. He undertook several missionary and diplomatic journeys, which are mentioned in contemporary sources. The paper analyses his journeys to the Khazars, Great Moravia, Rome and finally in 881 to Byzantium. We trace the possible routes and the times it would have taken for Methodius to complete the journeys.

Key words: Saint Methodius. Byzantium. Great Moravia. Travel. Journeys.

ĎURKOVÁ, Mária. Historiography in the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2013-2014.

Historický časopis, 2015, 63, 4, pp. 661-678, Bratislava.

As in previous years, the aim of the study for 2013-2014 was to grasp the publication activity of the researchers of the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The study maps all the book publications or expert academic monographs, whether collective or individual, festschifts and volumes of conference papers, editions of sources, syntheses, multi-volume encyclopedic or dictionary works, secondary school textbooks and other popularizing books. The most important results of the research work by authors from the institute are the publications from projects financially supported by the scientific grant agencies (Centre for Excellence of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Agency for Research and Development, Grant agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic VEGA). During this period, the authors covered various periods and themes, especially political, economic and social, but also subjects from environmental and cultural history, as well as individual biographies. The study is based on the record of the publication activity of the institute. Its content corresponds to the directive of the Slovak Academy of Sciences no. 303/A/2015 on the recording and classification of publication activity and its reception.

Key words: Historiography. Slovakia. Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Academic research. grant projects.


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