


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

Creative Commons License

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Indexing & Abstracting:

Web of Science Core Collection: Arts & Humanities Citation Index

Additional Web of Science Indexes: Current Contents Arts & Humanities




EBSCO Historical Abstracts




The publisher of the Historický časopis is the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The journal is run by its editorial board and wider international editorial board, which are composed of important personalities from the field of history in the Slovak Republic and abroad.

The Editorial Board and Publisher

  • The editorial board monitors and is responsible for observance of the publication ethics. It ascertains that published contributions correspond to the internationally accepted ethical principles and academic norms;
  • It enables publication of corrections, explanations and apologies concerning contributions or their parts. It also allows removal of a contribution if it is necessary and technically possible;
  • It monitors suspicions of incorrect behaviour and takes the appropriate decisions when necessary. The Editorial Board publishes information about plagiarism that has been uncovered, and informs the institution that employs author responsible for plagiarism;
  • The editorial board has the full responsibility and right to accept or reject a contribution for publication in the event that its theme does not correspond to the thematic orientation of the journal, or clearly does not fulfil the requirements of an academic study;
  • In the event of successful review assessment, the editorial board will decide on the publication of the contribution. When deciding whether or not to publish a contribution, the editorial board considers the assessments of the reviewers. The editorial board has the right to not assign a successfully reviewed contribution immediately to the next issue of the journal;
  • The editorial board cannot agree to the publication of unreviewed contributions or contributions that have not been successfully reviewed. Only contributions of an informative character and reviews can be published without a specific reviewers’ assessment.
  • The members of the editorial board publishing in their own journal cannot misuse their position;
  • The publisher takes care of preventing any conflicts of interest between the editors, authors, reviewers and members of the editorial board. Any problems are solved in accordance with the document Publishing Ethics Resource Kit created by the company Elsevier;
  • The editorial board protects the confidentiality of personal data, the content of reviewers’ assessments and the correspondence of editors with authors and reviewers;
  • The editorial board publishes and when necessary updates the principles for reviewers’ assessments and the formal aspects of contributions (instructions for authors).

Duties of the Author

  • The author is obliged to be informed about the Ethical Code of the Historický časopis and follow the instructions for authors from the principles of the norm STN ISO 690;
  • The author will submit to the editorial board an original, so far unpublished text. He cannot submit for publication the same contribution that has already been submitted or published elsewhere, unless it has been substantially reworked or supplemented. A supplemented contribution must give information in a note at the end of the text about the reworking and the extent of the supplement with a clear statement on where the original version was published;
  • Parallel submission of the same manuscript to various journals is not allowed;
  • The author is responsible for ensuring that all the information in the contribution is correct. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, and use of untrustworthy sources are not acceptable. The author needs to be aware that plagiarism is a punishable offence, and a serious violation of the principles of academic honour;
  • The author is responsible for the correct citation of the literature and sources he has used. He is obliged to state his professional status (institution, address, e-mail contact) and any source of financial support for the research;
  • The author is obliged to participate in the process of reviewing the contribution. He is responsible for ensuring that all the co-authors have seen and agreed to its final version sent for reviewers’ assessment, and agreed to use of their names as co-authors;
  • The author is obliged to submit pictures, maps, graphs, tables and other accompanying materials in the required quality. He must consistently observe rights of authorship. This must be confirmed in a statement added to the text;
  • If a text is published in the Historický časopis, its author will grant permission for the inclusion of the work in the journal and for its commercial use, namely sale of the printed version;
  • The author is the unrestricted owner of the right of authorship, but by submitting the manuscript for publication, consents to these ethical standards, Open Access and Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license of the journal;
  • The author is obliged to inform the editors of the journal of any serious faults and inaccuracies in the contribution, and to remove or correct faults found not only by the reviewers, but also by his own efforts;
  • The author is entitled to appeal against the decision of the reviewers. The editorial board of the Historický časopis has the right to take the final decision.

Duties of the reviewer

  • All contributions are subject to reviewers’ assessments. Papers are anonymized and assessed by two reviewers;
  • If the reviewers adopt different positions, the editorial board of the Historický časopis is responsible for deciding between them;
  • The reviewer is obliged to be informed on the Ethical Code of the Historický časopis and the instructions for authors from the principles of norm STN 690;
  • The reviewer’s assessment is strictly anonymous. The reviewers do not know the identity of the author and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers (double blind peer review);
  • The editors will ensure anonymity by consistently removing from the text all information that could lead to the identification of the author or reviewer;
  • On receiving a manuscript, the reviewer will fill in a reviewer’s form to confirm that he is not aware of any conflict of interest. For example, he is not the tutor, direct colleague or competitor of the author;
  • The reviewer is obliged to announce without delay that he does not accept his appointment or cannot meet the deadline for working out a reviewer’s assessment, so that the editorial board can find another competent person;
  • A manuscript is confidential material, so the reviewer cannot show it to anybody and cannot discuss it with anybody. The chief editor of the journal can grant exceptions. The basic information or ideas gained from producing the review are also considered confidential. The reviewer cannot use them for his own personal advantage.
  • The reviewers’ assessments in anonymous form can be given only to the authors and the editorial board as a basis for their final decision on publication;
  • The reviewer is obliged to assess a contribution from the point of view of the expert content according to his best conscience;
  • The reviewer will clearly express any reservations towards the manuscript with the support of understandable arguments. Personal criticism of the author is not appropriate;
  • The reviewer will deliver a signed assessment personally or by letter or by e-mail with a scanned signature to the address of the editorial board;
  • The reviewer is obliged to state whether it is known to him that a similar contribution has already been published in another journal, or if relevant works were not used in the contribution.


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Historický časopis - Virtuálne študovne

Historical Journal, 1953 - 2024 / Design by Mgr. Peter Krákorník
Volume 72 * 2024