


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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Indexing & Abstracting:

Web of Science Core Collection: Arts & Humanities Citation Index

Additional Web of Science Indexes: Current Contents Arts & Humanities




EBSCO Historical Abstracts




The Historický časopis / Historical Journal appears five times a year. It publishes exclusively original articles, which result from the author’s own research.

The editorial board accepts manuscript articles throughout the year. The texts may be in Slovak, Czech or English.

If articles fall within the thematic orientation of the journal and fulfil its formal criteria, the editors submit the papers for assessment by anonymous reviewers. We inform the authors about their acceptance or rejection on the basis of the assessments of the reviewers and decision of the editorial board of the Historický časopis. Authors will submit their manuscripts exclusively to the Historický časopis and not publish them in other periodicals before the decision of the editorial board. Manuscripts are not returned. By submitting an article to the editorial board of the Historický časopis, authors agree to its publication in electronic form on the web page of the journal.

You should submit contributions to the Historický časopis by sending them to the editors’ address (histcaso@gmail.com) in electronic form. Notes should appear as footnotes on each page, not as endnotes at the end of the article. A list of cited primary and secondary sources (sorted into these categories) should appear at the end of the paper in alphabetical order.

The extent of a study should be at least 36,000 characters and at most 72,000 characters including footnotes and spaces. The editorial board will not accept studies that are shorter than 27,000 characters or longer than 80,000. The extent of a review should be 7,200 – 18,000 characters including spaces and footnotes.

It is necessary to add to a study, an abstract in Slovak and English with an extent of 1500 – 2000 characters, key words in English and personal data about the author (address, employment, e-mail, digital identifiers (ORCID, SCOPUS, WOS) and telephone number)

If the study was produced as part of a specific project, the author should mention this in the first footnote, giving its number, name and the institution responsible for the project, for example: The work / study was done in the framework of the project APVV-17-0398 researched in the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, or: This work was supported by the Agentúra na podporu výskumu a vývoje (Agency to Support Research and Development) on the basis of contract no. APVV-17-0398 and was researched in the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

The principles of STN ISO 690: 2022 – must be respected. However, some punctuation marks are used differently in citations in the Historical Journal compared to the usual language rules and the above mentioned norm.

If the cited document has a DOI, it has to be provided. ISBN and ISSN is not required.

For example:
FELSTINER LOWENTHAL, Mary. Overcoming Silence. In Women’s Review of Books, 1993, Vol. 11, no. 1, p. 9. https://doi.org/10.2307/4021623

Please use the following form of reference:

Archive sources:
Name of the archive, or abbreviation in the case of repetition, Name of the collection, Carton, Title of document, Signature or description of the document

Slovenský národný archív (SNA), fund (f.) Povereníctvo informácií a osvety, box (b.) 8, number (no.) 785.

Slovenský národný archív (SNA), fund (f.) ÚV KSS, box (b). 800, Protokol zo zasadnutia predsedníctva ÚV KSS 3. 11. 1950.

References in footnotes should be given in abbreviated form. Complete citation record is included in the bibliography at the end of the article.

Reference to a monograph (1 – 3 authors)


KAMENEC. Po stopách tragédie. Bratislava 1991, p. 56.

PEŠEK and BARNOVSKÝ. Štátna moc a cirkvi na Slovensku 1948 – 1953. Bratislava 1997, p. 20.

MEZEY; POMOGYI and TAUBER. A magyarországi cigánykérdés dokumentumokban 1422 – 1985. Budapest 1986, s. 22.

In the bibliography at the end of the article:

KAMENEC, Ivan. Po stopách tragédie. Bratislava: Archa, 1991.

PEŠEK, Jan and BARNOVSKÝ, Michal. Štátna moc a cirkvi na Slovensku 1948 – 1953. Bratislava: Veda, 1997.

MEZEY, Barna; POMOGYI, László and TAUBER, István. A magyarországi cigánykérdés dokumentumokban 1422 – 1985. Budapest: Kossuth, 1986.

More than three authors: SURNAME, Name et al.

Reference to a volume

BYSTRICKÝ, ed. Slovensko v politickom systéme Československa: Materiály z vedeckého sympózia Častá 11. – 13. novembra 1991. Bratislava 1992.

In the bibliography at the end of the article:

BYSTRICKÝ, Valerián, ed. Slovensko v politickom systéme Československa: Materiály z vedeckého sympózia Častá 11. – 13. novembra 1991. Bratislava: Historický ústav SAV, 1992.
The name of the editor is given first, if he has primary responsibility for compiling the work. In the case of several compilers, the first name on the title page should come first.

Reference to a study in edited volume or collective work:

MICHÁLEK. Hodža a Osuský, názory a pozície v rokoch 1939 – 1945. In PEKNÍK, ed. Milan Hodža štátnik a politik. Bratislava 2002, p. 301.

In the bibliography at the end of the article:
MICHÁLEK, Slavomír. Hodža a Osuský, názory a pozície v rokoch 1939 – 1945. In PEKNÍK, Miroslav, ed. Milan Hodža štátnik a politik. Bratislava: Veda, 2002, p. 301-317.

Page numbers in a range of pages should be divided by a hyphen.

Reference to a study published in a journal

KOVÁČ. Popoluška slovenskej historiografie – vlastné dejiny. In Historický časopis, 2004, Vol. 52, no. 2, s. 233.

In the bibliography at the end of the article:
KOVÁČ, Dušan. Popoluška slovenskej historiografie – vlastné dejiny. In Historický časopis, 2004, Vol. 52, no. 2, p. 233-244.

Reference to an already mentioned source

KUCIANOVÁ. Personálie v elektronickej súbežnej Slovenskej národnej bibliografii. In Bibliografický zborník 2000 – 2001 [online].

In the bibliography at the end of the article:
KUCIANOVÁ, Anna. Personálie v elektronickej súbežnej Slovenskej národnej bibliografii. In Bibliografický zborník 2000 – 2001 [online]. Martin: Slovenská národná knižnica, 2005, s. 136-139 [cit. 2001-04-10]. Dostupné na: <http://www.snk.sk/nbuu/Zborník_2000_2001.pdf>

In the case of an on-line document with a URL adress, a dot is not placed at the end.

Reference to an already mentioned source:

KAMENEC, Po stopách, p. 37.
SNA, f. Povereníctvo informácií a osvety, b. 8, no. 785.

General notes:

  • Individual bibliographic items are divided by semicolons.
  • If a sources does not give its place of publication, year of publication and publisher, we state: s. l., s. a., s. n.
  • In the case of several places of publication and publishers, the names of publishers should be placed after the appropriate place of publication: Praha: Argo; Bratislava: Concordia, 1999.
  • If there are several places of publication and only one publisher, the places should be separated by a semicolon and space: Bratislava; Martin: Osveta, 1956.
  • Data in the bibliographic description of a cited source should be given in the language of the source up to the statement of its extent. A translation of the title can be added in square brackets.
  • The abbreviation indicating pages is s. in Slovak, p. in English, annual volumes of periodicals and issues of journals are indicated by Arabic numerals. If documents in an edition are numbered, their numbers need to be given in addition to page numbers.

Historický časopis / Historical Journal
Institute of the History SAS
P.O.BOX 198, Klemensova 19
814 99 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Phone: +421 908 098 937
E-mail: histcaso@gmail.com
Web: http://www.historickycasopis.sk

ISSN 0018-2575
Registration No. EV 3084/09
IČO: 00 166 944


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Historický časopis - Virtuálne študovne

Historical Journal, 1953 - 2024 / Design by Mgr. Peter Krákorník
Volume 72 * 2024