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ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 52, 4/2004


Š t ú d i e

M a r e k, Miloš: Románske obyvateľstvo na Slovensku v stredoveku (Valóni, Francúzi, Taliani, Španieli) ... 601
M i c h á l e k, Slavomír: Česko-Slovensko na svetovej výstave v New Yorku roku 1939 ... 631
L a c k o, Martin: Dezercie príslušníkov Zaisťovacej divízie na sovietsku stranu roku 1942 ... 653

M a t e r i á l y

H a ľ k o, Jozef: Spory o Štefana Záreczkého - k postojom a činnosti bratislavského kanonika ... 673

R o z h ľ a d y

K o p e c k ý, Peter: Vojenská misia generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika v Rumunsku vo svetle rumunských a francúzskych archívnych dokumentov ... 689
Slovenská historiografia 2002 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 755

R e c e n z i e

Kresťanstvo v dejinách Slovenska (E. Frimmová) ... 699
H o p p e, J. (Ed.): Pražské jaro v médiích. Výběr z dobové publicistiky. Edice Prameny k dějinám československé krize 1967-1970. 11. díl (R. Pavlovič) ... 701
Vlasť i cerkov v SSSR i stranach Vostočnoj Jevropy 1939-1958. Diskussionnyje aspekty (M. Barnovský) ... 704
K r u h l a š o v, A.: Drama intelektuala: polityčni ideji Mychajla Drahomanova (Ivan Hojlo) ... 706
B o k o v á, H. - S p á č i l o v á, L. et al.: Stručný raně novohornoněmecký glosář k pramenům z českých zemí (M. Papsonová) ... 709
Sous la direction de Catherine Servant et Étienne Boisserie: La Slovaquie face ses héritages. Horizons critique de la culture slovaque contemporaine (B. Ferenčuhová) ... 711
Contending With Stalinism. Soviet Power and Popular Resistance in the 1930s (M. Zavacká) ... 714

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

M a r e k, Miloš: Romance inhabitants of medieval Slovakia (Wallon, French, Italian, Spanisch) ... 601
M i c h á l e k, Slavomír: Czecho-Slovakia at the 1939 World Expo in New York ... 631
L a c k o, Martin: The 1942 desertion of the backup divisions to the Soviet guerilla units ... 653

M a t e r i a l s

H a ľ k o, Jozef: Conflicts of Štefan Záreczky on the policies and stands of the Bratislava Canon ... 673

H o r i z o n s

K o p e c k ý, Peter: Milan Rastislav Štefánik's military mission in Rumania as reflected in Rumanian and French military archive documents ... 689
Slovak Historiography in 2002 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 755

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

M a r e k, Miloš: Die romanisch sprechende Bevölkerung in der mittelalterlichen Slowakei (Walonen, Franzosen, Italiener, Spanier) ... 601
M i c h á l e k, Slavomír: Tschecho-Slowakei auf der Weltausstellung in New York im Jahre 1939 ... 631
L a c k o, Martin: Die Desertionen der Angehörigen der Sicherungsdivision auf die sowjetische Seite im Jahre 1942 ... 653

M a t e r i a l i e n

H a ľ k o, Jozef: Der Streit um Štefan Záreczky - zu den Einstellungen und Tätigkeiten des Bratislavaer Kanonikers ... 673

R u n d s c h a u

K o p e c k ý, Peter: Die Kriegsmission des Generals Milan Rastislav Štefánik in Rumänien im Licht der rumänischen und französischen Archivdokumente ... 689
Die Slowakische Geschichtsschreibung 2002 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 755

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

MAREK, M.: Romance inhabitants of medieval Slovakia (Walloon, French, Italian, Spanish).

Historický časopis, 52, 4, 2004, pp. 601–630, Bratislava.

Inhabitants from the Romance language group were an important factor in the rise of the economic and cultural level of life in Hungary in the middle ages. There used to be only one Slavic word for Romance ethnic groups, namely Vlach. In Latin sources of the time, the same practice of a single term for the latin-derived-languages-speaking population was used, with this term being Latins or Gaelian. The most important of all the ethnic groups were the Walloons. Their presence in Hungary has been dated back to the second half of the 11th century A. D. Their settlement, however, continued later on. In towns, they were mostly merchants. In rural areas, they became a significant force in the establishment and development of viticulture, especially the variety of Tokaj. In the territory of present-day Slovakia, their early settlements probably date back to the second half of the 12th century.

History. Slovakia. Romance inhabitants of medieval Slovakia (Walloon, French, Italian, Spanish).

MICHÁLEK, S.: Czecho-Slovakia at the 1939 World Expo in New York.

Historický časopis, 52, 4, 2004, PP. 631–652, Bratislava.

This is the first study on the presentation of Czechoslovakia at the 1939 World Expo in New York in Slovak or Czech historical literature. It describes a small part of modern Czech and Slovak history, a typical piece of the social, political, economic and cultural puzzle of its time. Technical and organizational preparations for the presentation of Czechoslovakia at this World Expo were already under way in 1938. The scope and character, however, changed significantly after the breakup of Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovak dip-lomatic representation in the USA continued to function, and they played an integral role in the participation in the changed circumstances. The Czech and Slovak immigrant communities in the USA were also vital in the success of this endeavour. It was their common determination and persevarance that made the presentation happen in the end. The situation was largely complicated by the negative stance of the US Government to the changes which had taken place in the territory of Czechoslovakia.

History. Czechoslovakia. Czecho-Slovakia at the 1939 World Expo in New York.

LACKO, M.: The 1942 desertion of the backup divizions to the Soviet guerilla units.

Historický časopis, 52, 4, 2004, pp. 653–672, Bratislava.

The study follows the desertion of the members of the Slovak backup division to the Soviet guerilla units in 1942. The guerilla movement used to be a preferred topic of Marxist historiography. However, the exact number of Slovak Army deserters who joined it has never been exactly documented. Several estimates have been published over the years, but these were often exaggerated and led to the conclusion about the high level of unreliability of Slovak soldiers. According to the Slovak archive resources, the number of the deserters from the Slovak backup division can be put at approximately 70 in 1942. This is in sharp contrast to the traditional flawed estimates. Another traditional view has been that rejection of the Nazi agenda was the overriding reason for desertion. However, the situation seems to have been a lot more comlex. Other factors, leading to the decision, were sudden emotional shift in the psyche of the soldiers, conflict situation of different kinds, fear of stress or simply the desire for an adventure.

History. Slovakia. The 1942 desertion of the backup divisions to the Soviet guerilla units.

HAĽKO, J.: Conflicts of Štefan Zárecky on the policies and stands of the Bratislava Canon.

Historický časopis, 52, 4, 2004, pp. 673–688, Bratislava.

In this study, the author tries to document the life and opinions of one of the best known and discussed clergy figures of the Czechoslovak communist era. It is canon and Bratislava deacon Štefan Záreczký. One of the central questions is whether Štefan Záreczký was a clear collaborator of the communist regime, or whether the picture is more complex than is generally believed. Sources of information used in the study include documents form Štefan Záreczký´s personal archive of the Holy Trinity Parish, from the Church division of the Local Council of Bratislava, and the archives of the Ministry of the Interior. The conclusions drawn from the examination of the documents lead the author to believe that Štefan Záreczký tried to juggle between official proclamations of loyalty to the regime, and efforts to further the agenda of the Catholic Church and gain concessions for it form the communist establishment. Despite this picture, he was branded as cautious, calculating and even dangerous by the regime.

History. Slovakia. Conflicts Š. Záreczký on the policiers, of the Bratislava Canon.

KOPECKÝ, P.: Milan Rastislav Štefánik’s military mission in Rumania as reflected in Rumanian and French military archive documents.

Historický časopis, 52, 4, 2004, pp. 689–698, Bratislava.

The study enriches Slovak history with unpublished Rumanian military archive documents on M. R. Štefánik’s mission in Rumania. The author analyses Štefánik’s stay in Rumania from 28th October 1916 to the 3rd January 1917. Neither this stay, nor its results have been investigated. Štefánik’s mission in Russia and later in Rumania were parts of the plan of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was aimed at the use of Czech and Slovak prisoners in Russia and Rumania. According to original plans the Czech and Slovak legions were expected to cross Rumania and Greece and onto France. The project, which had originally been suggested by the people close to E. Beneš turned out to be unrealistic.

History. Slovakia. Štefánik’s military mission in Rumania (1916–1917).


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