


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 49, 1/2001


Š t ú d i e

W o l f r a m, Herwig: Vývoj stredoeurópskych národov od neskorej antiky po začiatok 11. storočia ... 3
V a l a c h o v á, Denisa: Dejiny benediktínskeho opátstva v Klíži ... 16
R á b i k, Vladimír: Nemecké osídlenie na území Zvolenskej župy v stredoveku ... 37
S u š k o, Ladislav: Evanjelická cirkev augsburského vyznania na Slovensku 1938/39 v zrkadle cirkevnej tlače ... 63
L o n d á k, Miroslav: Nové názory v ekonomickej teórii na Slovensku v prvej polovici šesťdesiatych rokov 20. storočia ... 85

R o z h ľ a d y

Č a p l o v i č o v á, Kristína: Absolutizmus ako historický pojem a jav ... 100

M a t e r i á l y

K r u h l a š o v, Anatolij: Michail Bakunin a jeho sociálne názory ... 119

D i s k u s i a

R y c h l í k, Jan: K problematike slovensko-českých vzťahov v rokoch 1918 - 1945 (Odpoveď Ladislavovi Suškovi) ... 130

R e c e n z i e

F u r e t, F.: Minulosť jednej ilúzie - esej o idei komunizmu v 20. storočí (M. Zemko) ... 136
B a ď u r í k, J.: Slovensko v zápase Ferdinanda I. o uhorskú korunu (P. Kónya) ... 139
H r o c h, M.: Na prahu národní existence. Touha a skutečnost (P. Macho) ... 143
D o m a ń s k a, E.: Mikrohistorie (Spotkania w międzyświatach) (J. Šuch) ... 146
Encyklopedie starověkého Předního východu (P. Valachovič) ... 148
Handbuch der deutschen Reformbewegungen 1880-1933 (R. Holec) ... 150

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

W o l f r a m, Herwig: The development of Central-European nations from the late ancient world till the beginning of the 11th century ... 3
V a l a c h o v á, Denisa: The history of Benedictine monastery in Klíž ... 16
R á b i k, Vladimír: German settlements in the territory of Zvolen district in the Middle Ages ... 37
S u š k o, Ladislav: Evangelic Church in Slovakia in the years 1938-1939 as the religious press presented it. ... 63
L o n d á k, Miroslav: The reflection of the economic in the first half of the 60s in the works of Slovak economists-theoreticians ... 85

H o r i z o n s

Č a p l o v i č o v á, Kristína: Absolutism as a historical notion and phenomenom ... 100

M a t e r i a l s

K r u h l a š o v, Anatolij: Michail A. Bakunin and his social opinions ... 119

D i s c u s s i o n

R y c h l í k, Jan: On the Problem of Slovak - Czech Relationships in the years 1918-1945 (Answer to Ladislav Suško) ... 130

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

W o l f r a m, Herwig: Die Entwicklung der mitteleuropäischen Völker von der Spätantike bis zum Beginn des 11. Jahrhunderts ... 3
V a l a c h o v á, Denisa: Die Geschichte des Benediktiner Kloster in Klíž ... 16
R á b i k, Vladimír: Deutsche Besiedlung des Gebietes des Zvolener (Altsohler) Komitats im Mittelalter ... 37
S u š k o, Ladislav: Die Evangelische Kirche des Augsburger Bekenntnisses in der Slowakei in den Jahren 1938-1939 im Spiegel der kirchlichen Presse ... 63
L o n d á k, Miroslav: Die Wiederpieglung der ökonomischen Krise in der 1. Hälfte der 60er Jahre im Schaffen der slowakischen Ökonomen-Theoretiker ... 85

R u n d s c h a u

Č a p l o v i č o v á, Kristína: Der Absolutismus als der historische Begriff und Ereignis ... 100

M a t e r i a l i e n

K r u h l a š o v, Anatolij: Michail Bakunin und seine sozialansichten ... 119

D i s k u s s i o n

R y c h l í k, Jan: Zur Problematik der slowakisch-tschechischen Verhältnisse in den Jahren 1918-1945 (Die Antwort dem Ladislav Suško) ... 130

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

WOLFRAM, H.: The development of Central-European nations from the late ancient world till the beginning of the 11th century.

Historický časopis, 49, 1, 2001, pp. 3-15, Bratislava.

The author of the present paper deals with the development of Central-European nations from the late ancient world till the beginning of the 11th century. He states that the spread of the Slavs had started long before the Avars’ arrival, after the year 568, after the Longobards had left Panonia. According to the author, Moravians were the only Slavonic nation who was able to end its ethno-genesis in Avars’ empire, claimed for by the Francs then, and create their own state. In the year 822 there is the last mention about the Avars in the Franc documents and the Moravians are mentioned for the first time. In spite of the fact that Methodius did not find Svatopluk’s support, the works by Constantine and Methodius, written in national Slavonic kanguage, survived. The Hungarians, who had arrived before Svatopluk died, threatened the Moravian state and caused the division of the Empire.

History. General history. The development of Central-European nations from the late ancient world till the 11th century.

VALACHOVÁ, D.: The history of Benedictine monastery in Klíž.

Historický časopis, 49, 1, 2001, pp. 16-36, Bratislava.

According to the tradition, the Benedictine monastery in Klíž was established by the King Ladislaus I (1077-1095). During the Feudal anarchy in the times of Matthew Csák the property of the monastery was overtaken by one of his vassals. At the end of the twenties of the 14th century, thanks to the abbot Ladislaus the King Charles Robert restored property rights of the monastery, the old market in Klíž which disappeared during unsettled times and overtook patronage over it. Later, namely by the beginning of the 16th century, the monastery deteriorated and in its final phase it was attacked by surrounding tribes. Finally it was overtaken by Raphael Podmanický in the year 1541.

History. Slovakia. The history of Benedictine manastery in Klíž.

RÁBIK, V.: German settlements in the territory of Zvolen district in the Middle Ages.

Historický časopis, 49, 1, 2001, pp. 37-62, Bratislava.

The formation of German settlements in the territory of Zvolen district in the Middle Ages took quite a long time. At the beginning, this longitudinal process had been initiated by the Hungarian emperors’ efforts for a demographic-and-settlement reconstruction of the areas which suffered by the Tatar invasion into Hungary during the years 1241-1242. Using the existing written documents, the present study tries to give a historical reconstruction of the development of German settlements in the Middle Ages. The German ethnic element had a significant effect on the development and formation of the settlement structure in Zvolen district of that time. As far as the new settlements met the original network of dwellings, their development was of various dynamics and had its domains and regression states before in reached its final character.

History. Slovakia. German settlements in Zvolen district in the Middle Ages.

SUŠKO, L.: Evangelic Church in Slovakia in the years 1938-1939 as the religious press presented it.

Historický časopis, 49, 1, 2001, pp. 63-84, Bratislava.

In its heuristics, the present study is based on the use of a wide range of Religious documents (published by Tranoscius in Liptovský Svätý Mikuláš). After a short note on the problem of religious leadership of Slovak Evangelicals, the author focuses on the analysis of the period when the Slovak country was autonomous, and especially on the beginning of the Slovak state up to the end of the year 1939. He proves that although Evangelicals’ opinions were different, they agreed on the criticism of the system of confessionalization after October 1938.But mostly they had positive opinions towards the Slovak State.

History. Slovakia. Evangelic church in Slovakia in the years 1938-1939 as the religious press presented it.

LONDÁK, M.: The reflection of the economic in the first half of the 60s in the works of Slovak economists-theoreticians.

Historický časopis, 49, 1, 2001, pp. 85-99, Bratislava.

The study tries to map the half of the 60s in the economic theory in Slovakia. The economic crisis, which affected then Czechoslovak economy, as well as the beginnigs of a certain liberal period in the policy of the Czechoslovak socialist state, made the Slovak economists-theoreticians to get some knowledge about the thinking trends in the West and enabled the critical standpoinsts towards current socialist industrialization of Slovakia to be published. Even a more strict definition of the problems in economic development of Slovakia within Czechoslovakia could be possible.

History. Slovakia. The economic crisis in the 60s in the works by Slovak economists.

ČAPLOVIČOVÁ, K.: Absolutism as a historical notion and phenomenom.

Historický časopis, 49, 1, 2001, pp. 100-118, Bratislava.

The present paper has been devoted to the issue of absolutism in German-speaking environment. The present text reflects the key milestones in the research done from the half of the 19th century up to the 90s of the 20th century. It is more or less a confrontation article. Individual opinions and the results of the historical research are presented, but there is no straightforward definition of absolutism given because historical science has not reached any generally accepted definition of “absolutism”, and therefore current and future historians should consider whether they can come to an objective conclusion of this issue or not.

History. Modern Age. Absolutism as a historical notion and phenomenon.

KRUHLAŠOV, A.: Michail A. Bakunin and his social opinions.

Historický časopis, 49, 1, 2001, pp. 119-129, Bratislava.

M. A. Bakunin (1814-1876), the Russian anarchist, entered history as a distinctive personality. But there are various controversial evaluations of his activities. His theoretical heritage, namely his attempts for introducing a state-free society based on individual freedom and collective solidarity, is very significant. Bakunin’s criticism of marxism and the theory of “proletarian’s dictatorship” after the fall of the Soviet Union and the socialist block have evoked a new wave of interest in his ideal heritage. Bakunin met Ľ. Štúr at the Slavonic congress in Prague in 1848 and he took part in the preparation of the Slovak uprising. He did come to Slovakia not only because of his material difficulties, but also because he was of critical opinion about the Slovak action the extent of which he did not find dangerous to the Habsburg monarchy.

History. Slovakia. Michail A. Bakunin and his teoretical heritage.


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