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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 52, 1/2004


Š t ú d i e

K a l á b o v á, Martina: Venné majetky uhorských kráľovien v stredoslovenskej banskej oblasti do roku 1478 ... 3
Š m i g e ľ, Michal: Historické otázky a súvislosti opcie a presídlenia československých občanov do Sovietskeho zväzu roku 1947 ... 31
B á l i n t o v á, Lenka: Bratislavská lýra v kultúrnopolitickom kontexte šesťdesiatych rokov 20. storočia ... 67

M a t e r i á l y

S c h v a r c, Michal: Politická agitácia a činnosť Karpatonemeckej strany v oblasti Hauerlandu na Slovensku v rokoch 1935 - 1938 ... 87

R o z h ľ a d y

Š u c h o v á, Xénia: Medzivojnová spoločnosť na území (nielen) českých krajín z pohľadu historika Zdeňka Kárníka ... 119
A l b e r t y, Július: Slovensko a Slováci v súčasných maďarských učebniciach dejepisu ... 135

A r c h í v

R y c h l í k, Jan: Začiatky normalizácie na Slovensku v správach bulharského generálneho konzulátu v Bratislave ... 149

R e c e n z i e

P e t r u f, P.: Politické vzťahy medzi Francúzskom a Československom a Francúzskom a Slovenskom (1939 - 1948). Výber z dokumentov (B. Ferenčuhová) ... 173
B o t í k, J.: Slováci v argentínskom Chacu. Historický a etnokultúrny vývin pestovateľov bavlny (E. Jakešová) ... 175
P l a c á k, P.: Svatováclavské milenium. Češi, Němci a Slováci v roce 1929 (P. Macho) ... 177
L u p u, C.: Eforturi politico-diplomatice Romănesti de ieşire din al il-lea război mondial în lumina archivei diplomatice a S. U. A. (P. Kopecký) ... 180
B a r t l, J. - K a m e n i c k ý, M. - V a l a c h o v i č, P.: Dejepis pre I. ročník gymnázií (J. Smatana) ... 182
Ad: Odpoveď na recenziu Dejepisu pre I. ročník gymnázií (M. Kamenický) ... 192

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

K a l á b o v á, Martina: The Hungarian Queens' Institution of Dower Property in Central Slovakia untill 1478 ... 3
Š m i g e ľ, Michal: Historical questions and links of option and resettlement of Czechoslovak citizens in the Soviet Union in 1947 ... 31
B á l i n t o v á, Lenka: The Bratislava Lyre in the cultural and polical context of the 1960s ... 67

M a t e r i a l s

S c h v a r c, Michal: Political agitation and the activities of the Carpathian German Party around Hauerland in Slovakia in 1935-1938 ... 87

H o r i z o n s

Š u c h o v á, Xénia: Zdeněk Kárník's opinions about the society between the Wars in the Czech Lands and the whole of Czechoslovakia ... 119
A l b e r t y, Július: The Slovaks and Slovakia in Hungarian course books on history ... 135

A r c h i v e s

R y c h l í k, Jan: The Beginning of Normalization in Slovakia in the Reports of Bulgarian Consulate in Bratislava ... 149

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

K a l á b o v á, Martina: Die Institution des Witwenguts der ungarischen Königinen in der Mittelslowakei bis zum Jahre 1478 ... 3
Š m i g e ľ, Michal: Fragen zur Geschichte und Zusammenhänge der Option und Übesiedlung tschechoslowakischer Bürger in die Sowjetunion im Jahre 1947 ... 31
B á l i n t o v á, Lenka: Die Bratislavaer Lyra im kulturell-politischen Kontext der 60er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts ... 67

M a t e r i a l i e n

S c h v a r c, Michal: Die politische Agitation und Tätigkeit der Karpathendeutschen Partei im Gebiet des Hauerlandes in der Slowakei 1935-1938 ... 87

R u n d s c h a u

Š u c h o v á, Xénia: Die Gesellschaft in der Zwischenkriegszeit auf dem Gebiet (nicht nur) der tschechischen Länder aus der Sicht des Historikers Zdeněk Kárník ... 119
A l b e r t y, Július: Die Slowakei und Slowaken in den gegenwärtigen magyarischen Geschichtslehrbüchern ... 135

A r c h i v

R y c h l í k, Jan: Die Normalisierungsanfänge in der Slowakei in den Berichten des bulgarischen Konsulats in Bratislava ... 149

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

KALÁBOVÁ, M.: The Hungarian Queens’ Institution of Dower’s Property in Central Slovakia untill 1478.

Historický časopis, 52, 1, 2004, pp. 3–30, Bratislava.

The Hungarian Queens’ institution of dower’s property was in existence for 124 years. It was a very profitable property in today’s Central Slovakia. The property included the Upper Hungarian mining towns of Kremnica, Banská Štiavnica, Pukanec, Banská Bystrica and Ľubietová, Zvolen, Dobrá Niva, Vígľaš, Ľupča and Šášov castles, which were situated in the region, as well as the towns of Zvolen, Brezno and Krupina. They formed one whole and were all meant to be the queen dowager’s properties. In other words, they were sources of income for the royal widows. The financial security went together with significant power. Therefore it is interesting to follow how the property was looked after when there was no queen in the Kingdom of Hungary. At that time the property belonged to private owners. The origin of such and interesting institution dates back to the year 1424 when the Hungarian King Sigismund of Luxemburg donated the property to his second wife Barbara Celjská.

History. Hungary. The Hungarian Queens’ Institution of Dower’s Property in Central Slovakia untill 1478.

ŠMIGEĽ, M.: Historical questions and links of option and resettlement of Czechoslovak citizens in the Soviet Union in 1947.

Historický časopis, 52, 1, 2004, pp. 31–66, Bratislava.

The present study offers opinions about the option processes which took place in the history of Czechoslovakia, or Slovakia in the first years after World War II. The study deals with two Agreements but especially with The Agreement of the 10th July 1946 signed by the Czechoslovak and Soviet Governments. The author points to problematic questions and contexts under which 12 000 Czechoslovak citizens, of Ruthenian nationality from Eastern Slovakia, were resettled into western Ukraine in 1947. Because of intentional propaganda and agitation, they thought they would live a better life in the Soviet Union and signed for Soviet citizenship. Using the above mentioned Czechoslovak-Soviet agreement, he author analyses and makes a synthesis of current knowledge about the option and resettlements.

History. Czechoslovakia. Option and resettlement o Czechoslovak citizens in the Soviet Union in the year 1947.

BÁLINTOVÁ, L.: The Bratislava Lyre in the cultural and political context of the 1960s.

Historický časopis, 52, 1, 2004, pp. 67–86, Bratislava.

The spirit and interests of a society are best reflected in its culture – in thinking, in creation, in the way of life, including leisure time, in the twentieth century also in pop music. Communist ideologists tried to keep this area under control. The International Festival of Pop Music Bratislava Lyre was connected with the official cultural policy of the Czechoslovakia under normalization. But the festival originated in the second half of the sixties and was most popular during the liberalization of the cultural and social situation. Like Czechoslovakia even the Festival had its “August 1968“ and was the victim of the normalization process. This study describes the short period of the Bratislava Lyre’s formation against the background of the culture-policy relations in a totalitarian state, the role of the mass-media, as well as the problems of Czechoslovak pop music within the world context.

History. Czechoslovakia. Bratislava Lyre and the 1960s in culture.

SCHVARC, M.: Political agitation and the activities of the Carpathian German Party around Hauerland in Slovakia in 1935–1938.

Historický časopis, 52, 1, 2004, pp. 87–118, Bratislava.

At its beginning the Carpathian German Party tried to join the Germans. Because of different conditions in individual regions, the Party’s policy was different in individual German regions in Slovakia. Before the elections the Party was interested in Hauerland’s German’s voices. They finally helped towards Party’s success in the elections. Apart from the agitation the Party was building its organizational structure in the region. During the years 1935–1938 it became the strongest party in Hauerland, but it was only during the elections on the 12th June 1938 that it gain its dominant position. It was due to the fact that the Party used physical confrontation and psychic terror during the campaign. In connection with unsuccessful coup d’état in Sudetenland in mid September 1938, the Carpathian German Party was banned all over Slovakia on 17th September 1938.

History. Slovakia. The activities of Carpathian German Party in Slovakia during the years 1935–1938.

ŠUCHOVÁ, X.: Zdeněk Kárník’s opinions about the society between the Wars in the Czech Lands and the whole of Czechoslovakia.

Historický časopis, 52, 1, 2004, pp. 119–134, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the recent synthesis done by the Czech historian. The synthesis has been devoted to the history of the Czechoslovak Republic between the Wars, namely in the years 1918–1929. Although the title of the three-volume work limits the topic to the western part of the Czecho-Slovak state and the content is limited to the Czech society and Czech language, or Czech and German languages, the author himself goes beyond the limits because it is impossible to ignore the eastern part when talking about the Czechoslovak state. The author looks at the way Z. Kárník deals with methodology, with key problem areas which are decisive for both Czech and Slovak historiography and what conclusions (interesting for both professionals and laymen) he has made. She appreciates that the work offers a detailed and complex map of historical development in that period, as well as the author’s ideas about modern history.

History. Czechoslovakia. Society between the Wars seen by a historian.

ALBERTY, J.: The Slovaks and Slovakia in Hungarian course books on history.

Historický časopis, 52, 1, 2004, pp. 135–148, Bratislava.

The current Slovak historiography and teaching of history as a subject in school should search for and present those processes, phenomena and personalities which are compatible with the so-called European historical dimension in connection with the current historical environment. The Hungarian State represented such an environment. The author of this study has investigated current Hungarian course books. He studied the origin and the end of Hungarian state in the Slovak historical context. He has come to the conclusion that we have to respect historical facts, evaluate them with tolerance and in such a way we can overcome the residues of political conceptions, which were revived after 1990. The European Union is also a cultural phenomenon including the common historical heritage. The cultural and moral challenge is to make the Central European environment enter the Common Europe with settled mutual historical relations.

History. Slovakia. The Slovaks and Slovakia in current Hungarian course books.

RYCHLÍK, J.: The Beginning of Normalization in Slovakia in the Reports of the Bulgarian Consulate General in Bratislava.

Historický časopis, 52, 1, 2004, pp. 149–172, Bratislava.

At the end of October or beginning of November 1968 Stefan Veličkov, the new Bulgarian Consul General arrived in Bratislava. He replaced Angel Băčvarov who had been Bulgarian consul here since 1964. Veličkov belonged to the ultra conservative communist wing and subsequently supported in Slovakia the pro-soviet collaborators. He was in permanent contact with Viliam Šalgovič, former vice-minister of the interior who openly collaborated with the Soviet invading forces in August 1968. V. Šalgovič, who in 1969 became Czechoslovak military ataché in Budapest, supplied Veličkov with valuable informations. Veličkov had some sympathies for federation and the Slovak national movement. In 1975 Veličkov was recalled and Atanas Nikolov arrived in Bratislava as the new Consul General. He continued in his reports along in the same line as Veličkov. It is necessary to say, however, that from the professional point of view the Bulgarian diplomats in Bratislava had good sources and their reports contained valuable informations.

History. Slovakia. The Normalization in Slovakia in the Reports of the Bulgarian General Consulate.


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