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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 53, 1/2005


Š t ú d i e

H o l l ý, Karol: Kňažná Salomea a uhorsko-poľské vzťahy v rokoch 1214 - 1241 ... 3
Š t i l l a, Miloš: Martin Čulen a slovenská politika v šesťdesiatych a sedemdesiatych rokoch 19. storočia ... 29
K o v á č, Dušan: Nacionalizmus a politická kultúra v Rakúsko-Uhorsku v období dualizmu ... 45
H a l l o n, Ľudovít: Úloha Milana Hodžu v komerčnom bankovníctve Slovenska v rokoch 1918 - 1938 ... 57
C h u d j á k, František: Menová reforma v Československu roku 1945 (slovenské predstavy a požiadavky) ... 71

M a t e r i á l y

M a č u h a, Maroš: Listy Matúša Ivanku, prefekta turčianskych majetkov rodu Révai, z rokov 1601 - 1625 ... 93

R o z h ľ a d y

P ó k, Attila: História v transformačnom procese Maďarska ... 111

A r c h í v

P e t r u f, Pavol - S e g e š, Dušan: Memorandum Karola Sidora Slovenská otázka z júna 1943 ... 123

R e c e n z i e

Zborník na počesť Dariny Bialekovej (R. Marsina) ... 151
V a r i n s k ý, Vladimír: Tábory nútenej práce na Slovensku v rokoch 1941 - 1953 (J. Pešek) ... 153
K u k l í k, J. (ml.) - N ě m e č e k, J.: Proti Benešovi!… Česká a slovenská protibenešovská opozice v Londýně 1939-1945 (Z. Kárník) ... 156
D u ć - F a j f e r, H.: Literatura łemkowska w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XX wieku. 7. zv. (O. R. Halaga) ... 162
C s u k o v i t s, E.: Középkori magyar zarándokok (V. Múcska) ... 164
V i d a l, C.: Checas de Madrid ... 169

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

H o l l ý, Karol: Princess Salomea in Hungarian and Polish Relations from 1214-1241 ... 3
Š t i l l a, Miloš: Martin Čulen and his role in Slovak politics of 1860's and 1870's ... 29
K o v á č, Dušan: Nationalism and political culture in Austria-Hungary in the period of Dualism ... 45
H a l l o n, Ľudovít: Milan Hodža and his role in the Slovak commercial banking sector from 1918 until 1938 ... 57
C h u d j á k, František: The 1945 monetary reform in Czechoslovakia and the related Slovak demands ... 71

M a t e r i a l s

M a č u h a, Maroš: Letters of Matúš Ivanka, the prefect of the Révay estate in the Turiec region from 1601-1625 ... 93

H o r i z o n s

P ó k, Attila: History as part of the transformation process in Hungary ... 111

A r c h i v e s
P e t r u f, Pavol - S e g e š, Dušan: Karol Sidor's memorandum and standing of Slovakia in June 1943 ... 123

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y  C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

H o l l ý, Karol: Die Fürstin Salomea und die ungarisch-polnischen Beziehungen in den Jahren (1214-1241) ... 3
Š t i l l a, Miloš: Martin Čulen und die slowakische Politik in den 60er und 70er Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts ... 29
K o v á č, Dušan: Der Nationalismus und die politische Kultur in Österreich-Ungarn in der Zeit des Dualismus ... 45
H a l l o n, Ľudovít: Milan Hodža Aufgabe im kommerziellen Bankwesen der Slowakei 1918-1938 ... 57
C h u d j á k, František: Die Währungsreform in der Tschechoslowakei im Jahre 1945 und die slowakischen Forderungen ... 71

M a t e r i a l i e n

M a č u h a, Maroš: Die Briefe von Matúš Ivanka, des Präfekten im Hause Révay über ihre Güter im Turiec aus den Jahren 1601-1625 ... 93

R u n d s c h a u

P ó k, Attila: Geschichte im Transformierungsprozess Ungarns ... 111

A r c h i v

P e t r u f, Pavol - S e g e š, Dušan: Das Memorandum von Karol Sidor Die slowakische Frage aus dem Jahr 1943 ... 123

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E  C H R O N I K

HOLLÝ, K.: Princess Salomea in Hungarian and Polish Relations from 1214–1241.

Historický časopis, 53, 1, 2005, pp. 3–28, Bratislava.

Princess Salomea (1211/12 – 1268, canonized in 1673) was the daughter of Lord Leshek the White, and married Prince Koloman, son of the Hungarian King Andrew II. Since her early childhood, she was intricately involved in the decision-making process of Southwestern Poland and Hungary. Spiš was the site of the meeting in 1214, at which Salomea’s marriage with Koloman was arranged. Koloman later became the King of Galicia. They changed their residence and came to Spiš in 1221. In 1226, their influence spread to Southern parts of Hungary and they settled there at that time. Koloman and Salomea were also fighting heresy in the Balkans, an activity highly regarded by the Pope of the time. They were awarded an exemption from the interdict in 1234. Salomea is referred to in this text as regina. Even after her marriage Salomea remained deeply involved in the life of her homeland. After Koloman’s death in 1241, Salomea returned to Southwestern Poland.

History. Hungary. Princess Salomea in Hungarian and Polish Relations from 1214 – 1241.

ŠTILLA, M.: Martin Čulen and his role in Slovak politics of 1860’s and 1870’s.

Historický časopis, 53, 1, 2005, pp. 29–44, Bratislava.

The author tries to shed some light on the role of Martin Čulen in the political life of Slovakia at the height of Štúr’s generation. It was a time of radical changes in the life of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The country became a dual state with two centre of political power. The newly established status of Hungary had a profound and direct effect on Slovak political life. The focus of the study is placed on the opinions and activities of Martin Čulen in the context of preparation of the memoranda petitions of 1861, and the foundation of Matica slovenská. Special attention is paid to his activity in the run up to the parliamentary elections of 1865, and his activities while working in Levoča in 1868. It was here that he took part in the petition of the settlements of the Spiš region. The author stresses the foundation of the Slovak secondary grammar school in Kláštor pod Znievom. Martin Čulen did this after being persecuted, and he was also the school’s first principal. He was a leading figure in the Slovak national movement until the early parts of the 1870’s.

History. Hungary. Martin Čulen and his role in Slovak politics of 1860’s and 1870’s.

KOVÁČ, D.: Nationalism and political culture in Austria-Hungary in the period of Dualism.

Historický časopis, 53, 1, 2005, pp. 45–56, Bratislava.

The term “political culture” used mostly in the field of political science is here used as a method of social and political analysis of society in the dual monarchy in the epoch of nationalism. Nationalism was set in the motion even before “non-political” mass of wor¬kers and peasants and caused the fundamental changes in the attitude of various social strata and various ethnic groups to the traditional institutions like the Emperor, army, Church and to the traditional values as well. Instead of traditional institutions and values political nationalism set before the society a new cult – the nation. This process was connected with the successively deeper and broader participation of the population in political life – new political parties were emerging, the political press was more and more distributed, general elections were introduced in the Austrian part of the monarchy.

History. Austria-Hungary. Nationalism and political culture in the period of dualism.

HALLON, Ľ.: Milan Hodža and his role in the Slovak commercial banking sector from 1918 until 1938.

Historický časopis, 53, 1, 2005, pp. 57–70, Bratislava.

This is study on the so far unknown facts about the activities of Milan Hodža in the financial sector of Czechoslovakia from 1918 until 1938. Before World War I, Hodža had been trying to establish a strong Slovak bank in Budapest, but failed. This period of his Pro¬fessional endeavours has been extensively documented do date. However, only very limited atten¬tion has been paid to his similar activities in the newly founded Czechoslovakia. The infor¬mation available is only about his screening of the market situation. Deeper exa¬mi¬na¬tion is undertaken by the author, and shows that Hodža put a significant effort into pres¬su¬ring the banks to merge. His tactic included extortion, corruption and bribery, even unde¬mo¬cratic governmental decisions. Between 1918 and 1938, Hodža managed to create a Central monetary institution of public finances, and subordinated it to function in line with the economic interests of his own political party.

History. Czechoslovakia. Milan Hodža and role in the commercial banking 1918 until 1938.

CHUDJÁK, F.: The 1945 monetary reform in Czechoslovakia and the related Slovak demands.

Historický časopis, 53, 1, 2005, pp. 71–92, Bratislava.

The financial situation in post war Czechoslovakia required a monetary reform, conducted in 1945, and a fiscal reform which took place in 1953. A crucial part of the reform was to remove all foreign currencies form the territory of the country. Official stamps were put on the banknotes circulating in Slovakia. During the formulating of the Košice governmental initiative, negotiations got under way about the exchange rate of the wartime Czech and Slovak crowns. This was also the moment when deep division transpired in the Slovak camp about the form of the monetary reform and overall conduct of economic policy in postwar Czechoslovakia. The major problem was the discipline in the execution of the aims of the monetary reform. The author pays special attention to the State Liquidation Fund. This institution took over the management of the restricted accounts from the banks in 1947, and was in charge of them untill 1953.

History. Czechoslovakia. The 1945 monetary reform in Czechoslovakia and the related Slovak demands.

MAČUHA, M.: Letters of Matúš Ivanka, the prefect of the Révay estate in the Turiec region from 1601– 1625.

Historický časopis, 53, 1, 2005, pp. 93–110, Bratislava.

The archives of the Révai family contain remarkable records on the correspondence between the prefect of the Sklabiňa and Blatnice estates in 'I'uriec from the early parts of the 17th century. The pre¬fect, and addressee was Matúš Ivanka a nobleman from the region, and the receiver was Fran¬ti¬šek III Révay. The best known fact about him is probably his scandalous marriage to Zuzana For¬gá¬čová. František had a well known brother Peter Révay. He was the official guardian of the Hun¬garian Crown, and was also deeply involved in historical research and held different offi¬cial positions. Some of the correspondence from Ivanka was addressed to him. Different types, of facts can be learned from the letters written in Slovak language. They provide valuable information on the management of noble family estates, the clearing woods and matters related to the production of new agricultural lands, and other socio-political contexts, of the time.

History. Hungary. Letters of Matúš Ivanka, the prefect of the Révay estate in the Turiec region.

PÓK, A.: History as part of the transformation process in Hungary.

Historický časopis, 53, 1, 2005, pp. 111–122, Bratislava.

The author's basic working premise is that history has both research and representative functions. In connection with the latter, the author states that it can strengthen social coherence, raise cultural awareness and have an educational effect. The 1960’s and 1970’s were marked by the disassociation of Hungarian historiography from the traditions of Marxism and Leninism. It was time, when it stepped into the mainstream of international scientific research. The evaluation of the 1956 revolution and older anniversaries are used as examples thereof. The Treaty of Trianon and Paris the peace settlement at the end of World War I have had a profound effect on Hungarian society, and the overall historical role of Hungary has been at the centre of many controversies. 'I'he author also brings some examples of the view of the important personalities of Hungarian political life in the 1990’s. The conclusion of the study is that the more a nation is aware of its history and its complete picture, the more realistic and just will its policies be in the present.

History. Hungary. History as part of the transformation process in Hungary.

PETRUF, P. – SEGEŠ, D.: Karol Sidor’s memorandum and standing of Slovakia in June 1943.

Historický časopis, 53, 1, 2005, pp. 123–150, Bratislava.

The published document was written by K. Sidor. He was the ambasador of the 1939–1945 Slo¬vak Republic to the Vatican. The document was put together by Sidor in response to the pro¬posal of H. Tittman around mid 1943. It was addressed to the U. S. State Departement, and provided the American government without an outline of Slovak political history, espe¬cially from the period after 1918. Sidor tries to defend Slovakia’s right to self-determi¬nation, and stresses the viability of that time Slovak Republic. In the document, Sidor also rejects the possibility of the renewal of the position of Slovakia as a part of the pre – 1918 Hungary and pre- World War II Czechoslovakia. He leaves the door open to the possibility of formation of a confederation with Poland and the Czech Republic after the end of World War II. However, he stresses the spiritual resistance of the State to the immoral character of Nazi policies. The conclusion of the document is the desire of the Slovak people to continue functioning as an independent state after the end of World War II.

History. Slovakia. K. Sidor’s memorandum and standing of Slovakia in June 1943.


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