


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 49, 2/2001


Š t ú d i e

B y s t r i c k ý, Peter: Politická situácia strednej Európy po rozpade ríše Hunov ... 201
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Vývoj kresťanského odborového hnutia na Slovensku v prvých rokoch ČSR ... 223
K o v á č, Dušan: Organizovaný odsun Nemcov zo Slovenska roku 1946 ... 237
S o r b y, Karol: Vnútropolitický vývoj v Iraku po druhej svetovej vojne, 1945-1954 ... 255
P e š e k, Jan: Pokračovanie československo-vatikánskych rokovaní v rokoch 1970 - 1977 ... 274

R o z h ľ a d y

R e p e, Božo: Juhoslovanská historiografia do osemdesiatych rokov 20. storočia ... 294
T a j t á k, Ladislav: Východné Slovensko ako regionálny fenomén ... 307

R e c e n z i e

H o e n s c h, J. K.: Štúdia Slovaca. Studien zur Geschichte der Slowaker und der Slowakei (Ľ. Lipták) ... 330
L a c i n a, V.: Zlatá leta československého hospodářství 1918-1929 (A. Bartlová) ... 333
F i s c h e r, H. (Hrsg): Die ungarische Revolution von 1848/49. Vergleichende Aspekte der Revolutionen in Ungarn und Deutschland (D. Škvarna) ... 335
Ž a g a b p a, Cipön Wangčhug Dedän: Dejiny Tibetu (M. Slobodník) ... 338
La Grande Encyclopedia di Gente (P. Valachovič) ... 341

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

B y s t r i c k ý, Peter: Political situation in the Central Europe after the fall of Huns' Empíre ... 201
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: The development of the Christian trade unions in Slovakia after the Czechoslovak Republic was established ... 223
K o v á č, Dušan: Organized resettlement of the Germans from Slovakia in the year 1946 ... 237

S o r b y, Karol: Internal political development in Iraq after the World War II, 1945-1954 ... 255
P e š e k, Jan: Czechoslovak-Vatican negotiations being continued in the years 1970-1977 ... 274

H o r i z o n s

R e p e, Božo: Yugoslavian historiography by the 80s of the 20th century ... 294
T a j t á k, Ladislav: East Slovakia as a regional phenomenon ... 307

R E V I E W  - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

B y s t r i c k ý, Peter: Die politische Situation in Mitteleuropa nach dem Zerfall des Hunnenreiches ... 201
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Die Entwicklung der christlichen Gewerkschaftsbewegung in der Slovvakei nach der Entstehung der ČSR ... 223
K o v á č, Dušan: Die organisierte Aussiedlung der Deutschen aus der Slowakei im Jahre 1946 ... 237
S o r b y, Karol: Die innenpolitische Entwicklung im Irak nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, 1945-1954 ... 255
P e š e k, Jan: Die Fortsetzung der tschechoslowakisch-vatikanischen Beratungen in den Jahren 1970-1977 ... 274

R u n d s c h a u

R e p e, Božo: Die Jugoslawische Geschichtsschreibung bis zu den 80er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts ... 294
T a j t á k, Ladislav: Die Ostslowakei als das regionale Phänomen ... 307

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

BYSTRICKÝ, P.: Political situation in the Central Europe after the fall of Huns’ Empire.

Historický časopis, 49, 2, 2001, pp. 201-222, Bratislava.

After Attila’s death in the year 453, Huns’ power was destroyed by subjugated tribes in the battle near Nedao river. The victors divided the territory which was left by the defeated Huns. Ostrogoths, who conquered Pannonia, were a new source of tensions. They were danger not only for their neighbours, but also for the East Roman provinces. Although before the year 472 the Ostrogoths destroyed the majority of enemy kingdoms, however, they soon left Pannonia and under the king Theodorich they settled in the East Roman Empire. Emperor Zeno was relatively successful in keeping the fighting leaders of Ostrogoths in the territory of the Empire under control. In the 489 he persuaded Theodorich to fight in Italia against Odoacer.

History. Central Europe. Political situation in Central Europe after the fall of Huns’ Empire.

KATUNINEC, M.: The development of the Christian trade unions in Slovakia after the Czechoslovak Republic was established.

Historický časopis, 49, 2, 2001, pp. 223-236, Bratislava.

The study deals with the influence the Christian trade unions had in Slovakia in the first years of the Czechoslovak state. It offers a more complex picture of the activities which resulted in the establishment of the most significant Christian trade union headquarters in Slovakia. Slovak Christian trade unions joined the headquarters in Brno for some time and through Czechoslovak trade union Christian-social commission it became a co-establisher of the International Confederation of Christian trade unions on 1920 in Haage. Inspite of the world-outlook congruence, Slovakia was not able to create a unified trade union headquaters of Christian trade union members.

History. Slovakia. The Christian trade unions in Slovakia.

KOVÁČ, D.: Organized resettlement of the Germans from Slovakia in the year 1946.

Historický časopis, 49, 2, 2001, pp. 237-254, Bratislava.

The present study has been devoted to the resettlement of the Germans from Slovakia in the year 1946. By now historiography has been interested only in the resettlement of the Germans from the Czech lands. The German minority in Slovakia represented 150 000 inhabitants only. Majority of them had evacuated before the front reached Slovakia. The organized resettlement concerned only those Germans who returned to Slovakia, or those who had evaded the evacuation. According to archive materials more than 40 000 persons were resettled. This took place from the Spring until the Autumn 1946. Using a lot of archive documentation, the study tries to set light on this issue.

History. Slovakia. The resettlement of the Germans in the year 1946.

SORBY, K.: Internal political development in Iraq after the World War II, 1945-1954.

Historický časopis, 49, 2, 2001, pp. 255-273, Bratislava.

In Iraq from 1941 until the 1958 revolution, Nuri as-Sacid either headed or controlled most government coalitions. After World War II he tried to make a long term agreement with Great Britain by means of a new Anglo-Iraqi Treaty signed at Portsmouth, in January 1948. So vehement were public demonstrations against it that the treaty was never ratified. The Arab defeat in Palestine War had serious political and economic repercussions in Iraq. The defeat gave the regime the opportunity to impose martial law on the country. Nuri as-Sacid continued his traditional pro-British policy and, in 1955, aligned Iraq with the Western defence system through the Baghdad Pact, extending British military privileges in the country. Failures in domestic affairs were matched by foreign policy failures. The opposition succeeded to bring the regime down in 1958.

History: Iraq. Iraq and Iraqi-British Relations after World War II, 1945-1954.

PEŠEK, J.: Czechoslovak-Vatican negotiations being continued in the years 1970-1977.

Historický časopis, 49, 2, 2001, pp. 274-293, Bratislava.

The present study offers a detailed, less investigated, survey of Czechoslovak-Vatican talks on the questions of the Catholic Church and the state relations in Czechoslovakia in the years 1970-1977, or even earlier in 1968. It deals with the whole country, but special attention is given to the significance of the above mentioned talks to Slovakia. The study brings a lot to the interpretation of less known, or even unknown archive documents of the period between 1973-1975, as well as some new conclusions. In some contexts the author uses his previous works on the state-church relations in Slovakia in the years 1953-1970.

History. Czechoslovakia. Continued Czechoslovak-Vatican negotiations in the years 1970-1977.

REPE, B.: Yugoslavian historiography by the 80s of the 20th century.

Historický časopis, 49, 2, 2001, pp. 294-306, Bratislava.

Yugoslavian historiography after the World War II was formed by the collection of eight national historiographies, it does not represent an organic whole. In spite of that it was able to fulfill common projects. The most significant was the publication History of Nations in Yugoslavia which was published in two volumes. But Yugoslavian historians have not been able to find an agreement about the third volume which should have included the 19th and 20th centuries. Post-war Yugoslavian historiography includes a variety of schools, or even classical historical schools. The marxist school, which at the beginning imitated the Soviet model, prevailed. Due to the dispute with Informbyro and due to the fact that Yugoslavia opened towards the world, the Yugoslavian marxist historiography was closer to western historic schools than to marxist historiography of the eastern European states.

History. Yugoslavia. Yugoslav historiography by the 80s of the 20th century.

TAJTÁK, L.: East Slovakia as a regional phenomenon.

Historický časopis, 49, 2, 2001, pp. 307-329, Bratislava.

Specifik features the historical development in the East Slovakia had and their interpretation were politically misused in the past and therefore a lot of controversial opinions and discussion followed. This concerned namely the influence of geographical agents upon the historical development of the region, its settlements, the origin of a separate economic base, the administrative role and uniqueness of East Slovakian dialect and ethnic. The author of the current paper has criticised this hypothesis on the basis of the research results from different authors and his own. He has come to the conclusions which consider such opinions not to be correct and internationally politicised in the past. He points to the fact that East Slovakia did not have its own historical development, but that it had been influenced and slowed down significantly by negative factors.

History. Slovakia. East Slovakia as a regional phenomenon.


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