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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 53, 2/2005


Š t ú d i e

R á b i k, Vladimír: Rusíni a valašské obyvateľstvo na východnom Slovensku v stredoveku ... 217
G r a u s, Igor: Zápas Banskej Bystrice s turzovsko-fuggerovským mediarskym podnikom o banské a troskové odvaly ... 243
S z á r a z, Peter: Poskytovanie azylu španielskym utečencom na československom vyslanectve v Madride a v Československu v rokoch 1936 - 1937 ... 255
H a v r i l a, Marek: Činnosť Historického odboru Matice slovenskej od roku 1945 do začiatku 50. rokov 20. storočia v slovenskej historiografii ... 283
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Spolok svätého Vojtecha od konca druhej svetovej vojny po zmenu na "účelové zariadenie" (1945 - 1954) ... 305

M a t e r i á l y

S a b o l, Miroslav: Elektrifikácia Slovenska v rokoch 1938 - 1943 a vznik celoštátneho elektrárenského podniku ... 327

R o z h ľ a d y

M i h á l i k o v á, Silvia: Sviatky na Slovensku ako súčasť politických rituálov ... 339
H a r b u ľ o v á, Ľubica: Ruský diplomat Georgij Nikolajevič Garin-Michajlovskij a jeho pôsobenie na Slovensku ... 355

A r c h í v

G o d e š a, Bojan: Jozef Tiso a Anton Korošec - vzťahy medzi Slovákmi a Slovincami ... 365

R e c e n z i e

S e g e š, V.: Od rytierstva po žoldnierstvo. Stredoveké vojenstvo v Uhorsku so zreteľom na Slovensko (J. Bartl) ... 380
Česko-slovenská historická ročenka 2003 (Ľ. Hallon) ... 382
P e š e k, J. - L e t z, R.: Štruktúry moci na Slovensku 1948:1989 (R. Pavlovič) ... 385
Dejiny baníctva na Slovensku 1. diel. Využívanie nerastných surovín, ťažba rúd vybraných nerudných surovín a výroba kovov na území Slovenska od počiatkov do roku 1945 (M. Kamenický) ... 391
D o s t a ľ, M. Ju.: I. I. Sreznevskij i jego svjazi s čechami i slovakami (V. Matula) ... 393
Perejaslavska rada 1654 roku (M. Nevrlý) ... 396

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

R á b i k, Vladimír: Ruthenians and Wallachian Inhabitants in the East Slovakia during the Middle Ages ... 217
G r a u s, Igor: Banská Bystrica's Conflict with the Management of Thurzo-Fugger's Copper Enterprise for Mining and Slag Heaps ... 243
S z á r a z, Peter: Granting Asylum to Spanish Refugees at the Czechoslovak Legation in Madrid and in Czechoslovakia during 1936-1937 ... 255
H a v r i l a, Marek: Activities of History Division in Matica slovenská from 1945 till the beginning of the 1950s ... 283
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: History of the Society of Saint Adalbert from the end of World War II until its "transformation" into a multipurpose social facility (1945-1954) ... 305

M a t e r i a l s

S a b o l, Miroslav: Electrification of Slovakia in the years 1938-1943 and the Origin of State Electricity Enterprise ... 327

H o r i z o n s

M i h á l i k o v á, Silvia: Holiday and Festivals in Slovakia - the part of political rituals ... 339
H a r b u ľ o v á, Ľubica: The Russian Diplomat Georgij Nikolajevič Garin-Michajlovskij and His Activities in Slovakia ... 355

A r c h i v e s

G o d e š a, Bojan: Jozef Tiso and Anton Korošec - the Relations between the Slovaks and the Sloveniens ... 365

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

R á b i k, Vladimír: Die Ruthenen und Walacher in der Ostslowakei im Mittelalter ... 217
G r a u s, Igor: Der Kampf von Banská Bystrica mit dem Thurzo-Fuggers Kupferbetrieb um die Bergwerks- und Trümmerabfälle ... 243
S z á r a z, Peter: Der Asylangebot den spanischen Flüchtlingen auf der tschechoslowakischen Gesandschaft in Madrid und in der Tschechoslowakei in den Jahren 1936-1937 ... 255
H a v r i l a, Marek: Die Tätigkeit der Historischen Abteilung der Slowakischen Mutter vom Jahre 1945 bis zum Anfang der 50er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts ... 283
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Der Verein des heiligen Adalbert vom Ende des II. Weltkrieges bis zur Änderung zur "Zweckseinrichtung" (1945-1954) ... 305

M a t e r i a l i e n

S a b o l, Miroslav: Die Elektrifizierung der Slowakei in den Jahren 1938-1943 und die Entstehung des gesamtstaatlichen Kraftwerkbetriebes ... 327

R u n d s c h a u

M i h á l i k o v á, Silvia: Die Feste in der Slowakei als Bestandteil der politischen Rituale ... 339
H a r b u ľ o v á, Ľubica: Der russische Diplomat Georgij Nikolajevič Garin-Michajlovskij und sein Wirken in der Slowakei ... 355

A r c h i v

G o d e š a, Bojan: Jozef Tiso und Anton Korošec die Beziehungen zwischen den Slowaken und Slowenen ... 365

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

RÁBIK, V.: The Ruthenian and Wallachian Population of Eastern Slovakia in the Middle. Ages.

Historický časopis, 53, 2, 2005, pp. 217-242, Bratislava.

Ruthenian inhabitants had their significant role in the national, social and legal, as well as religious structure of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. There were two waves in their settlement. At the beginning of the 14th century they entered the territory according to German law, but at the same time the Wallachian element could be recorded as well. The Wallachian element was fully dominant later. On the other hand, at the beginning the resident territory of Wallachian inhabitants, who claimed to be of Ruthenian nationality, in East Slovakia was the same as the older locations settled according to German law. The Ruthenians and Wallachians used the regressive development in the 15th century. Later they moved into new territories and established new settlements.

History. Slovakia. Middle Ages. History of settlements. Ruthenian inhabitants.

GRAUS, I.: Banská Bystrica´s Conflict with the Management of Thurzo-Fugger´s Copper Enterprise for Mining and Slag Heaps.

Historický časopis, 53, 2, 2005, pp. 243-254, Bratislava.

In the 1540s the copper factory in Banská Bystrica initiated exploitation of the ore from mining waste which resulted in a new wave of conflicts between the town and the company about the right to free mining enterprise. Mutual conflicts started at the beginning of the 16lh century and were connected with breaking of municipal rights, right of supervision upon Saint Elisabeth Hospital and the administration of the mining Brotherhood of Corpus Christi. The final stage in the conflicts between the town and Thurzo-Fugger Copper Factory for the right of free mining and use of slag heaps was not solved by the transition of the enterprise into state hands in the year 1546 either.

History. Hungary. Copper Factory. Free mining. Mining towns' rights.

SZARAZ, P.: Granting Asylum to Spanish Refugees at the Czechoslovak Legation in Madrid and in Czechoslovakia during 1936-1937.

Historický časopis, 53, 2, 2005, pp. 255-282, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the problém of granting asylum to refugees in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War. Czechoslovak governmenťs asylum policy has becn focused on. This has been reflected through common diplomatic activities of foreign missions during summer 1936 till the bilateral negotiations with the Spanish government took plače. The Czechoslovak mission's negotiations started in February 1937. The author analyses a group of refugees who asked for asylum at our embassy. The April evacuation, when part of the refugees had to evacuate to Czechoslovak, represents a border line in the development of Czechoslovak-Spanish asylum relations. Further development of the issue is reflected in the attitude of governmental and humanitarian organizations, as well as from the viewpoint of asylum aspect. Mutual relation graduated into a crisis which they tried to solve by the refugees' escape with the quiet agreement of the Czechoslovak authorities.

History. Czechoslovakia. Granting asylum to Spanish refugees in Madrid (1936-1937).

HAVRILA, M.: Activities of History Division in Matica slovenská from 1945 till the beginning of the 1950s.

Historický časopis, 53, 2, 2005, pp. 283–304, Bratislava.

The author of the present study tried to investigate the influence of the History Division of Matica slovenská in the years 1945–1950. The research has also shown the influence of published periodicals and books upon the development of historical writing in those years. Special attention has been given to basic starting points and trends in postwar Slovak historiography. The study highlights the role of individual members of the Division – the historians, who are the best and most significant personalities, as well as the scientific projects carried on, activities organized, but also the process which led to the end of the Division among professionals. The development of publication activities, the application of modern scientific procedures, the emphasis put on heuristic methods, methodology of historical science, the establishment of scientific groups of experts under the auspices of the Division represent a significant contribution to the history of Slovak historiography.

History. Slovakia. Historical Division in Matica slovenská and its activities in the years 1945–1950.

KATUNINEC, M.: History of the Society of Saint Adalbert from the end of World War II untill its “transformation“ into a multipurpose social facility (1945–1954).

Historický časopis, 53, 2, 2005, pp. 305–326, Bratislava.

The Society of Saint Adalbert (Vojtech) played a significant role in the religious and national life of the Slovak people for a long period of time. During World War II, it was at odds with the autho¬rities, but managed to become a little more independent then in previous periods. The De¬mocratic Party won the 1946 parliamentary election in Slovakia. This development was sup¬posed to solidify the newly found independance of the Society of Saint Adalbert. In¬creases in publication rate and membership numbers were also encouraging this trend. After the Communist Party had taken power in 1948, the society fell on hard times. Its activities con-tinued, but their scope was severely restricted and the Communist Party exercised strong con¬trol over them. People of the regime took over running the society, and prepared a new Char¬ter in 1953. The society started to be defined as a religious institution without active membership, and the new Charter came to effect in 1954.

History. Czechoslovakia. History of the Society of Saint Adalbert (945–1954).

SABOL, M.: Electrification of Slovakia in the years 1938–1943 and the Origin of State Electricity Enterprise.

Historický časopis, 53, 2, 2005, pp. 327–338, Bratislava.

The given period has been poorly studied in our historiography. The research has been started only recently. In spite of the fact that some remarkable results have been archieved, there has been no synthetic work. A complex monographic study of this issue will take some time because the archive documents of electicity enterprises have been only partially studied. There is an urgent need for a more comprehensive approach to the electrification process because electrification represented one of the key prerequisites of economic development from the end of the 19th century. A more comprehensive study of this phenomenon will illuminate the economic development of Slovakia. There are only individual jubilee publications of electricity enterprises which deal with the problem of electrification in the years 1938–1943.

History. Slovakia. Electrification of Slovakia in the years 1938–1943.

MIHÁLIKOVÁ, S.: Holiday and Festivals in Slovakia – the part of political rituals.

Historický časopis, 53, 2, 2005, pp. 339–354, Bratislava.

The structure of holidays and festivals in Slovakia has confirmed the fact that they are mainly religious, or better to say Catholic holidays and festivals. The data from recent census, symbolic motifs on banknotes and coins, as well as the official state awards confirm that the image of Slovakia has not exceeded the magic circle of preserved national traditions and confession of faith. The symbolism of state holidays and festivals and memorial days remains within the foundation myth and adoration of national heroes and traditions. The ritual content of holidays and festivals together with the symbols and myths used should confirm legitimacy and strengthen the authority of their actors or those historical personalities or ideas which have been adoptet by a group. It is to provoke people’s emotions and enthusiasm towards the policy as well as manifest their understanding of the policy. Political attitudes have been formed more under the influence of symbolic forms than under utilitarian calculations.

History. Slovakia. Holidays and festivals – the part of political rituals.

HARBUĽOVÁ, Ľ.: The Russian Diplomat Georgij Nikolajevič Garin-Michajlovskij and His Activities in Slovakia.

Historický časopis, 53, 2, 2005, pp. 355–364, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the activities of one of many Russian political exiles who found their asylum in Czechoslovakia after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. The study has two parts: the first one gives basic data on the origin, life and professional (mainly diplomatic) activities of. G. N. Garin-Michajlovskij before his departure to exile. The second part describes his fate in emigration. After a short stay in Paris in 1921, he moved to Prague and in 1932 to Bratislava in Slovakia where he stayed till 1945 when the NKVD dragged him to the Soviet Union. There, in Vorkuta, he died in 1946. Garin-Michajlovskij’s “Slovak period“ represents the main part of this study. In Bratislava wrote prose and translated books from Russian literature and wrote articles for Slovak newspapers. He devoted his articles to foreign policy, international law, Czechoslovak-Russian relations and to the promotion of Russian culture and history. The author considers his activities within the wider context of the Russian and Ukrainien exile community in Slovakia.

History. Slovakia. The Diplomat G. N. Garin-Michajlovskij and His Activities in Slovakia.

GODEŠA, B.: Jozef Tiso and Anton Korošec – the Relations between the Slovaks and the Sloviens.

Historický časopis, 53, 2, 2005, pp. 365–379, Bratislava.

Jozef Tiso, the military trustee, was moved into Maribor town in Autumn 1914. In 1914 Anton Korošec also worked in Maribor and both Catholic priests became friends. Tiso claimed that he was so much impressed by the Slovenian clergy’s activities in the political, economic and spiritual areas that he planned to transfer the Slovenian example to Slovakia. We cannot fully accept opinions of Korošec’s critics that in 1940 Tiso’s Slovakia became “an ideal of Slovenian clerofascism“. It could have been interpreted as a proposed state form, which would guarantee the survival for Slovenians in case of victory Axis and the break down of Yougoslavia, but for the majority of Slovenians federative Yugoslavia seemed the best solution. As Slovenian National Party, which A. Korošec was a representative of, rejected fascism or Nazism, we cannot consider its ideological orientation to be fascist. But in many cases it manifested its compatibility with fascist and Nazist ideology which was Korošec’ case as well.

History. Slovakia. The relations between the Slovaks and the Slovenians.


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