


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 59, 2/2011


Š t ú d i e

Lysá, Žofia: Privilégium pre Bratislavu z roku 1291 ... 189
Miskolczy, Ambrus: Povedomie Hungarus v 19. storočí ... 215
Bartlová, Alena: Transformácia administratívy v Bratislave v prelomovom historickom období (1918 – 1923) ... 241
Gabzdilová, Soňa: Sčítanie obyvateľstva na Slovensku v roku 1950, maďarská menšina a historické súvislosti ... 263
Hudek, Adam: Slovenská akadémia vied a umení v rokoch 1945 – 1952 ... 285


Kincses, Katalin Mária: Etnická a náboženská tolerancia. Ohlas Rákociho povstania v dielach Mateja Bela ... 313


Dončová, Angelika: Politické aktivity Ľudovíta Bazovského v Lučenci a okolí (1900 – 1914) ... 331

R e c e n z i e

Papsonová, Mária – Šmahel, František – Dvořáková, Daniela: Ulrich Richental: Kostnická kronika (Eva Frimmová) ... 353
Zudová-Lešková, Zlatica: Cesty k sebe. Česi v odboji na Slovensku v rokoch 1939 – 1943 (Marek Syrný) ... 356
Šimončič, Jozef: Dejiny Trnavy. Zväzok prvý (Ivan Chalupecký) ... 360

Glosy ... 362

Kronika ... 371

Obhájené práce ... 383


A r t i c l e s

Lysá, Žofia: The charter of privileges granted to Bratislava in 1291 ... 189
Miskolczy, Ambrus: Hungarus consciousness in the 19th century ... 215
Bartlová, Alena: Transformation of the administration of Bratislava in the historical turning point period of 1918 – 1923 ... 241
Gabzdilová, Soňa: The 1950 Census in Slovakia, the Hungarian minority and the historical context ... 263
Hudek, Adam: The Slovak Academy of Sciences and Art in the years 1945 – 1952 ... 285


Kincses, Katalin Mária: Ethnic and religious tolerance, the reaction to Rákóczi’s uprising in the works of Matej Bel ... 313


Dončová, Angelika: The political activities of Ľudovít Bazovský in Lučenec and its surroundings, 1900 – 1914 ... 331

R E V I E W – A N N O T A T I O N S – B I B L I O G R A P H Y – C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Lysá, Žofia: Privileg für Bratislava aus dem Jahr 1291 ... 189
Miskolczy, Ambrus: Die hungarus ideologie – im 19. Jahrhundert ... 215
Bartlová, Alena: Transformation der Administration in Bratislava in den historischen Umsturzzeiten (1918 – 1923) ... 241
Gabzdilová, Soňa: Volkszählung in der Slowakei im Jahr 1950, die ungarische Minderheit und die historischen Zusammenhänge ... 263
Hudek, Adam: Slowakische Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künstein den Jahren 1945 – 1952 ... 285


Kincses, Katalin Mária: Ethnische und religiöse Toleranz.  Resonanz des Aufstandes von Rákóczi in den Werken von Matthias Bel ... 313


Dončová, Angelika: Politische Aktivitäten von Ľudovít Bazovský in Lučenec und seiner Umgebung, 1900 – 1914 ... 331


LYSÁ, Žofia. The charter of privileges granted to Bratislava in 1291.

Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 2, pp. 189-214, Bratislava.

The study is concerned with the charter of privileges granted to Bratislava in 1291. The introduction gives a formal analysis of the document, and attempts to solve the question of interpolation into the text. It offers an interpretation of why the text of the original document from 1291 differs from later royal confirmations. The article traces the views on the charter of privileges in previous historiography and the circumstances in which it was issued by King Andrew III. The conclusion compares individual provisions of the charter with other charters issued in the 13th century.

Bratislava. Charter of privileges. 13th century. Interpolation / falsification. Town privileges.

MISKOLCZY, Ambrus. Hungarus consciousness in the 19th century.

Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 2, pp. 215-240, Bratislava.

Hungarus consciousness was an ideological current, which originated at the end of the 18th century as a reaction to various forms of liberalism and nationalism. Although it had a marginal position from the beginning, some of its features still survive in various considerations of the nationality question in the successor states of the former Kingdom of Hungary. The most important supporters of Hungarus consciousness were Gregor Berzeviczy, Ján Čaplovič and Juraj Karol Rumy. All three came from multi-ethnic environments, spoke several languages, and so naturally rejected the basic idea of the ethnic Hungarian or Magyar nationalists, who wanted to establish the Hungarian language as the state language and demanded the gradual assimilation of the non-Magyar nations and nationalities in the Kingdom of Hungary. The idea that united them, derived from the idea of the Kingdom of Hungary as a community of equal nations. However, this “ideal state”, described by King Stephen I in his advice to his son Imrich, had no chance to succeed in the conditions of ever more dominant Hungarian ethnic nationalism.

Ideological currents in the Kingdom of Hungary in the 19th century. Hungarus consciousness. Nationalism. The nationality question in the Kingdom of Hungary and various proposals for solving it. Multi-lingualism versus language as the basic attribute of the nation.

BARTLOVÁ, Alena. Transformation of the administration of Bratislava in the historical turning point period of 1918 – 1923.

Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 2, pp. 241-261, Bratislava.

The present study is based on research into the press, archive documents and literature of the time, as well as on more recent studies. The author traces the transformation of the city of Bratislava, which changed during the period 1918 – 1938 from a quiet provincial city into the important, modern, political, economic and cultural centre of Slovakia. In population it was the fourth largest city in the young Czechoslovak state. The city administration, elected local councils, the officials of Slovak national institutions that had been established in Bratislava and self-sacrificing enthusiastic personalities from various fields of social life all played important roles in this transformation. The period 1918 – 1923 was the initial phase of these changes, involving the end of the old Hungarian institutions and the creation of the new Czechoslovak state administration.

Bratislava. City administration. Municipality. Mayor. Minister with full power to administer Slovakia. Dr. Vavro Šrobár. County chief executive Samuel Zoch. City council. Coming of Czech officials. Nationality structure. Housing problem. Notary’s office. City police. Local elections of 1923. Slovak national institutions.

GABZDILOVÁ, Soňa. The 1950 Census in Slovakia, the Hungarian minority and the historical context.

Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 2, pp. 263-284, Bratislava.

The study is devoted to questions of the census carried out in the Czechoslovak Republic in March 1950, especially in relation to the position of the Hungarian or Magyar minority and its development after 1918, with an emphasis on events after the end of the Second World War. The author offers a picture of the preparatory work, the actual census and its results in the context of the political and social situation in Czechoslovakia, characterized by the culmination of Stalinism and the so-called dictatorship of the proletariat. She documents the extent to which the official political line of the state or discriminatory measures can influence the declared ethnic identification of people.

Census. Ethnic identification. Hungarian or Magyar minority.

HUDEK, Adam. The Slovak Academy of Sciences and Art in the years 1945 – 1952.

Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 2, pp. 285-311, Bratislava.

The development of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Arts in the turbulent period 1945 – 1952 documents the illusory nature of ideas about the possibility of the autonomous development of science and research in a society experiencing great political shocks. The article analyses the political and ideological influences that inevitably directed the functioning of the academy. The institution was formally apolitical, but, in reality, it was largely dependent on the current government, so it inevitably became an object of political struggles in the state. The aim of the article is also to point out how the academy attempted to make pragmatic use of the current political situation to achieve the status of the leading institution in Slovak science and research.

The Slovak Academy of Sciences and Art. Organization of scientific research.Communist party. Ideologisation. Marxist science.

KINCSES, Katalin Mária. Ethnic and religious tolerance, the reaction to Rákóczi’s uprising in the works of Matej Bel.

Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 2, pp. 313-330, Bratislava.

In the study we outline the background of two conceptually and practically related circles of questions, which are most significantly connected with the reform efforts of Rákóczi’s state in the work of the outstanding scholar from Hungary Matej Bel (1684 – 1749), namely the problems of ethnic and religious tolerance.
The scientific and ecclesiastical-political conception carefully constructed by Matej Bel has two basic pillars. One is the ability of national, ethnic and social groups to coexist. The second is a natural factor of the coexistence of these groups, namely religious tolerance. A basic principle of the lifelong scientific programme of Matej Bel was to express his view on the question of religious tolerance, which we want to examine through analysis of his hitherto unknown work “Kurtze Erzehlung der Religions Geschicht in Ungarn occasione der Rakoczischen Revolution in Ungarn”. At the end of the first decade of the 18th century, after the Ružomberok synod, which, in political terms, meant a split in the Evangelical Church, he remained among those who rejected in principle a policy of discrimination.

Matej Bel. Ethnic tolerance. Religious tolerance. Rákóczi’s uprising.

DONČOVÁ, Angelika. The political activities of Ľudovít Bazovský in Lučenec and its surroundings, 1900 – 1914.

Historický časopis, 2011, 59, 2, pp. 331-352, Bratislava.

The paper considers the political activities of the public figure Ľudovít Bazovský (1872 – 1958) in Lučenec and its surroundings in the period 1900 – 1914. Bazovský, by profession an advocate, settled in the Novohrad region, in Lučenec to be precise, in 1900. Later he became involved in politics here. He participated in all the election campaigns before elections to the Hungarian Parliament in the constituency of Lučenec. He changed his political and party allegiance several times. At first, he spent several years in the Hungarian Independence and Forty-eight Party, holding the position of party secretary in the constituency of Lučenec. After leaving this party, he became a supporter of the Social Democrats. He promoted the ideas of this political movement in Novohrad by publishing a magazine for it. Later, he cooperated more with the conservative political group of Martin, making various efforts to strengthen the Slovak element in the Novohrad region. Bazovský’s political activity, which was marked by elements of inconstancy, significantly contributed to the political life of Novohrad in the time of the Kingdom of Hungary.

Ľudovít Bazovský. Novohrad. Lučenec. Political history. Elections to the Hungarian Parliament in the constituency of Lučenec.


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