


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 50, 3/2002


Š t ú d i e

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Zánik Nitrianskeho kniežatstva ...385
K o w a l s k á, Eva: Uhorskí protestanti a viedenský dvor: formovanie cirkevnej politiky habsburského štátu pred rokom 1781 ...407
G a b z d i l o v á, Soňa - O l e j n í k, Milan: Proces internácie nemeckého obyvateľstva na Slovensku v rokoch 1945-1946 ...423
Z a v a c k á, Marína: K problematike výskumu totalitnej komunistickej propagandy: vybrané pojmy, mechanizmy, obsahy ...439

R o z h ľ a d y

S o r b y, Karol: Vývoj vzťahov Egypta a veľmocí roku 1955 ...457

M a t e r i á l y

K a m e n i c k ý, Miroslav: Samuel Mikovini a baníska škola v Banskej Štiavnici ...483
K r a s n o v s k ý, Branislav: Vývoj petrochemického priemyslu na Slovensku v období 1895-1948 ...493

R e c e n z i e

M o s n ý, P.: Podkarpatská Rus. Nerealizovaná autonómia (M. Zemko) ...512
C u h r a, J.: Československo-vatikánská jednání 1968-1989 (J. Pešek) ...514
Dejiny filozofie na Slovensku v XX. storočí (Ľ. Turčan) ...516
Historia Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (J. Lukačka, J. Steinhübel, E. Ivaničková, M. Kohútová) ...520
E i r o a San Francisco, M.: Las relaciones de Franco con Europa Centro-Oriental (P. Száraz) ...526

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: The Decline of Nitra Principality ...385
K o w a l s k á, Eva: Hungarian Protestants and Vienna Court: the formation of church policy of Habsburg state before the year 1781 ...407
G a b z d i l o v á, Soňa - O l e j n í k, Milan: The process of German-population concentration in Slovakia during the years 1945-1946 ...423
Z a v a c k á, Marína: On the problems of the totalitarian communist propaganda research: selected terms, mechanisms, contents ...439

H o r i z o n s

S o r b y, Karol: The Great Powers and Egypt in 1955 ...457

M a t e r i a l s

K a m e n i c k ý, Miroslav: Samuel Mikovini and Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica ...483
K r a s n o v s k ý, Branislav: The Development of petrochemical industry in Slovakia during the years 1895-1948 ... 493

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Der Untergang des Nitraer Fürstentumns ...385
K o w a l s k á, Eva: Die ungarischen Protestanten und der Wiener Hof: die Formierung der kirchlichen Politik des Habsburger Staates vor dem Jahre 1781 ...407
G a b z d i l o v á, Soňa - O l e j n í k, Milan: Der Prozess der Internierung der deutschen Bevölkerung in der Slowakei in den Jahren 1945-1946 ...423
Z a v a c k á, Marína: Zur Problematik der Forschung über die totalitäre kommunistische Propaganda: ausgenommene Begriffe, Mechanismen, Inhalte ...439

R u n d s c h a u

S o r b y, Karol: Die Entwicklung der Beziehungen zwischen Ägypten und der Großmächte im Jahre 1955 ...457

M a t e r i a l i e n

K a m e n i c k ý, Miroslav: Samuel Mikovini und die Bergschule in Banská Štiavnica ...483
K r a s n o v s k ý, Branislav: Die Entwicklung der petrochemischen Industrie in der Slowakei in der Zeit 1895-1948 ...493

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

STEINHÜBEL, J.: The Decline of Nitra Principality.

Historický časopis, 50, 3, 2002, pp. 385–406, Bratislava.

During the reign of King Ladislaus I (1077–1095) Lambert, the king’s younger brother, was the Nitra Prince. Solomon’s younger brother David should be satisfied with less important Bihar principality. Koloman (1095–1116), the Hungarian King left Nitra and Bihar principalities to his younger brother Almos. By the end October or at the beginning of November 1108 Almos and his little son Belo lost their sight due to Koloman’s orders. The reign of the last Nitra Prince was ended. The decline and decomposition of Nitra principality were also effected by changes of diocesan and county borders. The Nitra principality disintegrated because it did not have its own Prince dynasty, who would be keep the principality together hon was the case with Russian and Polish regions.

History. Hungary. The decline of Nitra principality in Hungary.

KOWALSKÁ, E.: Hungarian Protestants and Vienna Court: the formation of church policy of Habsburg state before the year 1781.

Historický časopis, 50, 3, 2002, pp. 407–422, Bratislava.

The study has been investigating the relationship between Vienna court, central Hungarian bodies and the representatives of both Evangelic confessions. Mutual contacts were affected by a number of existing laws which excluded non-Catholics from the public life and prevented them im presenting themselves as a political fraction. Audiences represented a very important form of mutual communication. They were organized under various impulses but they were rarely successful in reaching the amendments in problem areas. The intensity of contacts with the court culminated at the beginning of Mary Theresa’s reign when Protestants tried to get amendments in religious situation in Hungary published.

History. Hungary. The formation of church policy in Habsburg state before the year 1781.

GABZDILOVÁ, S. – OLEJNÍK, M.: The process of German-population concentration in Slovakia during the years 1945–1946.

Historický časopis, 50, 3, pp. 423–438, Bratislava.

The ethnic-German majority inclusion into organisations and structures which uncondi¬tionally supported Nazi Germany, exposed that minority to the wide range of retributions and restrictive measures after the defeat of Hitler’s Third Reich. The Germans living in Slovakia, except proven anti-fascists, became the target of discriminatory actions justified on the basis of so called “collective guilt”. Besides confiscation of their property, termination of employment in public and private sector and other restrictive measures, the majority of ethnic Germans was placed into a network of concentration camps installed throughout Slovakia. The paper deals with the various aspects of the process of concentration and its impact upon the status of German minority in Slovakia.

History. Slovakia. Process of German-population concentration in Slovakia during the years 1945–1946.

ZAVACKA, M.: On the problems of the totalitarian communist propaganda research: selected terms, mechanisms, contents.

Historický časopis, 50, 3, 2002, pp. 439-456, Bratislava.

The study intends to introduce the field of propaganda studies. At the beginning it briefly features the history of propaganda research carried out in the 20"1 century and it analyses possibilities of contemporary application of the achieved results. Using the special case of the communist Czechoslovakia, the author also deals with the aims and instruments used by totalitarian propaganda. Special attention has been paid to the contents of contemporary texts, to their specific language, presentation of basic axioms (such as "unity of opinions", "moral and historical justification"), dichotomy of terms, the need of "proper understanding". The author concludes her study with contemporary official (communist) theoretical reflections of propaganda as a tool of political influence.

History. Czechoslovakia. On the problems of the totalitarian communist propaganda research: selected terms, mechanisms, contents.

SORBY, K.: The Great Powers and Egypt in 1955.

Historický časopis, 50, 3, 2002, pp. 457–482, Bratislava.

Initially, the Free Officers were inclined toward the USA, believing that Washington stood against imperialism and supported the right of small states in their self¬ determination. The subsequent Egyptian change of view was the result of Egyptian leadership’s perceptions that Eisenhower’s administration was pursuing policies that were not in Egypt’s national interest. To the Free Officers it occurred that Anglo¬ American attempts to create military pacts in the Arab zone in the 1950s contributed to polarization of the Arab world and served the intensification of anti-Western feelings. Nasser’s decision to buy Soviet arms was not motivated by ideological sympathies but by power politics, by regional considerations, and by his inability to obtain arms from the West. In order to comprehend the reasons behind the conclusion of the 1955 Egyptian-Soviet arms deal, it should be included in the internal and external context.

History. Egypt. The Development of Egypt – Great Powers Relations in 1955.

KAMENICKÝ, M.: Samuel Mikovini and Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica.

Historický časopis, 50, 3, 2002, pp. 483–494, Bratislava.

In the 1735 Samuel Mikovini, the significant cartographer and mathematician, was appointed the post of land surveyor of central Slovak mining towns. His main task was to teach clerks, future clerks and other persons mathematics, geodesy, hydraulics, hydrostatics, and mechanics. The teaching should take place in Winter months only, i. e. from the 1st November to the 30th April. The duration of teaching was two hours daily. Special tutors were employed for special disciplines. It was the first true mining school in Hungary and one of the first in the whole world. Samuel Mikovíni was very busy therefore in 1748 future clerks were supervised by J. Brinn whose professional qualities were much lower than Mikovini’s. The standard of mining experts’ education in Central Slovakia was therefore lowered. S. Mikovini died in 1750 during regulation of the river Váh near Trenčín town.

History. Slovakia. Mining schools in the 18th century in Banská Štiavnica.

KRASNOVSKÝ, B.: The development of petrochemical industry in Slovakia during the years 1895–1948.

Historický časopis, 50, 3, 2002, pp. 493–511, Bratislava.

The study deals with petrochemical industry in Slovakia which was closely connected with the origin Apollo Bratislava oil rafinery. The entreprise was established in Bratislava in the year 1895 (very good position on the river Danube). The oil imported from the Caucasus and later from Rumania was produced there. The productive capacity of the emtreprise was increasing and during the World War II it was producing oil and oil products for the needs Austro-Hungarian army. After the World War I the French company achieved majority in the plant. The introduction of permanent vaccum-atmospheric tubular distillation of oil in the year 1936 under the American license represented an important break in the development of the entreprise. The plant was severely bombarded in the year 1944. After the war the plant was nationalized. The production was totally restored in the year 1948.

History. Slovakia. Petrochemical industry in Slovakia in the years 1895–1948.


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