


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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Web of Science Core Collection: Arts & Humanities Citation Index

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 51, 4/2003


L i p t á k, Ľubomír: Neprežité dejiny ... 577
In memoriam Ľubomír Lipták (1930 - 2003)(Dušan Kováč) ... 586

Š t ú d i e

L u k a č k a, Ján: Matúš Čák Trenčiansky a jeho familiarita ... 589
L u k á č, Pavol: Politická činnosť Milana Hodžu v emigrácii v USA a reakcie na jeho federalistické plány ... 605
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Slovenská katolícka akadémia pri Spolku svätého Vojtecha ... 627
P o d o l e c, Ondrej: Postavenie obecnej samosprávy na Slovensku v rokoch 1938 - 1945 ... 647

M e t o d o l ó g i a

Š u c h, Juraj: Hayden White, Metahistória a písanie o minulosti ... 669

M a t e r i á l y

H r a d s k á, Katarína: Jozef Tiso v Hitlerovom hlavnom stane a na Ukrajine roku 1941 vo svetle nemeckých dokumentov ... 685R o z h ľ a d y
S e g e š, Vladimír: Čas, priestor a mobilita v stredoveku ... 695

R e c e n z i e

S o k o l o v s k ý, Leon: Správa stredovekej dediny na Slovensku (A. Švecová, J. Lukačka) ... 707
Bakoš, J. - Vančo, M. - Togner, M. - G e r á t, I. - C i u l i s o v á, I. - M e d v e c k ý, J. - P ö t z l-M a l í k o v á, M. - B o ř u t o v á, D.: Problémy dejín výtvarného umenia Slovenska (E. Kowalská) ... 711
N a l y v a j k o, D.: Očyma Zachodu. Recepcija Ukrajiny v Zachidnij Jevropi 11 - 18 storiččia (M. Nevrlý) ... 713
B r u c h f e l d, S. M. - L e v i n e, P. A.: Dites le a vos enfants. Histoire de la Shoach en Europe (L. Könözsyová) ... 715
N o t h n a g l e, A. L.: Building the East German Myth. Historical Mythology and Youth Propaganda in the German Democratic Republic, 1945-1989 (M. Zavacká) ... 717
Slovenská historiografia 2001 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 750

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


L i p t á k, Ľubomír: Unlived History ... 577
In memoriam Ľubomír Lipták (1930-2003) (Dušan Kováč) ... 586

A r t i c l e s

L u k a č k a, Ján: Matthew Csák of Trenchin and his familiares ... 589
L u k á č, Pavol: Milan Hodža's political activities in exile in the USA and reponse to his federation plans ... 605
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Slovak Catholic Academy at the Association of Saint Adalbert ... 627
P o d o l e c, Ondrej: The role of municipal administration in Slovakia during the years 1938-1945 ... 647

M e t h o d o l o g y

Š u c h, Juraj: Hayden White, Metahistory and Writing History ... 669

M a t e r i a l s

H r a d s k á, Katarína: Jozef Tiso in Hitler's headquarters and in Ukrajine in the year 1941 as presented by the German documents ... 685H o r i z o n s
Se g e š, Vladimír: Time, space and mobility in the Middle Ages ... 695
Slovak Historiography in 2001 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 750

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


L i p t á k, Ľubomír: Nicht überlebte Geschichte ... 577
In memoriam Ľubomír Lipták (1930-2003) (Dušan Kováč) ... 586

S t u d i e n

L u k a č k a, Ján: Matthäus Csák von Trenčín und seine Familiarität ... 589
L u k á č, Pavol: Die politische Tätigkeit von Milan Hodža während der Emigration in den USA und die Reaktion auf seine Föderalisierungspläne ... 605
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Die Slowakische katholische Adademie beim Verein heiligen Adalberts ... 627
P o d o l e c, Ondrej: Die Stellung der Gemeindeverwaltung in der Slowakei ... 647

M e t h o d o l o g y

Š u c h, Juraj: Hayden White, die Metageschichte und das Schreiben über Vergangenheit ... 669

M a t e r i a l i e n

H r a d s k á, Katarína: Jozef Tiso im Hauptquartier Hitlers und in der Ukraine im Jahre 1941 ... 685

R u n d s c h a u

S e g e š, Vladimír: Zeit, Raum und Mobilität im Mittelalter ... 695
Die Slowakische Geschichtsschreibung 2001 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 750

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

LUKAČKA, J.: Matthew Csák of Trenchin and his familiares.

Historický časopis, 51, 4, 2003, pp. 589–604, Bratislava.

The author presents key events from the life of Matthew Csák of Trenchin – a significant his¬torical personality. He highlights specific features of the political and social develop¬ment of the Hungarian Kingdom on the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries when the oli¬gar¬chy increased its power. In those days the oligarchy archieved its power over the majority of the country. The author devotes his attention to Matthew Csák’s rich familiaris who ori¬gi¬nated mostly from present day Slovakia and Moravia. These “familiaris“ served at Tren¬chin Castle and were wardens of many Matthew Csák’s castles. Matthew Csák had also large army which backed him up and helped him in his independent internal and foreign policy. Matthew Csák was feared enemy of Charles Robert of Anjou, King of Hungary. Till his death (on 18th March 1321) he ruled over a large territory of West Slovakia.

History. Hungary. Matthias Csák of Trenchin and his familiares.

LUKÁČ, P.: Milan Hodža’s political activities in exile in the USA and response to his federation plans.

Historický časopis, 51, 4, 2003, pp. 605–626, Bratislava.

The author of the present study deals with political activities of Milan Hodža (1878–1944), the significant Czechoslovak politician in exile in the USA during the World War II. He died there in 1944. Hodža’s opinions on Central European federation, his efforts to persuade the American administration about the need for such a federation after war and the response to Hodža’s plans have been dealt with. The study is based on archive materials of the State Department from the National Archives in Washington therefore the official USA standpoints towards Milan Hodža and his political conception, which was the opposite to that of Edvard Beneš – the representative of the Czechoslovak exiles in London, are based on important sources.

History. Czechoslovakia. Milan Hodža’s activities in exile in the USA and his federation plans (1941–1944).

KATUNINEC, M.: Slovak Catholic Academy at the Association of Saint Adalbert.

Historický časopis, 51, 4, 2003, pp. 627–646, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the activities of Slovak Catholic Aacademy at the Association of Saint Adalbert. The author presents its origin and activities using documents from the Archives of Saint Adalbert. The Association had been considering the idea of establishing the academy since the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic. The Slovak Catholic Aacademy was established in 1940 during the Slovak Republic. Its first chair was the president of the Slovak Republic Jozef Tiso and after his resignation in November 1943 the chair was taken over by Andrej Škrábik, the bishop of Banská Bystrica. Many members of the Slovak Catholic Academy were active in public and political life. The Slovak Catholic Academy, which was established after long struggle and negotiations, but in a very unfavourable period, had to end its activities after World War II.

History. Slovakia. Slovak Catholic Academy at the Saint Adalbert Association.

PODOLEC, O.: The role of municipal administration in Slovakia during the years 1938–1945.

Historický časopis, 51, 4, 2003, pp. 647–668, Bratislava.

In the 20th century municipal administration in the territory of Slovakia did not develop under favourable condition. And again during the first Czechoslovak Republic its position did not correspond to the demokratic standards which that state was based on. The powers of municipal administrative bodies were passed to the bodies of the state administration, which could revise the result of municipal elections directly. During the establishment of the authoritarian regime in Autumn 1938, the municipal administration was replaced by state clerks – government examiners. This temporary arragement was done under the reform which took place at the turn of the years 1943–1944. During the Slovak National Uprising municipal bodies were replaced by revolutionary national committees.

History. Slovakia. The role of municipal administration in Slovakia during the years 1938–1945.

ŠUCH, J.: Hayden White, Metahistory and Writing History.

Historický časopis, 51, 4, 2003, pp. 669–684, Bratislava.

The author of this article deals with the evolution of H. White’s relativist. understanding of history. He also points to the main ideas in White’s early work which were presented in his intellectual history and in his article Burden of History. This article led White to writing his most famous book Metahistory where he presented the formal analysis of selected works written by historians and philosophers of the 19th century according to their strategic of explanations. These are connected to the modes of emplotments, formal argument, ideological implication and four principal modes of historical consciousness (Metaphor, Synecdoche, Metonymy and Irony) by which historians prefigurate the historical field. In his view, these modes underlie historical work and with the modes of explanatory strategies compromise the “metahistorical“ basic of every historical work.

History. Slovakia. Methodology. H. White and writing on history.

HRADSKÁ, K.: Jozef Tiso in Hitler’s headquarters and in Ukraine in the year 1941 as presented by the German documents.

Historický časopis, 51, 4, 2003, pp. 685–694, Bratislava.

The study deals with the negotiations of the Slovak delegation at Hitler’s headquarters in Autumn 1941. According to the author the negotiations did not deal with military issues only, but also with the solution of Jewish issues in Slovakia. In March 1942 Vojtech Tuka said in the State Council in Bratislava that the Sloovak government was not able to solve the Jewish question in our territory and that the Slovak economy does not need Jews. This was the start of the deportations. The visit to Hitler’s headquarters triggered the deportation of Jews. The visit resulted in the Slovak-German agreement of the year 1941 in which Slovakia agreed on the joint deportations of German Jews and Slovak Jews living in the Reich. According to the author the Slovak political regime in October 1941 was ready to accept the German scenario against Jews.

History. Slovakia. Jozef Tiso at Hitler’s headquarters in the year 1941.

SEGEŠ, V.: Time, space and mobility in the Middle Ages.

Historický časopis, 54, 4, 2003, pp. 695–706, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the categories of time and space, with the phenomenon of the natural environment and mobility in the Middle Ages. The images about the environment and the more remote world did not always correspond to reality. This was mainly because of low information contacts, poor education and religious determination. The author also devotes his attention to the category of time from the viewpoint of its reflection within social stratification, especially in the rural, urban and religious context. The Slovak folk weather lore seams to be a significant domestic proof how the time, natural environment and their changes have been reflected during the ages. The medieval context has another dimension. It was considered to be a limited space, limited by human experience in relation to the spatial and architectonic domains. These were namely cathedrals, monasteries and church towers, as well as municipal town halls with towers.

History. Hungary. Time, space and mobility in the Middle Ages.


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