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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis (ročník 68), 2020, č. 6

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A r t i c l e s

Holec, Roman: The origin, glory and fall of the new business nobility of the Habsburg Monarchy ... 913
Laslavíková, Jana: “Done! The Splendid Work, the New Ornament of Our Beautiful, Ancient Coronation City is Completed!” Identity Construction of the Urban Elite Illustrated on the Example of the Municipal Theatre in Pressburg ... 947
Moravčíková, Henrieta – Lovra, Éva – Krišteková, Laura: The beginnings of modern town planning in the Kingdom of Hungary: the cases of Bratislava and Novi Sad ... 977
Schvarc, Michal: “Every German in the Specified Year Groups has to appear before the Commissions without Invitation.” The Recruitment and Service of Germans from Slovakia in the Waffen-SS 1939–1945 ... 991
Hlavinka, Ján: “I never negotiated with the Jew.” On the Aryanizations of Slovak writer Ľudovít Mistrík-Ondrejov ... 1029

R e v i e w s

Mannová, Elena: Minulosť ako supermarket? Spôsoby reprezentácie a aktualizácie dejín Slovenska [The past as a supermarket? Ways of presenting and up-dating the history of Slovakia] (Peter Macho) ... 1049
Dudeková Kováč ová, Gabriela: Človek vo vojne. Stratégie prežitia a sociálne dôsledky prvej svetovej vojny na Slovensku [People at War. Survival Strategies and the Social Consequences of the First World War in Slovakia] (Hana Hlôšková) ... 1051
Three publications on the theme of Štefánik from the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences: Kšiňan, Michal: L’homme qui parlait avec les étoiles. Milan Rastislav Štefánik, héros franco-slovaque de la Grande Guerre; Macho, Peter: Milan Rastislav Štefánik ako symbol. [Milan Rastislav Štefánik as a Symbol]; Michálek, Slavomír: Milan Rastislav Štefánik and Those Who Followed Him (Dušan Kováč) ... 1055
Kázmerová, Ľubica: Príbeh učiteľa. Jozef Sivák v školských službách 1918 – 1944. [The Story of a Teacher. Jozef Sivák in the Educational Service 1918–1944] (Anna Bocková) ... 1059

K R I T I K – G L O S S E N – B I B L I O G R A P H I E – C H R O N I K

HOLEC, Roman. The origin, glory and fall of the new business nobility of the Habsburg Monarchy.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 6, pp. 913–945, Bratislava.

The study describes the origin, glory and fall of several important business families (Fries, Henikstein, Friesenhof and others), who gained noble status in Vienna at the end of the 18th century and retained considerable social prestige and wealth in the early 19th century. However, their minimal political influence as new noblemen did not correspond to their enormous economic and great cultural importance. The strong founding generation was usually followed by stagnation and often gradual decline with members of later generations not having the necessary persistence and qualities. This development is shown in most detail in the case of the Friesenhof family, with Johann Michael (1739–1812) founding a tradition as the first baron. His son Adolph (1798–1853) still significantly applied himself in the field of business, but his younger brother Gustav (1807–1889) already settled at Brodzany in territory now belonging to Slovakia, where he devoted his attention to business on the local level rather than on that of the whole state. With a loyal attitude to the court and the monarch, strong links with Russia, the Slovak national emancipation movement and Germany, he became a representative of a unique type within the new aristocracy with very strong European connections. His children developed these tendencies further. All this made the Friesenhofs a very interesting and entirely atypical noble family, which only confirmed the variety of this social group.

Key words: Habsburg Monarchy. 18th – 19th centuries. New business nobility. Friesenhof-Oldenburg baronial family. Links with Russia and Slovak politics.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.6.1

LASLAVÍKOVÁ, Jana. “Done! The Splendid Work, the New Ornament of Our Beautiful, Ancient Coronation City is Completed!” Identity Construction of the Urban Elite Illustrated on the Example of the Municipal Theatre in Pressburg.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 6, pp. 947–975, Bratislava.

Discussions about the need to build a new Municipal Theatre started in the municipal council of Pressburg in 1879 and lasted for years. They were marked by an ambiguous attitude of the municipal representatives to the modernization of the city. The final decision was reached only in 1884, prompted by a decree of the ministerial president and minister of the interior, Kálmán Tisza, who called on Pressburg to build a home for the national (Hungarian) muse. The designs were made by renowned architects of theatre projects in Central Europe, Ferdinand Fellner jr. and Hermann Helmer, which reveals the long-standing cultural ties between Pressburg and Vienna, and the ambitions of the inhabitants of Pressburg to assert the status of their (former coronation) city in Hungary. The key figure behind the theatre project was Anton Sendlein, the chief engineer of Pressburg, whose testimony in the form of an extensive documentation of the construction of the Municipal Theatre provides scope for reflections on the events and on the main players behind them.

Keywords: Pressburg. Municipal Theatre. Ferdinand Fellner jr. Hermann Helmer. Anton Sendlein. Municipal council.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.6.2

MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta – LOVRA, Éva – KRIŠTEKOVÁ, Laura. The beginnings of modern town planning in the Kingdom of Hungary: the cases of Bratislava and Novi Sad.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 6, pp. 977–990, Bratislava.

The principles of modern urban planning began to be applied in the Kingdom of Hungary in the second half of the 19th century. In most cases, the first regulation plans appeared around 1900, when these cities were experiencing dynamic growth. The ideas generated in the first plans for regulation and long-term development pre-determined the development of these cities and has determined their form until today. The study considers the principles and approaches applied in modern planning at the turn of the century. Using the example of two cities – Bratislava and Nový Sad – it analyses the key terms applied in expert discussion at the time, their use in territorial planning practice and the contribution of the notable Hungarian city planning expert Antal Palóczi to this discussion.

Key words: Planning. Regulation. Regulation plan. City. Bratislava. Nový Sad.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.6.3

SCHVARC, Michal.“Every German in the Specified Year Groups has to appear before the Commissions without Invitation.” The Recruitment and Service of Germans from Slovakia in the Waffen-SS 1939–1945.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 6, pp. 991–1027, Bratislava.

The recruitment and military service of Carpathian Germans in the Waffen-SS during the Second World War is one of the still little researched questions in the history of this community in 20th century Slovakia. More than 8,200 men enlisted in the armed units of the SS in three phases: illegally, quasi voluntarily and finally as obligatory military service. Not all of them enlisted on the basis of their actual personal convictions. Some men found themselves against their will in places where crimes against humanity were committed. The study is devoted to the recruitment mechanism and analyses the motivation of the men of the German minority to join the Waffen-SS. It also focuses on their service in some Waffen-SS units and in concentration camps. The last part does not avoid the question of criminal responsibility after 1945.

Key words: Carpathian Germans of Slovakia. Waffen-SS. Concentration camps. Heinrich Himmler. Franz Karmasin. Gottlob Berger.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.6.4

HLAVINKA, Ján. “I never negotiated with the Jew.” On the Aryanizations of Slovak writer Ľudovít Mistrík-Ondrejov.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 6, pp. 1029–1048, Bratislava.

The study is devoted to the participation of the notable Slovak writer Ľudovít Mistrík-Ondrejov in the Aryanization of Jewish property in Slovakia in the period 1939–1945. The fact that Ľudovít Mistrík-Ondrejov profited from the Aryanization of Jewish firms is relatively well-known and was already publicized in connection with the bookshop owning Steiner family, whose business Mistrík-Ondrejov Aryanized. The present study is a comprehensive study of the Aryanizing activities of Ľ. Mistrík-Ondrejov, covering not only the Aryanization of the Steiner bookshop, but also of the Känzler Brothers firm in Bratislava from which Ľ. Mistrík-Ondrejov personally profited. The study provides hitherto unknown fact about both Ľ. Mistrík-Ondrejov’s Aryanizations.

Key words: Holocaust. Aryanization. Bratislava. Ľudo Mistrík-Ondrejov. Jews.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.6.5


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